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How to use Node for image compression

Release: 2023-03-20 18:23:18
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How to use Node for image compression? The following article uses PNG images as an example to introduce how to compress images. I hope it will be helpful to you!

How to use Node for image compression

#Recently, I want to provide image processing services, one of which is to implement image compression function. In the past, when developing the front-end, I could just use the ready-made API of canvas to process it. The back-end may also have a ready-made API, but I don't know. Thinking about it carefully, I have never understood the principle of image compression in detail, so I just took this opportunity to do some research and study, so I wrote this article to record it. As always, if something is wrong, DDDD (take your brother with you).

We first upload the image to the backend and see what parameters the backend receives. I use Node.js (Nest) as the backend here, and I use PNG images as an example.

The interface and parameters are printed as follows:

@Post(&#39;/compression&#39;)<br/>@UseInterceptors(FileInterceptor(&#39;file&#39;))<br/>async imageCompression(@UploadedFile() file: Express.Multer.File) {<br/>  <br/>  return {<br/>    file<br/>  }<br/>}<br/>
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To compress, we need to get the image data. As you can see, the only thing that can hide image data is this buffer. So what does this string of buffers describe? You need to first figure out what PNG is. [Related tutorial recommendations: nodejs video tutorial, Programming teaching]


Here is the of PNG WIKI address.

After reading, I learned that PNG is composed of an 8-byte file header plus multiple chunks. The schematic diagram is as follows:

Among them:

The file header is composed of what is called a magic number. The value is 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a (hexadecimal). It marks this string of data as PNG format.

Chunks are divided into two types, one is called critical chunks (Critical chunks), and the other is called auxiliary chunks (Ancillary chunks). The key block is essential. Without the key block, the decoder will not be able to correctly identify and display the picture. The auxiliary block is optional, and some software may carry the auxiliary block after processing the image. Each block is composed of four parts: 4 byte describes how long the content of this block is, 4 byte describes the type of this block, and n byte describes the content of the block (n is the size of the previous 4 byte value, that is, The maximum length of a block is 28*4), and the 4-byte CRC check checks the data of the block and marks the end of a block. Among them, the value of 4 bytes of the block type is 4 acsii codes. The first letter in upper case means it is the key block , and in lower case means it is the auxiliary block ; the second letter Uppercase means public , lowercase means private ; the third letter must be uppercase , which is used for subsequent expansion of PNG; the fourth letter means when the block is not recognized , whether it can be copied safely, uppercase means it can be copied safely only when the key block has not been modified, lowercase means it can be copied safely. PNG officially provides many defined block types. Here you only need to know the key block types, which are IHDR, PLTE, IDAT, and IEND.


PNG requires that the first block must be IHDR. The block content of IHDR is fixed at 13 bytes and contains the following information of the image:

width (4 byte) & height (4 byte)

bit depth (1 byte, The value is 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16) & color type color type (1 byte, the value is 0, 2, 3, 4 or 6)

Compression method compression method (1 byte, the value is 0 ) & filter method filter method (1 byte, the value is 0)

Interlace method interlace method (1 byte, the value is 0 or 1)

The width and height are easy to understand, and the rest Several of them seem unfamiliar, so I will explain them next.

Before explaining the bit depth, let’s first look at the color type. The color type has 5 values:

  • 0 means grayscale (grayscale) which has only one channel ( channel), if viewed as rgb, you can understand that its three-color channel values ​​are equal, so there is no need for more than two channels to represent it.

  • 2 represents real color (rgb). It has three channels, namely R (red), G (green), and B (blue).

  • 3 represents the color index (indexed). It also has only one channel, representing the index value of the color. This type is often equipped with a set of color lists, and the specific color is obtained based on the index value and color list query.

  • 4 represents grayscale and alpha. It has two channels. In addition to the grayscale channel, there is an additional alpha channel to control transparency.

  • 6 represents real color and alpha which has four channels.

The reason why we talk about channel is because it is related to the bit depth here. The bit depth value defines the number of bits occupied by each channel. By combining the bit depth and color type, you can know the color format type of the image and the memory size occupied by each pixel. The combinations officially supported by PNG are as follows:

How to use Node for image compression

Filtering and compression are because what is stored in PNG is not the original data of the image, but the processed data, which is why PNG images due to the smaller memory footprint. PNG uses two steps to compress and convert image data.

