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Three years of interview experience sharing: four stages and three deciding factors of front-end interviews

Release: 2022-12-16 19:59:03
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The employment situation this year is simply dark. Based on the "lucky mentality" that next year will be worse than this year, I chose to resign without hesitation. After a month and a half of hard work, I received a pretty good offer. The salary and platform have been greatly improved, but there is still a big gap with my psychological expectations. So the biggest conclusion is: don’t talk naked! Don't say anything naked! Don't say anything naked! Because the pressure brought to people during the interview and the psychological damage caused by the gap between reality and ideals are immeasurable, it is a good choice to survive in such an environment.

Related recommendations:Summary of 2023 front-end interview questions (collection)

Next, we will summarize the following things that will be experienced in front-end interviews under normal circumstances. Four stages and three determining factors:

Three years of interview experience sharing: four stages and three deciding factors of front-end interviewsAs a front-end staff, the depth and breadth of technology is ranked first. Three years is a dividing line. You must find your own right at this time. Orientation and direction.

Secondly, good communication and expression skills, clothing and performance and other off-site factors can increase the interviewer's recognition of you.

Some people are very skilled, but the interviewer feels uncomfortable during the interview. They think you are arrogant/sloppy/self-righteous/cannot express themselves clearly, so they will just reject you. That is the worst loss.

The following is a summary of my entire interview preparation and the questions I was asked, because during the interview process, the communication with the interviewer is not a simple endorsement to a large extent. It is best to pass the knowledge Express your own summary and conciseness, and then supplement and improve it on the spot based on the interviewer's questions. [Recommended learning:web front-end,programming teaching]

1. Self-introduction

The interviewer will ask you to introduce yourself , and does not limit the scope of self-introduction. The interviewer must want to know you from your self-introduction, so the introduction must be brief and smooth. Facing different interviewers, the content of self-introduction can be exactly the same. Therefore, it is important to prepare your words in advance, and be sure to pay attention: don’t stumble, be confident!Smooth expression and communication skillsis also one of the interviewer’s assessment points for candidates. I have also been an interviewer. Candidates who are confident and generous are often more likely to be favored.

1. Personal introduction (basic situation) and main resume are all available, which must be short

2. What you are good at, including technical and non-technical. Technical people can understand your transition, and non-technical people can understand you as a person

3. Pick the most core projects of the projects you have done, and don’t introduce all the projects like endorsements

4. Some of your own ideas, interests or opinions, even your own career plans. If this gives the interviewer a feeling: keen on "tossing" or "thinking"


Hello interviewer, my name is xxx, I graduated from xx University in xx. Since graduation, I have been engaged in front-end development related work.

The technology stack I am good at is vue family bucket, and I have a certain degree of research on the use and source code of vue2 and vue3; the packaging tools are familiar with webpack and vite; I have dominated medium and large-scale projects from zero to one Experience and ability in project implementation.

In my previous company, I was mainly the person in charge of the xx product line, and my main responsibilities were. . . . . .

In addition to development-related work, he also has certain technical management experience: such as serving as a requirement review, UI/UE interaction review judge, responsible for development scheduling, member collaboration, reviewing member code, organizing regular meetings, etc.

I usually record some learning articles or study notes on the blog I built, and also write some original technical articles and publish them on the Nuggets, and won the xx award.

Generally speaking, try to keep your self-introduction between 3-5 minutes. The first priority is to be concise and to the point, followed by highlighting your abilities and strengths.

For ordinary technical interviewers, self-introduction is just a habitual opening statement before the interview. Generally, the basic information listed on the resume has already satisfied their basic understanding of you. But for supervisor-level interviewers or HR, they will value your personality, behavioral habits, stress resistance and other comprehensive abilities. Therefore, you should be as positive as possible during the interview process, have broad hobbies, like continuous learning, like teamwork, and be able to work overtime unconditionally, etc. Of course, I don't mean to let you cheat, but in this environment, these "side abilities" are also magic weapons that can improve your competitiveness to a certain extent.

