Before explaining, let’s first understand what data responsiveness is? The so-calleddata responsivenessis to establish the relationship betweenresponsive data
(the operation that calls the responsive data). When the responsive data changes , can notify those dependent operations that use these responsive data to perform related update operations, which can be DOM updates or the execution of some callback functions. Responsiveness is used from Vue2 to Vue3, so what are the differences between them?
. [Related recommendations:vuejs video tutorial,web front-end development]So what are the differences between them? Why does Vue3 choose Proxy instead of defineProperty? Let's first look at the following two examples:
// defineReactive(data,key,val){ Object.defineProperty(data,key,{ enumerable:true, configurable:true, get:function(){ console.log(`对象属性:${key}访问defineReactive的get!`) return val; }, set:function(newVal){ if(val===newVal){ return; } val = newVal; console.log(`对象属性:${key}访问defineReactive的get!`) } }) }
let obj = {}; this.defineReactive(obj,'name','sapper'); // 修改obj的name属性 = '工兵'; console.log('obj',; // 为obj添加age属性 obj.age = 12; console.log('obj',obj); console.log('obj.age',obj.age); // 为obj添加数组属性 obj.hobby = ['游戏', '原神']; obj.hobby[0] = '王者'; console.log('obj.hobby',obj.hobby); // 为obj添加对象属性 obj.student = {school:'大学'}; = '学院'; console.log('',;
As can be seen from the above figure, defineProperty is used to define the object obj containing the name attribute, and then add the age attribute, add hobby attribute (array), and add student The properties are accessed separately, but the get and set methods in the obj object are not triggered. In other words, the
defineProperty definition object cannot monitor changes in adding additional properties or modifying additional properties
. Let’s look at another example:
let obj = {}; // 初始化就添加hobby this.defineReactive(obj,'hobby',['游戏', '原神']); // 改变数组下标0的值 obj.hobby[0] = '王者'; console.log('obj.hobby',obj.hobby);
If we add the hobby attribute to obj from the beginning, we find that modifying the value of array subscript 0 does not trigger the set method in obj, which means that thedefineProperty definition object cannot monitor the modification of array elements based on its own array subscript. Variety
. Then let’s continue to look at the object example of Proxy agent:
// proxy实现 let targetProxy = {name:'sapper'}; let objProxy = new Proxy(targetProxy,{ get(target,key){ console.log(`对象属性:${key}访问Proxy的get!`) return target[key]; }, set(target,key,newVal){ if(target[key]===newVal){ return; } console.log(`对象属性:${key}访问Proxy的set!`) target[key]=newVal; return target[key]; } }) // 修改objProxy的name属性 = '工兵'; console.log('',; // 为objProxy添加age属性 objProxy.age = 12; console.log('objProxy.age',objProxy.age); // 为objProxy添加hobby属性 objProxy.hobby = ['游戏', '原神']; objProxy.hobby[0] = '王者'; console.log('objProxy.hobby',objProxy.hobby); // 为objProxy添加对象属性 objProxy.student = {school:'大学'}; = '学院'; console.log('',;
From the above picture, do you find the obvious difference between Proxy and defineProperty? Proxy can support object addition or modification to trigger get and set methods. , no matter what properties are inside the object. So
Object.defineProperty(): defineProperty definition object cannot listenAdd additional propertiesorModify additional propertiesChanges; defineProperty definition objects cannot monitor changes in modifying array elements based on their own array subscripts. Let’s take a look at usage examples in Vue:
data() { return { name: 'sapper', student: { name: 'sapper', hobby: ['原神', '天涯明月刀'], }, }; }, methods: { deleteName() { delete; console.log('删除了name', this.student); }, addItem() { this.student.age = 21; console.log('添加了this.student的属性', this.student); }, updateArr() { this.student.hobby[0] = '王者'; console.log('更新了this.student的hobby', this.student); }, }
It is indeed possible to modify the properties in the data from the picture, but it cannot be rendered in time, so Vue2 provides two property methods to solve this problem:
Note that you cannot add the age attribute directly to this._ data.age, which is also not supported.
this.$delete(this.student, 'name');// 删除student对象属性name this.$set(this.student, 'age', '21');// 添加student对象属性age this.$set(this.student.hobby, 0, '王者');// 更新student对象属性hobby数组
Proxy: Solving the above two drawbacks, proxy can achieve:
You can directly monitor objects instead of object properties, and you can monitor changes in additional properties added to objects;
const user = {name:'张三'} const obj = new Proxy(user,{ get:function (target,key){ console.log("get run"); return target[key]; }, set:function (target,key,val){ console.log("set run"); target[key]=val; return true; } }) obj.age = 22; console.log(obj); // 监听对象添加额外属性打印set run!