The first step is to filter. The purpose of filtering is to allow the original image data to achieve a greater compression ratio after passing the rules. For example, if there is a gradient picture, from left to right, the colors are [#000000, #000001, #000002, ..., #ffffff], then we can agree on a rule that the pixels on the right are always the same as Compare it with the previous left pixel, then the processed data becomes [1, 1, 1, ..., 1], will this allow for better compression? PNG currently only has one filtering method, which is based on adjacent pixels as predicted values ​​and subtracting the predicted values ​​from the current pixel. There are five types of filtering. (Currently, I don’t know where this type of value is stored. It may be in IDAT. If you find it, delete the in this bracket. It has been determined that this type of value is stored in the IDAT data) As shown in the following table:

Type byteFilter namePredicted value
0NoneNo processing
1Sub Neighboring pixels on the left
2UpAdjacent pixels above
3AverageMath.floor((the adjacent pixel above the left adjacent pixel) / 2)
4PaethGet the closest value to (the adjacent pixel above the left adjacent pixel - the upper left pixel)


交错方式,有两种值。0表示不处理,1表示使用Adam7 算法进行处理。我没有去详细了解该算法,简单来说,当值为0时,图片需要所有数据都加载完毕时,图片才会显示。而值为1时,Adam7会把图片划分多个区域,每个区域逐级加载,显示效果会有所优化,但通常会降低压缩效率。加载过程可以看下面这张gif图。






IEND的块内容为0 byte,它表示图片的结束。


@Post(&#39;/compression&#39;)<br/>@UseInterceptors(FileInterceptor(&#39;file&#39;))<br/>async imageCompression(@UploadedFile() file: Express.Multer.File) {<br/>  const buffer = file.buffer;<br/><br/>  const result = {<br/>    header: buffer.subarray(0, 8).toString(&#39;hex&#39;),<br/>    chunks: [],<br/>    size: file.size,<br/>  };<br/><br/>  let pointer = 8;<br/>  while (pointer < buffer.length) {<br/>    let chunk = {};<br/>    const length = parseInt(buffer.subarray(pointer, pointer + 4).toString(&#39;hex&#39;), 16);<br/>    const chunkType = buffer.subarray(pointer + 4, pointer + 8).toString(&#39;ascii&#39;);<br/>    const crc = buffer.subarray(pointer + length, pointer + length + 4).toString(&#39;hex&#39;);<br/>    chunk = {<br/>      ...chunk,<br/>      length,<br/>      chunkType,<br/>      crc,<br/>    };<br/><br/>    switch (chunkType) {<br/>      case &#39;IHDR&#39;:<br/>        const width = parseInt(buffer.subarray(pointer + 8, pointer + 12).toString(&#39;hex&#39;), 16);<br/>        const height = parseInt(buffer.subarray(pointer + 12, pointer + 16).toString(&#39;hex&#39;), 16);<br/>        const bitDepth = parseInt(<br/>          buffer.subarray(pointer + 16, pointer + 17).toString(&#39;hex&#39;),<br/>          16,<br/>        );<br/>        const colorType = parseInt(<br/>          buffer.subarray(pointer + 17, pointer + 18).toString(&#39;hex&#39;),<br/>          16,<br/>        );<br/>        const compressionMethod = parseInt(<br/>          buffer.subarray(pointer + 18, pointer + 19).toString(&#39;hex&#39;),<br/>          16,<br/>        );<br/>        const filterMethod = parseInt(<br/>          buffer.subarray(pointer + 19, pointer + 20).toString(&#39;hex&#39;),<br/>          16,<br/>        );<br/>        const interlaceMethod = parseInt(<br/>          buffer.subarray(pointer + 20, pointer + 21).toString(&#39;hex&#39;),<br/>          16,<br/>        );<br/><br/>        chunk = {<br/>          ...chunk,<br/>          width,<br/>          height,<br/>          bitDepth,<br/>          colorType,<br/>          compressionMethod,<br/>          filterMethod,<br/>          interlaceMethod,<br/>        };<br/>        break;<br/>      case &#39;PLTE&#39;:<br/>        const colorList = [];<br/>        const colorListStr = buffer.subarray(pointer + 8, pointer + 8 + length).toString(&#39;hex&#39;);<br/>        for (let i = 0; i < colorListStr.length; i += 6) {<br/>          colorList.push(colorListStr.slice(i, i + 6));<br/>        }<br/>        chunk = {<br/>          ...chunk,<br/>          colorList,<br/>        };<br/>        break;<br/>      default:<br/>        break;<br/>    }<br/>    result.chunks.push(chunk);<br/>    pointer = pointer + 4 + 4 + length + 4;<br/>  }<br/><br/>  return result;<br/>}<br/>
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前面说过,PNG使用的是一种叫DEFLATE的无损压缩算法,它是Huffman Coding跟LZ77的结合。除了PNG,我们经常使用的压缩文件,.zip,.gzip也是使用的这种算法(7zip算法有更高的压缩比,也可以了解下)。要了解DEFLATE,我们首先要了解Huffman Coding和LZ77。

Huffman Coding


举个例子,有字符串"ABCBCABABADA",如果按照正常空间存储,所占内存大小为12 * 8bit = 96bit,现对它进行哈夫曼编码。

1.统计每个字符出现的频率,得到A 5次 B 4次 C 2次 D 1次




完整的哈夫曼树如下(忽略箭头,没找到连线- -!):

压缩后的字符串,所占内存大小为5 * 1bit + 4 * 2bit + 2 * 3bit + 1 * 3bit = 22bit。当然在实际传输过程中,还需要把编码表的信息(原始字符和出现频率)带上。因此最终占比大小为 4 * 8bit + 4 * 3bit(频率最大值为5,3bit可以表示)+ 22bit = 66bit(理想状态),小于原有的96bit。