2. Project Mining

In the current market situation, when you receive an interview notice, there is a high probability that it is because of your project experience and the position you are recruiting for. More in line. Therefore, you should pay extra attention to the preparation of the project, such as:

  • Deep dig into thetechnologiesused in the project

  • Control of projectoverall designideas

  • Management of projectoperation process

  • Team collaborationability.

  • What are the

    optimization points of the project

I won’t go into details because they vary from person to person. Just dig into the situation.

3. Personal

Let me talk about the individual first. When you pass the technical interview and reach the stage of supervisor and HR, no matter how awesome your current technology is, they will In addition to examining your personal potential, learning ability, personality and team integration and other soft skills, here are some questions that are easy to be asked:

Why did you change jobs?

Start directly from personal development to show your ambition:

  • I have always wanted to go to a larger platform, which not only has a better technical atmosphere, but also I learned more things

  • I want to expand my knowledge. Before, I always made xx products on the x end. The technology stack was relatively simple, so I studied xx.
  • I fell into a comfort zone in my previous job, and I could only do those things. I want to change my platform to expand my technical breadth, and be exposed to and learn some new technical systems, which will be more beneficial to my subsequent personal development.

Tell me about you and ordinary front-ends. What are your highlights?

1. I am good at planning and summarizing. I will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the projects I handle. One is business dismantling, using mind maps to dismantle the business of each module; the other It is to dismantle the code modules and distinguish each code module according to function. Go to development again. I think this is something that many front-ends who only do blind business development can't do

2. I like to specialize in technology. I usually keep learning the source code of vue, and I also output my own technical articles, like the one I wrote before A line-by-line intensive reading of

teleport’s source code, which took about thirty hours to write. It explains the function and role of each line of source code (but why are the reading and likes so low) .

What are your shortcomings?

I have a relatively serious temper and am more introverted, so I will also try to make myself more extroverted.

One is to hold various review meetings. As a front-end representative, I need to prepare various materials and make speeches.

So I do more technical sharing within the team and host regular meetings every week, which also gives me the courage to express and discuss.

Have you paid attention to any new technologies recently?

  • Package dependency management tool pnpm (no repeated installation of dependencies, non-flat node_modules structure, adding dependent packages through symbolic links)

  • Packaging tool vite (extremely fast development environment)

  • flutter (Google’s open source mobile application (App) development framework, focusing on cross-platform, high fidelity, and high performance)

  • rust (I heard it is the future base of js)

  • turbopack, the successor of webpack, is said to be 10 times faster than vite, webpack 700 times faster, and You Yuxi personally verified that it is not 10 times faster than vite

  • webcomponents

You are biased towards Should you explore in various directions or keep researching in a certain direction?

My personal plan is as follows:

In 3-5 years, while improving my technical depth, I will also broaden my knowledge, that is, both in depth and breadth. To improve, it is mainly in terms of breadth. Only when you have a full understanding of the big front-end can you make better choices

5-7 years is when you have enough knowledge to accumulate before you choose a certain direction of interest. Study further and strive to become an expert in that field

Team size, team specifications and development process

This varies from person to person, just prepare truthfully, because different scales The research and development models of teams vary greatly.

The goal of code review

1. The most important thing is the maintainability of the code (variable naming, comments, function unity principle, etc.)

2. Extensibility: encapsulation capabilities (whether components and code logic are reusable, scalability)

3. ES new features (es6, ES2020, ES2021 optional chain, at)

4. Function usage specifications (for example, when using map as forEach)

5. Performance improvement, how to use algorithms to write more elegant and better performing code

How to lead a team

I was in a technical management role in my last company.


Implementing development specifications, I have posted on the company's internal wiki, from naming, best practices to the use of various tool libraries. In the early stage when new people come in, I will give priority to follow up on their code quality


Team division of labor: Each person is responsible for the development of a product alone, and then I will generally designate a few people to develop public modules

2,Code Quality Assurance: Their code will be reviewed every week, and cross-review codes will be organized, and the output articles of the modified results will be placed in the wiki

3,Regular organizational meetings: Regular organizational meetings are held every week to synchronize their respective progress and risks, and allocate work tasks according to their own progress

4,Technology sharing: We will also organize irregular technology sharing. In the beginning, it was just me sharing, such as the micro front-end system, ice stark’s source code

5,public demand pool: such as the upgrade of webpack5/vite; the introduction of the upgrade of vue2.7 setup syntax sugar; use of pnpm; topology map performance optimization

6,Optimization project: After the first version of the product came out, I also initiated a special performance optimization project to improve first-screen loading performance. Packaging volume optimization; let everyone be responsible for the corresponding optimization items

What do you think about overtime?

