What categories are css attributes classified into?

Release: 2023-01-06 11:16:49
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Classification of css properties: animation properties, conversion properties, transition properties, Box properties, Marquee properties, size properties, margin properties, padding properties, border properties, positioning properties, multi-column properties, scalable Box properties, list properties, Grid properties, table properties, text properties, font properties, Color properties, background properties, etc.

What categories are css attributes classified into?

The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows 7 system, CSS3 version, Dell G3 computer.

CSS attribute classification

##Animation attribute classificationCSS3 animation attribute ( Animation)2D/3D Transformation Property(Transform)Transition Property(Transition)Box PropertyMarquee PropertySize/position--CSS size attribute (Dimension)CSS margin attribute (Margin)CSS padding attribute (Padding)CSS border properties (Border and Outline)CSS positioning properties (Positioning)--List/TableMultiple columns Property (Multi-column)Flexible Box property (Flexible Box)CSS list property (List)Grid propertyCSS table property ( Table) Text font colorCSS text property (Text)CSS font property (Font)Color propertyCSS Background Property (Background)Use attributes sparinglyHyperlink attributesGenerated Content Content for Paged Media propertiesUser-interface properties (User-interface)Paged Media propertiesCSS printing properties ( Print)

##CSS3 animation properties (Animation)

Attribute##@keyframes Specifies animation. 3animationShorthand property for all animation properties, except animation-play-state property. 3animation-nameSpecifies the name of @keyframes animation. 3animation-durationSpecifies the seconds or milliseconds it takes for the animation to complete one cycle. 3animation-timing-functionSpecifies the speed curve of animation. 3animation-delaySpecifies when the animation starts. 3animation-iteration-countSpecifies the number of times the animation is played. 3animation-directionSpecifies whether the animation plays in reverse in the next cycle. 3animation-play-stateSpecifies whether the animation is running or paused. 3animation-fill-modeSpecifies the state of the object outside of the animation time. 3

CSS Background property (Background)

backgroundSet all background properties in one statement. 1
background-attachment Sets whether the background image is fixed or scrolls with the rest of the page. 1
background-colorSet the background color of the element. 1
background-imageSet the background image of the element. 1
background-positionSet the starting position of the background image. 1
background-repeatSet whether and how to repeat the background image. 1
background-clipSpecifies the drawing area of ​​the background. 3
background-originSpecifies the positioning area of ​​the background image. 3
background-sizeSpecifies the size of the background image. 3

CSS border properties (Border and Outline)

##box -shadowAdds one or more shadows to the box. 3

Box Properties

border Set all border properties in one statement. 1
border-bottom Set all bottom border properties in one statement. 1
border-bottom-colorSet the color of the bottom border. 2
border-bottom-styleSet the style of the bottom border. 2
border-bottom-widthSet the width of the bottom border. 1
border-colorSet the color of the four borders. 1
border-left Set all left border properties in one statement. 1
border-left-colorSet the color of the left border. 2
border-left-styleSet the style of the left border. 2
border-left-widthSet the width of the left border. 1
border-right Set all right border properties in one statement. 1
border-right-colorSet the color of the right border. 2
border-right-styleSet the style of the right border. 2
border-right-widthSet the width of the right border. 1
border-styleSet the style of the four borders. 1
border-top Set all top border properties in one statement. 1
border-top-colorSet the color of the top border. 2
border-top-styleSet the style of the top border. 2
border-top-widthSet the width of the top border. 1
border-widthSet the width of the four borders. 1
outline Set all outline properties in one statement. 2
outline-colorSet the color of the outline. 2
outline-styleSet the style of the outline. 2
outline-widthSet the width of the outline. 2
border-bottom-left-radiusDefine the shape of the lower left corner of the border. 3
border-bottom-right-radiusDefine the shape of the lower right corner of the border. 3
border-imageShorthand property, sets all border-image-* properties. 3
border-image-outsetSpecifies the amount by which the border image area exceeds the border. 3
border-image-repeatWhether the image border should be repeated, rounded or stretched ). 3
border-image-sliceSpecifies the inward offset of the image border. 3
border-image-sourceSpecifies the image used as the border. 3
border-image-widthSpecifies the width of the image border. 3
border-radius Shorthand property, sets all four border-*-radius properties. 3
border-top-left-radiusDefine the shape of the upper left corner of the border. 3
border-top-right-radiusDefine the shape of the lower right corner of the border. 3
box-decoration-break 3
overflow-xIf the content overflows the element content area, whether to crop the left/right edge of the content. 3
overflow-yIf the content overflows the element content area, whether to crop the top/bottom edge of the content. 3
overflow-styleSpecifies the preferred scrolling method for overflow elements. 3
rotation Rotates an element around a point defined by the rotation-point property. 3
rotation-pointDefine the offset point from the upper left border edge. 3

##Color attribute

AttributeDescriptionCSScolor-profileAllows the use of source color profiles other than the default specification. 3opacitySpecifies the opacity level of the element. 3rendering-intentAllows the use of color profiles for rendering intent specifications other than the default. 3