我们还是以上面这个字符串"ABCBCABABADA"为例,现假设有一个4 byte的动态窗口和一个2byte的预读缓冲区,然后对它进行LZ77算法压缩,过程顺序从上往下,示意图如下:



DEFLATE【RFC 1951】是先使用LZ77编码,对编码后的结果在进行哈夫曼编码。我们这里不去讨论具体的实现方法,直接使用其推荐库Zlib,刚好Node.js内置了对Zlib的支持。接下来我们继续改造上面那个接口,如下:

import * as zlib from &#39;zlib&#39;;<br/><br/>@Post(&#39;/compression&#39;)<br/>@UseInterceptors(FileInterceptor(&#39;file&#39;))<br/>async imageCompression(@UploadedFile() file: Express.Multer.File) {<br/>  const buffer = file.buffer;<br/><br/>  const result = {<br/>    header: buffer.subarray(0, 8).toString(&#39;hex&#39;),<br/>    chunks: [],<br/>    size: file.size,<br/>  };<br/><br/>  // 因为可能有多个IDAT的块 需要个数组缓存最后拼接起来<br/>  const fileChunkDatas = [];<br/>  let pointer = 8;<br/>  while (pointer < buffer.length) {<br/>    let chunk = {};<br/>    const length = parseInt(buffer.subarray(pointer, pointer + 4).toString(&#39;hex&#39;), 16);<br/>    const chunkType = buffer.subarray(pointer + 4, pointer + 8).toString(&#39;ascii&#39;);<br/>    const crc = buffer.subarray(pointer + length, pointer + length + 4).toString(&#39;hex&#39;);<br/>    chunk = {<br/>      ...chunk,<br/>      length,<br/>      chunkType,<br/>      crc,<br/>    };<br/><br/>    switch (chunkType) {<br/>      case &#39;IHDR&#39;:<br/>        const width = parseInt(buffer.subarray(pointer + 8, pointer + 12).toString(&#39;hex&#39;), 16);<br/>        const height = parseInt(buffer.subarray(pointer + 12, pointer + 16).toString(&#39;hex&#39;), 16);<br/>        const bitDepth = parseInt(<br/>          buffer.subarray(pointer + 16, pointer + 17).toString(&#39;hex&#39;),<br/>          16,<br/>        );<br/>        const colorType = parseInt(<br/>          buffer.subarray(pointer + 17, pointer + 18).toString(&#39;hex&#39;),<br/>          16,<br/>        );<br/>        const compressionMethod = parseInt(<br/>          buffer.subarray(pointer + 18, pointer + 19).toString(&#39;hex&#39;),<br/>          16,<br/>        );<br/>        const filterMethod = parseInt(<br/>          buffer.subarray(pointer + 19, pointer + 20).toString(&#39;hex&#39;),<br/>          16,<br/>        );<br/>        const interlaceMethod = parseInt(<br/>          buffer.subarray(pointer + 20, pointer + 21).toString(&#39;hex&#39;),<br/>          16,<br/>        );<br/><br/>        chunk = {<br/>          ...chunk,<br/>          width,<br/>          height,<br/>          bitDepth,<br/>          colorType,<br/>          compressionMethod,<br/>          filterMethod,<br/>          interlaceMethod,<br/>        };<br/>        break;<br/>      case &#39;PLTE&#39;:<br/>        const colorList = [];<br/>        const colorListStr = buffer.subarray(pointer + 8, pointer + 8 + length).toString(&#39;hex&#39;);<br/>        for (let i = 0; i < colorListStr.length; i += 6) {<br/>          colorList.push(colorListStr.slice(i, i + 6));<br/>        }<br/>        chunk = {<br/>          ...chunk,<br/>          colorList,<br/>        };<br/>        break;<br/>      case &#39;IDAT&#39;:<br/>        fileChunkDatas.push(buffer.subarray(pointer + 8, pointer + 8 + length));<br/>        break;<br/>      default:<br/>        break;<br/>    }<br/>    result.chunks.push(chunk);<br/>    pointer = pointer + 4 + 4 + length + 4;<br/>  }<br/><br/>  const originFileData = zlib.unzipSync(Buffer.concat(fileChunkDatas));<br/><br/>  // 这里原图片数据太长了 我就只打印了长度<br/>  return {<br/>    ...result,<br/>    originFileData: originFileData.length,<br/>  };<br/>}<br/>
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最终打印的结果,我们需要注意红框的那几个部分。可以看到上图,位深和颜色类型决定了每个像素由4 byte组成,然后由于过滤方式的存在,会在每行的第一个字节进行标记。因此该图的原始数据所占大小为:707 * 475 * 4 byte + 475 * 1 byte = 1343775 byte。正好是我们打印的结果。


可以看到位深为8,索引颜色类型的图每像素占1 byte。计算得到:707 * 475 * 1 byte + 475 * 1 byte = 336300 byte。结果也正确。




2.减少IDAT的块数,因为每多一个IDAT的块,就多余了12 byte。





更多node相关知识,请访问:nodejs 教程

The above is the detailed content of How to use Node for image compression. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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