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Let's talk about how to encapsulate axios in vite+vue3.0+ts?

Release: 2022-08-18 20:34:19
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Let's talk about how to encapsulate axios in vite+vue3.0+ts?

Currently, there are countless articles on the use of axios as a front-end and back-end interface interaction tool in Vue, and there are countless articles on a certain blog on the Internet. Because the project needs to be packaged in axios based on vite vue3.0 ts from 0 to 1, today I will let the editor arrange the specific packaging steps for axios to integrate vite vue3.0 ts. Record your own encapsulation steps, follow my steps, and get started. . . (Learning video sharing: vue video tutorial)

The following content is based on the expansion after the completion of the video below:

2021 Latest and Most Detailed Vite vue3 Volar Ts Element-plus framework learning project video

1. Install axios

npm i axios
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Note: Installation here The command is to install the latest version of axios by default

2. Encapsulation request error code prompt error-code-type.ts

  • The code is as follows:
export const errorCodeType = function(code:string):string{
    let errMessage:string = "未知错误"
    switch (code) {
        case 400: 
        errMessage = '错误的请求' 
        case 401: 
        errMessage = '未授权,请重新登录' 
        case 403: 
        errMessage = '拒绝访问' 
        case 404: 
        errMessage = '请求错误,未找到该资源' 
        case 405: 
        errMessage = '请求方法未允许' 
        case 408: 
        errMessage = '请求超时' 
        case 500: 
        errMessage = '服务器端出错' 
        case 501: 
        errMessage = '网络未实现' 
        case 502: 
        errMessage = '网络错误' 
        case 503: 
        errMessage = '服务不可用' 
        case 504: 
        errMessage = '网络超时' 
        case 505: 
        errMessage = 'http版本不支持该请求' 
        errMessage = `其他连接错误 --${code}`
    return errMessage
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3. Encapsulate request.ts

You can refer to its official website to install the element-plus used here. Portal:

element-plus official website

npm install element-plus --save
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  • The code is as follows:
import axios from 'axios';
import { errorCodeType } from '@/script/utils/error-code-type';
import { ElMessage, ElLoading } from 'element-plus';

// 创建axios实例
const service = axios.create({
    // 服务接口请求
    baseURL: import.meta.env.VITE_APP_BASE_API,
    // 超时设置
    // timeout: 15000,

let loading:any;
let requestCount:number = 0
const showLoading = () => {
    if (requestCount === 0 && !loading) {
        loading = ElLoading.service({
            text: "拼命加载中,请稍后...",
            background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)',
            spinner: 'el-icon-loading',
const hideLoading = () => {
    if (requestCount == 0) {

// 请求拦截
service.interceptors.request.use(config => {
    // 是否需要设置 token放在请求头
    // config.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + getToken() // 让每个请求携带自定义token 请根据实际情况自行修改
    // get请求映射params参数
    if (config.method === 'get' && config.params) {
        let url = config.url + '?';
        for (const propName of Object.keys(config.params)) {
            const value = config.params[propName];
            var part = encodeURIComponent(propName) + "=";
            if (value !== null && typeof(value) !== "undefined") {
                 // 对象处理
                if (typeof value === 'object') {
                    for (const key of Object.keys(value)) {
                        let params = propName + '[' + key + ']';
                        var subPart = encodeURIComponent(params) + "=";
                        url += subPart + encodeURIComponent(value[key]) + "&";
                } else {
                    url += part + encodeURIComponent(value) + "&";
        url = url.slice(0, -1);
        config.params = {};
        config.url = url;
    return config
}, error => {

// 响应拦截器
service.interceptors.response.use((res:any) => {
        // 未设置状态码则默认成功状态
        const code = res.data['code'] || 200;
        // 获取错误信息
        const msg = errorCodeType(code) || res.data['msg'] || errorCodeType('default')
        if(code === 200){
            return Promise.resolve(res.data)
            return Promise.reject(res.data)
    error => {
        console.log('err' + error)
        let { message } = error;
        if (message == "Network Error") {
            message = "后端接口连接异常";
        else if (message.includes("timeout")) {
            message = "系统接口请求超时";
        else if (message.includes("Request failed with status code")) {
            message = "系统接口" + message.substr(message.length - 3) + "异常";
            message: message,
            duration: 5 * 1000
        return Promise.reject(error)

export default service;
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4. Automatically import vue3 related functions (auto-imports. d.ts)