Content for Paged Media Properties

PropertiesDescriptionCSSbookmark-labelSpecifies the label of the bookmark. 3bookmark-levelSpecifies the level of the bookmark. 3bookmark-targetSpecifies the target of the bookmark link. 3float-offset Places the element in the opposite direction from where the float attribute would normally be placed. 3hyphenate-afterSpecifies the minimum number of characters after the hyphen in a hyphenated word. 3hyphenate-beforeSpecifies the minimum number of characters before a hyphen in a hyphenated word. 3hyphenate-characterSpecifies the string displayed when hyphenation occurs. 3hyphenate-linesIndicates the maximum number of consecutive hyphenate lines in an element. 3hyphenate-resourceSpecifies external resources (comma-separated list) that help the browser determine hyphenation points. 3hyphensSet how words are split to improve paragraph layout. 3image-resolutionSpecifies the correct resolution of the image. 3marksAdd crop marks or cross marks to your document. 3string-set3

CSS size attribute (Dimension)

PropertyDescriptionCSSheightSet the element height. 1max-heightSet the maximum height of the element. 2max-width Set the maximum width of the element. 2min-heightSet the minimum height of the element. 2min-width Set the minimum width of the element. 2widthSet the width of the element. 1

Flexible Box Properties

PropertyDescriptionCSSbox-alignSpecifies how to align the child elements of the box. 3box-directionSpecifies the display direction of the child elements of the box. 3box-flexSpecifies whether the child elements of the box are scalable. 3box-flex-groupAssign scalable elements to flex groups. 3box-linesSpecifies whether to wrap the display when the space of the parent element box is exceeded. 3box-ordinal-groupSpecifies the display order of the child elements of the box. 3box-orientSpecifies whether the box's child elements should be aligned horizontally or vertically. 3box-packSpecifies the horizontal position in a horizontal box or the vertical position in a vertical box. 3

CSS Font Properties (Font)

fontSet all font properties in one statement. 1
font-familySpecifies the font family of the text. 1
font-sizeSpecifies the font size of the text. 1
font-size-adjustSpecifies the aspect value for the element. 2
font-stretchShrink or stretch the current font family. 2
font-styleSpecifies the font style of the text. 1
font-variantSpecifies whether to display text in small caps font. 1
font-weightSpecifies the thickness of the font. 1

Generated Content

Properties DescriptionCSS
content Used with :before and :after pseudo-elements to insert generated content. 2
counter-incrementIncrements or decrements one or more counters. 2
counter-resetCreate or reset one or more counters. 2
quotesSet the quote type for nested quotes. 2
cropAllows the replaced element to be only a rectangular area of ​​the object, not the entire object. 3
move-toRemoves an element from the stream and reinserts it at a later point in the document. 3
page-policyDetermines whether the element should be applied to a counter or a string value based on the occurrence of the page. 3

##Grid Properties

PropertiesDescriptionCSSgrid-columnsSpecifies the width of each column in the grid. 3grid-rowsSpecifies the height of each column in the grid. 3

Hyperlink Properties

Properties DescriptionCSStargetAbbreviation attribute, set target-name, target-new and target-position attributes. 3target-nameSpecifies where to open the link (the target of the link). 3target-newSpecifies whether the target link should be opened in a new window or in a new tab of an existing window. 3target-positionSpecifies where to place the new target link. 3

CSS list property (List)

property DescriptionCSSlist-styleSets all list properties in one statement. 1list-style-image Set the image as the list item marker. 1list-style-positionSet the placement position of the list item mark. 1list-style-typeSet the type of list item tag. 1marker-offset2

CSS margin attribute (Margin)

PropertyDescriptionCSSmarginSet all margin properties in one declaration. 1margin-bottom Set the bottom margin of the element. 1margin-left Set the left margin of the element. 1margin-right Set the right margin of the element. 1margin-topSet the top margin of the element. 1

Marquee Properties

PropertiesDescriptionCSSmarquee-directionSets the direction of moving content. 3marquee-play-countSet how many times the content is moved. 3marquee-speedSet how fast the content scrolls. 3marquee-styleSet the style of mobile content. 3


column-countSpecifies the number of columns by which elements should be separated. 3
column-fillSpecifies how to fill the column. 3
column-gapSpecifies the gap between columns. 3
column-rule Set the shorthand property for all column-rule-* properties. 3
column-rule-colorSpecifies the color of rules between columns. 3
column-rule-styleSpecifies the style of rules between columns. 3
column-rule-widthSpecifies the width of the rule between columns. 3
column-spanSpecifies the number of columns the element should span. 3
column-widthSpecifies the width of the column. 3
columns Specifies the shorthand properties for setting column-width and column-count. 3

CSS padding property (Padding)

paddingSets all padding properties in a single statement. 1
padding-bottom Set the bottom padding of the element. 1
padding-leftSet the left padding of the element. 1
padding-rightSet the right padding of the element. 1
padding-topSet the top padding of the element. 1