##You can directly monitor changes in the array.
const obj = new Proxy([2,1],{ get:function (target,key){ console.log("get run"); return target[key]; }, set:function (target,key,val){ console.log("set run"); target[key]=val; return true; } }) obj[0] = 3; console.log(obj); // 监听到了数组元素的变化打印set run!
Proxy returns a new object, while Object.defineProperty can only traverse the object properties and modify them directly.
Supports up to 13 interception methods, not limited to apply, ownKeys, deleteProperty, has, etc. Object.defineProperty does not have.
Dependencies Collectanddependency updates.
1 Vue2 Responsive PrincipleThis analysis is based on the Vue2.6.14 version##Vue2 Responsive
: Through Object. defineProperty() monitors each property. Whenthe property is read, the getter will be triggered, and when the property is modified, the setterwill be triggered. First of all, we all know that the data attribute in the Vue instance defines responsive data, which is an object. Let’s take a look at the data in the following example:
data(){ return { name: 'Sapper', hobby: ['游戏', '原神'], obj: { name: '张三', student: { major: '软件工程', class: '1班', } } } }
function initData(vm: Component) { // 获取组件中声明的data属性 let data: any = vm.$ // 对new Vue实例下声明、组件中声明两种情况的处理 data = vm._data = isFunction(data) ? getData(data, vm) : data || {} ... // observe data const ob = observe(data) // 为data属性创建Observer实例 ob && ob.vmCount++ }
export function parsePath (path){ const segment = path.split('.'); return function(obj){ ... for(let i=0;i
export default class Watcher implements DepTarget { vm?: Component | null cb: Function deps: Array... constructor(vm: Component | null,expOrFn: string | (() => any),cb: Function,...) { ... this.getter = parsePath(expOrFn)// 解析嵌套对象 ... } get() { // 读取数据 ... return value } addDep(dep: Dep) { ... dep.addSub(this)//添加依赖 ... } cleanupDeps() {// 删除依赖 ... dep.removeSub(this) ... } update() {// 通知依赖更新 ... } run() { ..., value, oldValue) } ... depend() { // 收集依赖 let i = this.deps.length while (i--) { this.deps[i].depend() } } ... }
// 源码Observer类中对数组处理的部分代码 if (Array.isArray(value)) { if (hasProto) { protoAugment(value, arrayMethods) } else { copyAugment(value, arrayMethods, arrayKeys) } this.observeArray(value) }
当浏览器支持__ proto __ 对象:强制赋值当前arrayMethods给target的__ proto __ 对象,直接给当前target数组带上自定义封装的数组方法,从而实现监听数组变化。其实arrayMethods处理后就是下面这样一个对象:
const arrayKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(arrayMethods) console.log(arrayKeys);// ['push', 'pop', 'shift', 'unshift', 'splice', 'sort', 'reverse'] copyAugment(value, arrayMethods, arrayKeys) function copyAugment (target: Object, src: Object, keys: Array) { for (let i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) { const key = keys[i] def(target, key, src[key])// 遍历数组元素通过为元素带上 } }
当浏览器不支持__ proto __ 对象:遍历数组元素通过defineProperty定义为元素带上自定义封装的原生数组方法,由于自定义数组方法中做了拦截通知依赖更新,从而实现监听数组的变化。
const arrayKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(arrayMethods) console.log(arrayKeys);// ['push', 'pop', 'shift', 'unshift', 'splice', 'sort', 'reverse'] copyAugment(value, arrayMethods, arrayKeys) function copyAugment (target: Object, src: Object, keys: Array) { for (let i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) { const key = keys[i] def(target, key, src[key])// 遍历数组元素通过为元素带上 } }