  • auto-imports.d.ts is placed in the src directory
  • Note: yarn add unplugin-auto-import or npm i unplugin- needs to be installed auto-import -D
  • Restart the project after installation
  • The code is as follows:
declare global {
  const computed: typeof import('vue')['computed']
  const createApp: typeof import('vue')['createApp']
  const customRef: typeof import('vue')['customRef']
  const defineAsyncComponent: typeof import('vue')['defineAsyncComponent']
  const defineComponent: typeof import('vue')['defineComponent']
  const effectScope: typeof import('vue')['effectScope']
  const EffectScope: typeof import('vue')['EffectScope']
  const getCurrentInstance: typeof import('vue')['getCurrentInstance']
  const getCurrentScope: typeof import('vue')['getCurrentScope']
  const h: typeof import('vue')['h']
  const inject: typeof import('vue')['inject']
  const isReadonly: typeof import('vue')['isReadonly']
  const isRef: typeof import('vue')['isRef']
  const markRaw: typeof import('vue')['markRaw']
  const nextTick: typeof import('vue')['nextTick']
  const onActivated: typeof import('vue')['onActivated']
  const onBeforeMount: typeof import('vue')['onBeforeMount']
  const onBeforeUnmount: typeof import('vue')['onBeforeUnmount']
  const onBeforeUpdate: typeof import('vue')['onBeforeUpdate']
  const onDeactivated: typeof import('vue')['onDeactivated']
  const onErrorCaptured: typeof import('vue')['onErrorCaptured']
  const onMounted: typeof import('vue')['onMounted']
  const onRenderTracked: typeof import('vue')['onRenderTracked']
  const onRenderTriggered: typeof import('vue')['onRenderTriggered']
  const onScopeDispose: typeof import('vue')['onScopeDispose']
  const onServerPrefetch: typeof import('vue')['onServerPrefetch']
  const onUnmounted: typeof import('vue')['onUnmounted']
  const onUpdated: typeof import('vue')['onUpdated']
  const provide: typeof import('vue')['provide']
  const reactive: typeof import('vue')['reactive']
  const readonly: typeof import('vue')['readonly']
  const ref: typeof import('vue')['ref']
  const resolveComponent: typeof import('vue')['resolveComponent']
  const shallowReactive: typeof import('vue')['shallowReactive']
  const shallowReadonly: typeof import('vue')['shallowReadonly']
  const shallowRef: typeof import('vue')['shallowRef']
  const toRaw: typeof import('vue')['toRaw']
  const toRef: typeof import('vue')['toRef']
  const toRefs: typeof import('vue')['toRefs']
  const triggerRef: typeof import('vue')['triggerRef']
  const unref: typeof import('vue')['unref']
  const useAttrs: typeof import('vue')['useAttrs']
  const useCssModule: typeof import('vue')['useCssModule']
  const useCssVars: typeof import('vue')['useCssVars']
  const useSlots: typeof import('vue')['useSlots']
  const watch: typeof import('vue')['watch']
  const watchEffect: typeof import('vue')['watchEffect']
export {}
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5. Automatically import Element Plus related functions (components.d.ts )

  • Note: You need to install npm i unplugin-vue-components -D or yarn add unplugin-vue-components
  • Restart the project after installation
import '@vue/runtime-core'

declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
  export interface GlobalComponents {
    ElCard: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElCard']
    ElCol: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElCol']
    ElContainer: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElContainer']
    ElFooter: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElFooter']
    ElHeader: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElHeader']
    ElMain: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElMain']
    ElOption: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElOption']
    ElPagination: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElPagination']
    ElRadioButton: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElRadioButton']
    ElRadioGroup: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElRadioGroup']
    ElRow: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElRow']
    ElSelect: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElSelect']
    ElTable: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElTable']
    ElTableColumn: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElTableColumn']
    Loading: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElLoadingDirective']

export {}
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6, vite.config.ts file configuration

