Front-end Vue3 actual combat [handwritten vue project]
Course introduction: 1. Cross-domain processing, token management, route interception; 2. Real interface debugging, API layer encapsulation; 3. Secondary encapsulation of Echarts and paging components; 4. Vue packaging optimization and answers to common problems.
6772 person learning
9 class hour
11 hours 18 minutes 57 seconds Total course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 coursesStudent180290 Lecturer rating5.0
有朋自远方来,虽远必诛! More>>
You will learn:
Course introduction: 1. Cross-domain processing, token management, route interception; 2. Real interface debugging, API layer encapsulation; 3. Secondary encapsulation of Echarts and paging components; 4. Vue packaging optimization and answers to common problems.
Front-end Vue3 actual combat [handwritten vue project]
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11 hours 18 minutes 57 seconds Watch videos anytime
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