Attribute selectors are amazing. They can get you out of sticky situations, help you avoid adding classes, and point out problems in your code. But don't worry, although attribute selectors are very complex and powerful, they are easy to learn and use. In this article, we'll discuss how they work and give some ideas on how to use them.
Usually put HTML
attributes in square brackets, called attribute selectors, as follows:
[href] { color: red; }
In this way, any attribute with href
and The text color of elements without a more specific selector will be red
. Attribute selectors have the same properties as classes.
NOTE: For more on the CSS specificity of cage matching, you can read CSS Properties: Things You Should Know or if you like Star Wars: CSS Properties Wars.
But you can do more with attribute selectors. Like your DNA, they have internal logic to help you choose various attribute combinations and values. They can match any attribute within an attribute, even a string value, rather than an exact match like tag, class, or id selectors.
The attribute selector can exist independently. More specifically, if you need to select all p tags with the title
attribute, you can do this:
But you can also select the child elements of p
with the title attribute through the following operations
p [title]
It should be noted that there is no space between them means that the attribute is on the same element (like there is no space between the element and the class), and the space between them means that the descendant selector, i.e. selects the child elements of the element with that attribute.
You can more granularly select attributes with specific attribute values.
The above selects all p's with the exact name dna
, although there are selector algorithms to handle every case (and more), "dna" will not be selected here is awesome" or "dnamutation" 's title.
Note: In most cases, quotes are not required in attribute selectors, but I use them because I believe it improves code readability and ensures that edge use cases will work correctly.
If you want to select title elements containing dna
, such as "my beautiful dna" or "mutating dna is fun!", you can use the tilde (~).
If you want to match title
ending with dna, such as "dontblamemeblamemydna" or "his-stupidity-is-from-upbringing-not-dna", Just use the $
if you want to match title
starting with dna, such as "dnamutants" or "dna- splicing-for-all", just use the ^
While exact matching is helpful, it may be too tight, and ^
Symbol matching may be too broad for your needs. For example, you may not want to select the title "genealogy" but still select "gene" and "gene-data". Pipe Characteristics (|) That's it, the attribute must be a complete and unique word, or separated by -
Finally, there is a fuzzy search attribute operator that matches any substring. String splitting is done in the attribute, as long as the word dna
can be separated:
What makes these attribute selectors even more powerful is that they are stackable, allowing you to select elements with multiple matching factors.
If you need to find a a
tag that has a title
and a class ending with "genes", you can use the following method:
Not only can you select attributes of HTML elements, you can also use pseudo-type elements to print out text:
<span class="joke" title="Gene Editing!"> What’s the first thing a biotech journalist does after finishing the first draft of an article? </span>
.joke:hover:after { content: "Answer:" attr(title); display: block; }
The above code will display a custom string when the mouse is hovered.
The last thing to know is that you can add a flag to make attribute searches case-insensitive. Add i
before the closing square bracket:
[title*="DNA" i]
so it will match dna
, dnA
, etc.
Now that we have seen how to make selections using attribute selectors, let's look at some use cases. I divide them into two categories: General purpose and Diagnostic.
You can use different styles for input types, such as email and phone.
input[type="email"] { color: papayawhip; } input[type="tel"] { color: thistle; }
You can hide phone numbers in specific sizes and show phone link to make calls easily on your phone. { display: none; } a[href^="tel"] { display: block; }
You can treat internal and external links differently and set safe links to be the same as unsafe links different:
a[href^="http"]{ color: bisque; } a:not([href^="http"]) { color: darksalmon; } a[href^="http://"]:after { content: url(unlock-icon.svg); } a[href^="https://"]:after { content: url(lock-icon.svg); }
HTML5 给我们的一个属性是“下载”,它告诉浏览器,你猜对了,下载该文件而不是试图打开它。这对于你希望人们访问但不希望它们立即打开的 PDF
a[download]:after { content: url(download-arrow.svg); }
a[href$="pdf"]:after { content: url(pdf-icon.svg); } a[href$="docx"]:after { content: url(docx-icon.svg); } a[href$="odf"]:after { content: url(open-office-icon.svg); }
a[download][href$="pdf"]:after { content: url(pdf-icon.svg); }
我们都遇到过时代码过时的旧网站,在 HTML5 之前,你可能需要覆盖甚至重新应用作为属性实现的样式。
<p bgcolor="#000000" color="#FFFFFF">Old, holey genes</p> p[bgcolor="#000000"] { /*override*/ background-color: #222222 !important; } p[color="#FFFFFF"] { /*reapply*/ color: #FFFFFF; }
对于此示例,元素的边距以像素为单位设置,但需要在 em
<p style="color: #222222; margin: 8px; background-color: #EFEFEF;"Teenage Mutant Ninja Myrtle</p> p[style*="margin: 8px"] { margin: 1em !important; }
默认情况下,文件输入的可接受文件列表是不可见的。 通常,我们使用伪元素来暴露它们:
<input type="file" accept="pdf,doc,docx"> [accept]:after { content: "Acceptable file types: " attr(accept); }
details[open] { background-color: hotpink; }
在打印样式中显示URL使我走上了理解属性选择器的道路。 你现在应该知道如何自己构建它, 你只需选择带有href
a[href]:after { content: " (" attr(href) ") "; }
[title] { position: relative; display: block; } [title]:hover:after { content: attr(title); color: hotpink; background-color: slateblue; display: block; padding: .225em .35em; position: absolute; right: -5px; bottom: -5px; }
web 的一大优点是它提供了许多不同的信息访问选项。一个很少使用的属性是设置accesskey
a[accesskey]:focus:after { content: " AccessKey: " attr(accesskey); }
属性。 结果:没有显示任何内容。 如果你在 Firefox,如果隐藏了音频元素,或者语法或其他一些问题阻止它出现(仅适用于Firefox),此代码可以帮助你解决问题:
audio:not([controls]) { width: 100px; height: 20px; background-color: chartreuse; display: block; }
文本没有 alt
img:not([alt]) { /* no alt attribute */ outline: 2em solid chartreuse; } img[alt=""] { /* alt attribute is blank */ outline: 2em solid cadetblue; }
script[src]:not([async]) { display: block; width: 100%; height: 1em; background-color: red; } script:after { content: attr(src); }
[OnMouseOver] { color: burlywood; } [OnMouseOver]:after { content: "JS: " attr(OnMouseOver); }
[hidden], [type="hidden"] { display: block; }
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