I think there are generally two situations when working overtime:

First, the project progress is tight, so of course the project progress comes first, after all, everyone depends on this for a living

The second problem is my own ability. If I am not familiar with the business or introduce a new technology stack, then I think I not only have to work overtime to keep up, but also use my free time to study hard and make up for my shortcomings

What are your interests and hobbies?

I usually like to read, that is, I read some books on psychology, time management, and some speech skills in WeChat reading

Then I write articles, because I found It’s easy to forget simply taking notes, because you only record other people’s content, and write your own original articles. In this process, a very high proportion of knowledge can be converted into your own things, so in addition to your own gold-mining articles, I also often output articles on project outputs to the wiki

My other hobbies are playing basketball and singing with friends

4. Technology

Be sure to pay attention to technical interviews:Be concise and to the point, be detailed appropriately, and if you don’t understand, just say you don’t understand. Because the interview process is a face-to-face communication process with the interviewer, no interviewer would like a candidate who chatters for a long time without talking about the key points. At the same time, during the speaking process, the listener will passively ignore the parts that he is not interested in, so It is necessary to highlight the core features of a certain technology and appropriately expand around the core.

Big companies will basically screen candidates through algorithm questions. There are no shortcuts to algorithms. You can only answer questions step by step and then answer questions again. Those who are weak in this aspect should plan in advance and study.

The technical interview process will mainly ask questions about technologies related to the front-end field. Generally, the interviewer will be based on your establishment, and more often, the interviewer will be based on the interview questions he has prepared before, or the project team where he is working. Asking questions about relatively familiar technical points, because they are all unknowns, so all aspects are quite demanding.

If you want to enter a medium-to-large company with good development prospects, you can’t fool yourself by just memorizing other people’s experiences. Although each summary here is very brief, they are all I refined some of the core knowledge points after comprehensive study of each knowledge point, so I am not afraid of the interviewer's "divergent thinking."

The interview process generally involves the consideration of the following eight major types of knowledge:

JS/CSS/TypeScript/Framework (Vue, React)/Browser and Network/Performance Optimization/Front-End Engineering/ Architecture/Others

Three years of interview experience sharing: four stages and three deciding factors of front-end interviews

#So the technical preparation before the interview is by no means accomplished overnight. It also requires daily accumulation. For example, you can use ten to twenty minutes a day to study one of the small knowledge points. Comprehensive study, in the long run, no matter how many years of interviews, it will be enough to talk eloquently.

JS Chapter

JS learning stud red envelope book and Mr. Yu Yu’sIn-depth JS series blogis basically ok

Common JS interview questions generally include these

Three years of interview experience sharing: four stages and three deciding factors of front-end interviews

What is a prototype/prototype chain?

The essence of a prototype is anobject.

When we create a constructor, this function will have aprototypeattribute by default, and the value of this attribute points to the prototype object of this function.

This prototype object is used to provide shared properties for the instance object created through the constructor, that is,is used to implement prototype-based inheritance and property sharing

So The instance objectwe create through the constructor functionwill inherit the above attributes from the prototype object of this function

When reading the attributes of an instance, if it cannot be found, it will look for the attributes in the prototype associated with the object. If it cannot be found, it will look for the prototype of the prototype until it finds the top level (the top level is The prototype ofObject.prototype, the value is null).

SoThe chain structure that is interconnected layer by layer through prototypes is called the prototype chain.

What is closure?

Definition: Closure refers to a functionthat references variables in the scope of other functions, usually implemented in nested functions.

Technically all js functions are closures.