  • Note: need to install npm i unplugin-icons or yarn add unplugin-icons
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue';
import Icons from "unplugin-icons/vite";
import IconsResolver from "unplugin-icons/resolver";
import AutoImport from "unplugin-auto-import/vite";
import Components from "unplugin-vue-components/vite";
import { ElementPlusResolver } from "unplugin-vue-components/resolvers";
import { loadEnv } from 'vite';
import path from 'path';
// 路径
const pathSrc = path.resolve(__dirname,'src')

// https://vitejs.dev/config/
export default({ command, mode }) => {
    return defineConfig({
        plugins: [
                // Auto import functions from Vue, e.g. ref, reactive, toRef...
                // 自动导入 Vue 相关函数,如:ref, reactive, toRef 等
                imports: ["vue"],

                // Auto import functions from Element Plus, e.g. ElMessage, ElMessageBox... (with style)
                // 自动导入 Element Plus 相关函数,如:ElMessage, ElMessageBox... (带样式)
                resolvers: [

                    // Auto import icon components
                    // 自动导入图标组件
                        prefix: "Icon",

                dts: path.resolve(pathSrc, "auto-imports.d.ts"),
            // 自动导入 Element Plus 组件
                resolvers: [
                    // Auto register icon components
                    // 自动注册图标组件
                        enabledCollections: ["ep"],
                    // Auto register Element Plus components

                dts: path.resolve(pathSrc, "components.d.ts"),
            // 图标
                autoInstall: true,
            host: '',
            //port: Number(loadEnv(mode, process.cwd()).VITE_APP_PORT),
            port: 3000,
            strictPort: true, // 端口被占用直接退出
            https: false,
            open: true,// 在开发服务器启动时自动在浏览器中打开应用程序
            proxy: {
                // 字符串简写写法
                '^/api': {
                    target: mode==='development'?loadEnv(mode, process.cwd()).VITE_APP_DEV_URL:loadEnv(mode, process.cwd()).VITE_APP_PROD_URL,
                    changeOrigin: true,
                    rewrite: (path) => path.replace(/^\/api/, '')
                overlay: false // 屏蔽服务器报错
                '@': pathSrc,
            // css预处理器
            /*preprocessorOptions: {
                scss: {
                    additionalData: '@import "@/assets/styles/global.scss";'
             preprocessorOptions: {
               less: {
                 charset: false,
                 additionalData: '@import "./src/assets/style/global.less";',
            chunkSizeWarningLimit: 1500, // 分块打包,分解块,将大块分解成更小的块
            rollupOptions: {
                    manualChunks(id) {
                        if (id.includes('node_modules')) {
                            return id.toString().split('node_modules/')[1].split('/')[0].toString();
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7. Use axios package

Complete environment variable configuration files .env.production and .env.development

7.1. The content of the development file in the project root directory is as follows

# 开发环境
# 端口号 
VITE_APP_PORT = "3000" 
# 请求接口 
VITE_APP_DEV_URL = "http://localhost:8088" 
# 前缀 
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7.2. The content of the production file in the project root directory is as follows

# 开发环境 
# 端口号 
VITE_APP_PORT = "3000" 
# 请求接口 
VITE_APP_DEV_URL = "http://localhost:8088" 
# 前缀 
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8. Use the interface in any vue file:

  • Note: There is also a PageParams global paging object:

  • page-params.ts

  • The code is as follows:

// 全局统一分页参数类型声明 
declare interface PageParams {
    pageNum: number, pageSize: number, type?: Model, // 可选参数 
    readonly sort?: string // 只读可选参数 
} interface Model { type?: string }
export default PageParams;
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This discussion The main content is:

  1. axiosThe specific packaging steps for integrating vite vue3.0 ts are not very detailed yet, and can be expanded to encapsulate it more deeply

(Learning video sharing: web front-end development, Basic programming video)

The above is the detailed content of Let's talk about how to encapsulate axios in vite+vue3.0+ts?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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