// 遍历target实现创建Observer实例 observeArray (items: Array) { for (let i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) { observe(items[i]) } }
const house = {status:'未出租',price:1200,type:'一房一厅'}; const obj = new Proxy(house, { get (target, key) { return target[key]; }, set (target, key, newVal) { target[key] = newVal; return true; } }) function effect () { console.log('房子状态:'+obj.status); } effect () // 触发了proxy对象的get方法 obj.status = '已出租!'; effect ()
const objSet = new Set(); const obj = new Proxy(house, { // 拦截读取操作 get (target, key) { objSet.add(effect) // 收集effect return target[key]; }, set (target, key, newVal) { target[key] = newVal; objSet.forEach(fn=>fn()) // 遍历effect return true; } })
effect (()=>console.log('房子状态:'+obj.status)) // 上面的例子会直接报not define
// 添加一个全局变量activeEffect存储依赖函数,这样effect就不会依赖函数的名字了 let activeEffect; function effect (fn) { activeEffect = fn; // 执行副作用函数 fn() }
setTimeout(() => { obj.notExit = '不存在的属性'; }, 1000)
const weakMap = new WeakMap(); let activeEffect; const track = ((target,key)=>{ if(!activeEffect){ return; } // 从weakMap中获取当前target对象 let depsMap = weakMap.get(target); if(!depsMap){ weakMap.set(target,(depsMap=new Map())) } // 从Map中属性key获取当前对象指定属性 let deps = depsMap.get(key) if(!deps){ // 副作用函数存储 depsMap.set(target,(deps=new Set())) } deps.add(activeEffect) }) const trigger = ((target,key)=>{ // 从weakMap中获取当前target对象 const depsMap = weakMap.get(target); if(!depsMap) return; // 从Map中获取指定key对象属性的副作用函数集合 const effects = depsMap.get(key); effects&&effects.forEach(fn=>fn()) })
const map = new Map(); const weakMap = new WeakMap(); (function(){ const foo = {foo:1}; const bar = {bar:2}; map.set(foo,1); weakMap.set(bar,2); })() // 函数执行完,weakMap内的所有属性都被垃圾回收器回收了 setTimeout(() => { console.log(weakMap);// 刷新页面发现weakMap里面没有属性了 }, 2000)
const effectFn = (() => { const str = obj.status ? '' : obj.type; }) const obj = new Proxy(house, { get(target, key) { console.log('get run!');// 打印了两次 ... }, set(target, key, newVal) { ... } })
// 清空副作用函数依赖的集合 function cleanupEffect(effect: ReactiveEffect) { const { deps } = effect if (deps.length) { for (let i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) { deps[i].delete(effect) } deps.length = 0 } }
❓嵌套副作用函数处理:由于副作用函数可能是嵌套,比如副作用函数中effectFn1中有还有一个副作用函数effectFn2,以上面的方法对于嵌套函数的处理用全局变量 activeEffect 来存储通过 effect 函数注册的副作用函数,这意味着同一时刻 activeEffect 所存储的副作用函数只能有一个。当副作用函数发生嵌套时,内层副作用函数的执行会覆盖 activeEffect 的值,并且永远不会恢复到原来的值。看了很多资料举例用effect栈存储,是的没错,当执行副作用函数的时候把它入栈,执行完毕后把它出栈。现在我们一起看一下源码怎么处理的:
let effectTrackDepth = 0 // 当前副作用函数递归深度 export let trackOpBit = 1 // 在track函数中执行当前的嵌套副作用函数的标志位 const maxMarkerBits = 30 // 最大递归深度支持30位,
// 每次执行 effect 副作用函数前,全局变量嵌套深度会自增1 trackOpBit = 1 << ++effectTrackDepth // 执行完副作用函数后会自减 trackOpBit = 1 << --effectTrackDepth;
if (effectTrackDepth <= maxMarkerBits) { // 执行副作用函数之前,使用 `deps[i].w |= trackOpBit`对依赖dep[i]进行标记,追踪依赖 initDepMarkers(this) } else { // 降级方案:完全清理 cleanupEffect(this) }
//代表副作用函数执行前被 track 过 export const wasTracked = (dep: Dep): boolean => (dep.w & trackOpBit) > 0 //代表副作用函数执行后被 track 过 export const newTracked = (dep: Dep): boolean => (dep.n & trackOpBit) > 0