From a practical point of view, a function that meets the following two conditions is considered a closure

  • It still exists even if the context that created it is destroyed. (For example, returning from the parent function)

  • Free variables are referenced in the code (variables used in the function that are neither function parameters nor function local variables are called free variables)

Usage scenarios:

  • Create private variables

    The data in vue needs to be a closure package to ensure that the data in each data is unique and avoid data sharing caused by multiple references to the component

  • Prolong the life cycle of variables

    The lexical environment of general functions is in the function It will be destroyed after returning, but the closure will save a reference to the lexical environment where it was created. Even if the execution context where it was created is destroyed, the lexical environment where it was created still exists, in order to extend the life cycle of the variable.


    Curried functions
  • For example, counters, delayed calls, callback functions, etc.

Pointing to this

In most cases, the way the function is called determines the value of

this(runtime binding)

1. The global this in non-strict mode points to the window object, and the strict mode points to undefined

2. This in the object's property method points to the object itself

3. apply, call, bind You can change this to point to the first passed parameter

4. This in the arrow function points to its parent scope, which itself does not exist this

The event loop of the browser ?

During the execution of js code, the corresponding execution context will be created and pushed into the execution context stack.

If an asynchronous task is encountered, the task will be suspended and handed over to other threads to process the asynchronous task. When the asynchronous task is processed, the callback result will be added to the event queue.

When all tasks in the execution stack have been executed, that is, when the main thread is idle, the first event callback result will be taken from the event queue, and this callback will be added to the execution stack and then executed. code, and so on, this process is called an event loop.

The event queue is divided into

macro task queueand micro task queue. When the current execution stack is empty, the main thread will first check whether there is an event in the micro task queue. If there is an event, the micro task queue will be executed in sequence. The event in the task queue is called back until the micro task queue is empty; if it does not exist, it will be processed in the macro task queue.

Common macro tasks includesetTimeout(),setInterval(),setImmediate(), I/O , User interaction, UI rendering

Common microtasks includepromise.then(),promise.catch(),new MutationObserverprocess.nextTick()

The essential difference between macro tasks and micro tasks

  • Macro tasks have clear asynchronous tasks that need to be executed and callbacks, and require support from other asynchronous threads

  • Micro tasks have no clear asynchronous tasks that need to be executed, only callbacks, and do not require support from other asynchronous threads.

How data is stored in the stack and heap in JavaScript

1. The basic data type has a fixed size and is simple to operate, so it is placed on the stack Storage

2. The size of the reference data types is uncertain, so put them into the heap memory and let them determine the size by themselves when applying for memory

3. Separate storage in this way can make the memory Minimal occupancy. The efficiency of the stack is higher than that of the heap

4. The variables in the stack memory will be garbage collected immediately after the execution environment ends, while all references to the variables in the heap memory must be completed before they can be recycled

Talk about v8 garbage collection

1. Carry out memory garbage collection into different generations according to the survival time of the object, and then use different recycling algorithms for different generations

2. The new generation uses the space-for-time scavenge algorithm: the entire space is divided into two blocks, and variables only exist in one of them. During recycling, the surviving variables are copied to another block of space, and the non-surviving ones are recycled, and the operation is repeated over and over again

3. The old generation uses mark clearing and mark sorting. Mark clearing: traverse all objects to mark the objects that can be accessed (alive), and then recycle the inactive ones as garbage. After recycling, to avoid memory discontinuities, live objects need to be moved to one end of the memory through marking and sorting, and then clean up the boundary memory after the movement is completed

Function calling method

1. Ordinaryfunctionis directly called using()and passes parameters, such as:function test(x, y) { return x y}test(3, 4)

2. Called as an attribute method of the object, such as:const obj = { test: function (val) { return val } },obj.test(2)

3. UsecallorapplyCall, change the this point of the function, that is, change the execution context of the function

4,newYou can indirectly call the constructor to generate an object instance

defer and The difference between async

Under normal circumstances, when the script tag is executed, it will download and execute a two-step operation. These two steps will block the parsing of HTML;

async and defer can The script'sdownload phasebecomes asynchronous execution (synchronously with HTML parsing);

Async will execute js immediately after the download is completed, which will block HTML parsing;

defer will wait until all HTML parsing is completed and executed before the DOMContentLoaded event.

