Front-end advanced JavaScript design patterns
Design patterns are solutions developers face to common problems during software development and represent best practices. The main content of this course includes common JS design patterns and specific application scenarios, creating a one-stop knowledge long-term service, suitable for students with a basic knowledge of JS.
front end
Design Patterns
11327 person learning
22 class hour
06 hours 41 minutes 07 seconds Total course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 coursesStudent180290 Lecturer rating5.7
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Design patterns are solutions developers face to common problems during software development and represent best practices. The main content of this course includes common JS design patterns and specific application scenarios, creating a one-stop knowledge long-term service, suitable for students with a basic knowledge of JS.
Front-end advanced JavaScript design patterns
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06 hours 41 minutes 07 seconds Watch videos anytime
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