Paged Media Properties

fitIndicates how to scale the replaced element whose width and height attributes are not auto . 3
fit-positionDefine the alignment of objects within the box. 3
image-orientationSpecifies the clockwise rotation that the user agent should apply to the image. 3
pageSpecifies the specific type of page on which the element should be displayed. 3
sizeSpecifies the size and direction of the page content containing box. 3

CSS Positioning Property (Positioning)

Property DescriptionCSS
bottom Sets the offset between the bottom margin boundary of a positioned element and the bottom boundary of its containing block . 2
clearSpecifies which side of the element does not allow other floating elements. 1
clipClip absolutely positioned elements. 2
cursorSpecifies the type (shape) of the cursor to be displayed. 2
displaySpecifies the type of box that the element should generate. 1
float Specifies whether the box should float. 1
left Set the offset between the left margin boundary of the positioned element and the left boundary of its containing block. 2
overflowSpecifies what happens when content overflows the element box. 2
positionSpecifies the positioning type of the element. 2
rightSet the offset between the right margin boundary of the positioned element and the right boundary of its containing block. 2
topSets the offset between the top margin boundary of a positioned element and the top boundary of its containing block. 2
vertical-alignSet the vertical alignment of the element. 1
visibilitySpecifies whether the element is visible. 2
z-indexSet the stacking order of elements. 2

CSS Printing Properties (Print)

Properties DescriptionCSS
orphans Sets the minimum number of lines that must remain at the bottom of the page when pagination occurs inside the element. 2
page-break-afterSet the paging behavior after the element. 2
page-break-beforeSet the paging behavior before the element. 2
page-break-insideSet the paging behavior inside the element. 2
widowsSet the minimum number of lines that must remain at the top of the page when pagination occurs inside the element. 2

CSS table properties (Table)

border-collapseSpecifies whether to merge table borders. 2
border-spacingSpecifies the distance between adjacent cell borders. 2
caption-sideSpecifies the position of the table title. 2
empty-cellsSpecifies whether to display the borders and backgrounds on empty cells in the table. 2
table-layoutSets the layout algorithm used for tables. 2

CSS text attribute (Text)

attribute DescriptionCSS
colorSets the color of the text. 1
directionSpecifies the direction/writing direction of the text. 2
letter-spacingSet the character spacing. 1
line-heightSet the line height. 1
text-alignSpecifies the horizontal alignment of text. 1
text-decorationSpecifies the decorative effect to be added to the text. 1
text-indentSpecifies the indentation of the first line of the text block. 1
text-shadowSpecifies the shadow effect to be added to text. 2
text-transformControl the case of text. 1
unicode-bidiSet the text direction. 2
white-spaceSpecifies how to handle white space in elements. 1
word-spacingSet word spacing. 1
hanging-punctuationSpecifies whether punctuation characters are outside the wireframe. 3
punctuation-trimSpecifies whether to trim punctuation characters. 3
text-align-lastSet how to align the last line or the line immediately before a forced newline. 3
text-emphasisApplies an emphasis mark and the emphasis mark's foreground color to the element's text. 3
text-justifySpecifies the alignment method used when text-align is set to "justify". 3
text-outlineSpecifies the outline of the text. 3
text-overflowSpecifies what happens when text overflows the containing element. 3
text-shadowAdds a shadow to text. 3
text-wrapSpecifies the line wrapping rules for text. 3
word-breakSpecifies the line breaking rules for non-Chinese, Japanese and Korean text. 3
word-wrapAllows long indivisible words to be split and wrapped to the next line. 3

2D/3D Transformation Properties (Transform)

transformApplies a 2D or 3D transform to the element. 3
transform-originAllows you to change the position of the element being transformed. 3
transform-styleSpecifies how nested elements are displayed in 3D space. 3
perspectiveSpecifies the perspective effect of 3D elements. 3
perspective-originSpecifies the bottom position of the 3D element. 3
backface-visibilityDefines whether the element is visible when not facing the screen. 3

Transition attribute

transitionAbbreviation property, used to set four transition properties in one property. 3
transition-propertySpecifies the name of the CSS property that applies the transition. 3
transition-durationDefine how long the transition effect takes. 3
transition-timing-functionSpecifies the time curve of the transition effect. 3
transition-delaySpecifies when the transition effect starts. 3

User-interface properties

appearanceAllows you to set the appearance of elements to standard user interface elements3
box-sizing Allows you to define exactly what will fit into a zone. 3
icon Provides creators with the ability to style elements using their iconified equivalents. 3
nav-downSpecifies where to navigate when using the arrow-down navigation key. 3
nav-indexSet the tab key control order of elements. 3
nav-leftSpecifies where to navigate when using the arrow-left navigation key. 3
nav-rightSpecifies where to navigate when using the arrow-right navigation key. 3
nav-upSpecifies where to navigate when using the arrow-up navigation key. 3
outline-offsetOffset the outline and draw the outline beyond the edge of the border. 3
resizeSpecifies whether the size of the element can be adjusted by the user. 3

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