Browser event mechanism

DOM event flow three stages:

  • Capture stage: event The less specific nodes are the first to receive events, and the most specific nodes (trigger nodes) are the last to receive events. To intercept events before they reach their final destination.

    For example, if you click on a div, the click event will be triggered in this order: document =>=>=> ;

    , that is, it is captured by the document and then propagated downward along the DOM tree, and triggers the capture event on each node until it reaches the actual target element.
  • Target phase

    When the event reaches the target node, the event enters the target stage. The event is triggered on the target node (executes the function corresponding to the event), and then flows back in reverse until it is propagated to the outermost document node.

  • Bubbling phase

    After the event is triggered on the target element, it will continue to bubble up layer by layer along the DOM tree until Reach the outermost root node.

  • All events must go through the capture phase and the target phase, but some events will skip the bubbling phase, such as the element gaining focus and losing focus blur which will not bubble

    Extension 1

    What is the difference between e.target and e.currentTarget?

    • e.targetPoints to the object that triggers event listening.

    • e.currentTargetPoints to the object to which the listening event is added.

    For example:

    • hello 1
    let ul = document.querySelectorAll('ul')[0] let aLi = document.querySelectorAll('li') ul.addEventListener('click',function(e){ let oLi1 = e.target let oLi2 = e.currentTarget console.log(oLi1) // 被点击的li console.log(oLi2) // ul console.og(oLi1===oLi2) // false })
    Copy after login

    The event is bound to ul. When clicking on the li, the target is the clicked li, and the currentTarget is the ul of the bound event

    In the bubbling stage of the event (the above example),e.currenttargetande.targetare not equal, but in the target stage of the event,e.currenttargetande.targetare equal


    e.targetcan be used to implementevent delegation, The principle is to add event listening to the parent element through event bubbling (or event capturing), and e.target points to the element that triggers the trigger event

    Extension 2

    addEventListener parameter


    addEventListener(type, listener); addEventListener(type, listener, options || useCapture);
    Copy after login
    • type: Type of listening event, such as: 'click'/'scroll'/'focus'

    • listener: must be an object that implements theEventListenerinterface, or afunction. When the monitored event type is triggered, it will be executed

    • options: Specify the optional parameter object related to the listener

      • capture: Boolean value, indicating whether the listener is Triggered when the event capture phase is propagated to EventTarget
      • once: Boolean value, indicating that the listener can be called at most once after being added. If true, the listener will be removed after being executed once.
      • passive: Boolean value, Indicates that the listener will never callpreventDefault()
      • signal: optional,AbortSignal, when itsabort()method is called , the listener will be removed
    • useCapture: Boolean value, the default is false, the listener is executed at the end of the event bubbling phase, true means it is executed at the beginning of the capture phase . The function is to change the timing of the event to facilitate interception/non-interception.

    Vue Chapter

    The author is mainly engaged in Vue-related development, and has also done react-related projects. Of course, react is only capable of doing projects. , so it is the kind of thing that is mentioned in the resume. The value of frameworks is not too many but their essence. Learning the Vue source code series makes me very confident in Vue. The same is true for the learning process. If you can master the principles of a framework, learning other frameworks is just a matter of time.

    Three years of interview experience sharing: four stages and three deciding factors of front-end interviews

    The difference between vue and react

    1. Data variability

    • React advocates functional style Programming, immutable data and one-way data flow, view updates can only be achieved throughsetStateoronchange
    • Vue designs responsive data based on data variability , automatically update the view by monitoring data changes

    2. Writing method

    • React recommends using jsx inline style, which is all in js
    • Vue It is in the form of single file component (SFC), divided into modules (tmplate/script/style) within a component. Of course, vue also supports jsx form, which can be used when developing vue's ui component library

    3 , diff algorithm

    • Vue2 uses double-ended comparison, Vue3 uses fast comparison
    • reactmainly uses the diff queue to save which DOMs need to be updated, get the patch tree, and then Unified operation to update DOM in batches. , you need to useshouldComponentUpdate()to manually optimize react rendering.

    Extension: Do you know react hooks?

