A complete set of MySQL tutorials - MySQL hot interview questions
MySQL is one of the most popular relational databases and is widely used in various fields. This course mainly explains the common objects in MySQL, and explains the optimization strategies in detail, and uses cases to give us an in-depth understanding of SQL optimization strategies. After studying this course, we can independently complete various SQL optimizations and improve the performance of the system.
108176 person learning
122 class hour
13 hours 11 minutes 00 seconds Total course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 coursesStudent180295 Lecturer rating5.1
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MySQL is one of the most popular relational databases and is widely used in various fields. This course mainly explains the common objects in MySQL, and explains the optimization strategies in detail, and uses cases to give us an in-depth understanding of SQL optimization strategies. After studying this course, we can independently complete various SQL optimizations and improve the performance of the system.
A complete set of MySQL tutorials - MySQL hot interview questions
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13 hours 11 minutes 00 seconds Watch videos anytime
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