export const finalizeDepMarkers = (effect: ReactiveEffect) => { const { deps } = effect if (deps.length) { let ptr = 0 for (let i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) { const dep = deps[i] // 有 was 标记但是没有 new 标记,应当删除 if (wasTracked(dep) && !newTracked(dep)) { dep.delete(effect) } else { // 需要保留的依赖 deps[ptr++] = dep } // 清空,把当前位值0,先按位非,再按位与 dep.w &= ~trackOpBit dep.n &= ~trackOpBit } // 保留依赖的长度 deps.length = ptr } }
function cleanupEffect(effect: ReactiveEffect) { const { deps } = effect if (deps.length) { for (let i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) { deps[i].delete(effect) } deps.length = 0 } }
❓响应式可调度性scheduler:trigger 动作触发副作用函数重新执行时,有能力决定副作用函数执行的时机、次数以及方式。
// target: 响应式代理对象, type: 订阅类型(get、hase、iterate), key: 要获取的target的键值 export function track(target: object, type: TrackOpTypes, key: unknown) { // 如果允许追踪, 并且当前有正在运行的副作用 if (shouldTrack && activeEffect) { // 获取当前target订阅的副作用集合, 如果不存在, 则新建一个 let depsMap = targetMap.get(target) if (!depsMap) { // 获取对应属性key订阅的副作用, 如果不存在, 则新建一个 targetMap.set(target, (depsMap = new Map())) } let dep = depsMap.get(key) if (!dep) { depsMap.set(key, (dep = createDep())) } ... // 处理订阅副作用 trackEffects(dep, eventInfo) } } export function trackEffects(dep: Dep,debuggerEventExtraInfo?: DebuggerEventExtraInfo) { let shouldTrack = false if (effectTrackDepth <= maxMarkerBits) { // 如果当前追踪深度不超过最大深度(30), 则添加订阅 if (!newTracked(dep)) { // 如果未订阅过, 则新建 dep.n |= trackOpBit // 据当前的追踪标识位设置依赖的new值 shouldTrack = !wasTracked(dep) // 开启订阅追踪 } } else { shouldTrack = !dep.has(activeEffect!) } if (shouldTrack) { dep.add(activeEffect!) // 将当前正在运行副作用作为新订阅者添加到该依赖中 activeEffect!.deps.push(dep) // 缓存依赖到当前正在运行的副作用依赖数组 ... } }
// 根据不同的type从depsMap取出,放入effects,随后通过run方法将当前的`effect`执行 export function trigger(target: object,type: TriggerOpTypes,key?: unknown,newValue?: unknown,oldValue?: unknown,oldTarget?: Map| Set ) { const depsMap = targetMap.get(target) // 获取响应式对象的副作用Map, 如果不存在说明未被追踪, 则不需要处理 if (!depsMap) { return } let deps: (Dep | undefined)[] = [] // 如果是清除操作,那就要执行依赖原始数据的所有监听方法。因为所有项都被清除了。 if (type === TriggerOpTypes.CLEAR) { // clear // 如果是调用了集合的clear方法, 则要对其所有的副作用进行处理 deps = [...depsMap.values()] } else if (key === 'length' && isArray(target)) { const newLength = Number(newValue) depsMap.forEach((dep, key) => { if (key === 'length' || key >= newLength) { deps.push(dep) } }) } else { // set add delete // key不为void 0,则说明肯定是SET | ADD | DELETE这三种操作 // 然后将依赖这个key的所有监听函数推到相应队列中 if (key !== void 0) { deps.push(depsMap.get(key)) } switch (type) { // 根据不同type取出并存入deps case TriggerOpTypes.ADD: // 如果原始数据是数组,则key为length,否则为迭代行为标识符 if (!isArray(target)) { deps.push(depsMap.get(ITERATE_KEY)) if (isMap(target)) { deps.push(depsMap.get(MAP_KEY_ITERATE_KEY)) } } else if (isIntegerKey(key)) { deps.push(depsMap.get('length')) } break case TriggerOpTypes.DELETE: // 如果原始数据是数组,则key为length,否则为迭代行为标识符 if (!isArray(target)) { deps.push(depsMap.get(ITERATE_KEY)) if (isMap(target)) { deps.push(depsMap.get(MAP_KEY_ITERATE_KEY)) } } break case TriggerOpTypes.SET: if (isMap(target)) { deps.push(depsMap.get(ITERATE_KEY)) } break } } ... const effects: ReactiveEffect[] = [] for (const dep of deps) { if (dep) { effects.push(...dep) } } // 遍历effects元素执行run函数 triggerEffects(createDep(effects)) } }
The above is the detailed content of An article explaining the responsiveness principle of Vue2/Vue3 in detail. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!