    The writing of component classes is very heavy, and it is difficult to maintain if there are too many levels.

    Function components are pure functions, cannot contain state, and do not support life cycle methods, so they cannot replace classes.

    The design purpose of React Hooks is to enhance the functional component. You can write a fully functional component without using "classes" at all

    ##React Hooks means that components should be written as pure functions as much as possible. If external functions and side effects are needed, hooks should be used to "hook" the external code in.

    vue component communication method

      props / $emit
    • ref / $refs
    • ##p a r e n t / parent / attrs/listenerseventBus/vuex/pinia/localStorage/sessionStorage/Cookie/window
    • provide/inject
    • Why does vue need to add a key to the rendering list?

    Vue in the process of updating a group of child nodes of the same type of vnode (such as the list node rendered by v-for), in order to reduce the DOM Performance overhead of frequent creation and destruction:The update of the child node array without key is through the

    in-place update

    strategy. It will compare the lengths of the old and new child node arrays, first use the shorter length as the basis, and directly patch the part of the new child node. Then judge, if the length of the new child node array is longer, directly mount the remaining part of the new child node array; if the new child node array is shorter, uninstall the extra part of the old child node) .

    So if the child node is a component or a stateful DOM element, the original state will be retained, and incorrect rendering will occur

    .The update of the child node with key is calledpatchKeyedChildren. This function is the familiar place to implement the core diff algorithm. The approximate process is to synchronize the head node, synchronize the tail node, and process new Add and delete nodes, and finally use the method of solving the longest increasing subsequence to deal with the unknown subsequence. This is to

    maximize the reuse of existing nodes, reduce the performance overhead of DOM operations

    , and avoid the problem of child node status errors caused by in-place updates.To sum up, if you use v-for to traverse constants or the child nodes are nodes without "state" such as plain text, you can use the writing method without adding a key. However, in the actual development process, it is recommended to add the key uniformly, which can realize a wider range of scenarios and avoid possible status update errors. We can generally use ESlint to configure the key as a required element of v-for.

    想详细了解这个知识点的可以去看看我之前写的文章:v-for 到底为啥要加上 key?

    vue3 相对 vue2的响应式优化


    所以 vue3 采用了proxy去实现响应式监听对象属性的增删查改。


    而 vue 做的响应式性能优化主要是在将嵌套层级比较深的对象变成响应式的这一过程。



    Vue 核心diff流程

    前提:当同类型的 vnode 的子节点都是一组节点(数组类型)的时候,

    步骤:会走核心 diff 流程


    • 同步头部节点
    • 同步尾部节点
    • 新增新的节点
    • 删除多余节点
    • 处理未知子序列(贪心 + 二分处理最长递增子序列)



    diff目的:diff 算法的目的就是为了尽可能地复用节点,减少 DOM 频繁创建和删除带来的性能开销


    基于 MVVM 模型,viewModel(业务逻辑层)提供了数据变化后更新视图视图变化后更新数据这样一个功能,就是传统意义上的双向绑定。

    Vue2.x 实现双向绑定核心是通过三个模块:Observer监听器、Watcher订阅者和Compile编译器。

    首先监听器会监听所有的响应式对象属性,编译器会将模板进行编译,找到里面动态绑定的响应式数据并初始化视图;watchr 会去收集这些依赖;当响应式数据发生变更时Observer就会通知 Watcher;watcher接收到监听器的信号就会执行更新函数去更新视图;

    vue3的变更是数据劫持部分使用了porxy 替代 Object.defineProperty,收集的依赖使用组件的副作用渲染函数替代watcher

    v-model 原理

    vue2 v-model 原理剖析

    V-model 是用来监听用户事件然后更新数据的语法糖。

    其本质还是单向数据流,内部是通过绑定元素的 value 值向下传递数据,然后通过绑定 input 事件,向上接收并处理更新数据。


    // 比如  // 等价于 
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    // 父组件  // 子组件 
    Copy after login

    如果想给绑定的 value 属性和 input 事件换个名称呢?可以这样:

    在 Vue 2.2 及以上版本,你可以在定义组件时通过 model 选项的方式来定制 prop/event: