The content of this article is a summary of interview knowledge points about HTML and CSS (with examples). It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.
CSS priority algorithm
Priority proximity principle, under the same weight, the closest style definition shall prevail
Loading style is based on the last loaded positioning The accurate
priority is: !important > id > class > tag important is higher than the inline priority
important declaration is higher than the priority of js
第一等:代表内联样式,如: style=””,权值为1000。 第二等:代表ID选择器,如:#content,权值为0100。 第三等:代表类,伪类和属性选择器,如.content,权值为0010。 第四等:代表类型选择器和伪元素选择器,如p p,权值为0001。 通配符、子选择器、相邻选择器等的。如*、>、+,权值为0000。 继承的样式没有权值。
defined by css Weight
/ 以下是权重的规则:标签的权重为1,class的权重为10,id的权重为100,以下/// 例子是演示各种定义的权重值: /*权重为1*/ div{ } /*权重为10*/ .class1{ } /*权重为100*/ #id1{ } /*权重为100+1=101*/ #id1 div{ } /*权重为10+1=11*/ .class1 div{ } /*权重为10+10+1=21*/ .class1 .class2 div{ } // 如果权重相同,则最后定义的样式会起作用,但是应该避免这种情况出现
CSS3 new pseudo-class
p:first-of-type selects each element that belongs to the first
element of its parent element
p:last-of-type Selects each
element that is the last
element of its parent element.
p:only-of-type Selects each
element that is the only
element of its parent element.
p:only-child Selects each
element that is the only child element of its parent element.
p:nth-child(2) Selects each
element that is the second child of its parent element.
:after Add content before the element, and can also be used to clear floats.
: Before adds content after the element
: Disabled control form control state.
:checked The radio button or checkbox is checked
Center a floating element
给div设置一个宽度,然后添加margin:0 auto属性 div{ width:200px; margin:0 auto; } //确定容器的宽高 宽500 高 300 的层 //设置层的外边距 .div { width:500px ; height:300px;//高度可以不设 margin: -150px 0 0 -250px; position:relative; //相对定位 background-color:pink; //方便看效果 left:50%; top:50%; }
Center the absolutely positioned div
position: absolute; width: 1200px; background: none; margin: 0 auto; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0;
CSS3 has new features
Added various CSS selectors (: not(.input): all nodes whose class is not "input")
Rounded corners (border-radius: 8px)
Multi-column layout (multi-column layout)
Shadow and reflection (ShadowReflect)
Text effects (text-shadow,)
Linear gradient ( gradient)
Rotation (transform)
Added rotation, scaling, positioning, tilt, animation, multiple backgrounds
transform:scale(0.85,0.90) translate(0px,-30px) skew(-9deg,0deg )Animation:
新增选择器 p:nth-child(n){color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75)} 弹性盒模型 display: flex; 多列布局 column-count: 5; 媒体查询 @media (max-width: 480px) {.box: {column-count: 1;}} 个性化字体 @font-face{font-family: BorderWeb; src:url(BORDERW0.eot);} 颜色透明度 color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75); 圆角 border-radius: 5px; 渐变 background:linear-gradient(red, green, blue); 阴影 box-shadow:3px 3px 3px rgba(0, 64, 128, 0.3); 倒影 box-reflect: below 2px; 文字装饰 text-stroke-color: red; 文字溢出 text-overflow:ellipsis; 背景效果 background-size: 100px 100px; 边框效果 border-image:url(bt_blue.png) 0 10; 转换 旋转 transform: rotate(20deg); 倾斜 transform: skew(150deg, -10deg); 位移 transform: translate(20px, 20px); 缩放 transform: scale(.5); 平滑过渡 transition: all .3s ease-in .1s; 动画 @keyframes anim-1 {50% {border-radius: 50%;}} animation: anim-1 1s;
Create a triangle with pure CSS
// 把上、左、右三条边隐藏掉(颜色设为 transparent) #demo { width: 0; height: 0; border-width: 20px; border-style: solid; border-color: transparent transparent red transparent; }
Browser compatibility
png24-bit pictures appear as backgrounds on the iE6 browser. The solution is to make them PNG8.
The default margin and padding of the browser are different. The solution is to add a global *{margin:0;padding:0;} to unify
Under IE, you can use the method of getting regular properties to get custom properties, or you can Use getAttribute() to get custom attributes; under Firefox, you can only use getAttribute() to get custom attributes. Solution: Uniformly obtain custom attributes through getAttribute()
Under IE, the even object has x, y attributes, but not pageX, pageY attributes. Under Firefox, the event object has pageX, pageY attribute, but no x, y attributes
Block-level formatting context (internal elements will not affect external elements)Rendering rules:1. The vertical margins of the bfc element overlap
2. The bfc area will not overlap with the floating element
3. Independent container
4. When calculating the bfc height , floating elements will also participate in the calculation
2.Float is not none
3.position is not static
4.display is related to table
display:inline-block When will the gap be displayed?
Remove spaces, use negative margin values, use font-size:0, letter-spacing, word-spacingClear floating
.clearfix:after { visibility: hidden; display: block; font-size: 0; content: " "; clear: both; height: 0; }
2.overflow: hidden(BFC)
3. You can use the a tag to set display: block; width: 100%, clear: both
4.div=》display: table
5.div =》display: table-cell
6.div=》display: flow-root (trigger BFC)
7.div::after instead of a tag=》content:'' display:block; clear:both; (There is an element with no height at the bottom)
8. Use .clearfix:after{content:'' display:block; clear:both;}
9. Let the div also float (BFC)
Box model
Box model consists of: content, padding, border, marginBrowse in IE8 and below If the DOCTYPE is not declared, the content width and height will include inner padding and borders, which is called the weird box model (IE box model)
Standard (W3C) box model: element width = width padding border margin
Weird (IE) Box model: element width = width margin
Standard browsers trigger the "weird mode" parsing and calculation of width and height by setting the box-sizing: border-box property of css3
box-sizing: content-box; // 默认的标准(W3C)盒模型元素效果 box-sizing: border-box; // 触发怪异(IE)盒模型元素的效果 box-sizing: inherit; // 继承父元素 box-sizing 属性的值
可以继承的样式:font-size、font-family、color、list-style、cursor 不可继承的样式:width、height、border、padding、margin、background
Methods to hide elements
visibility: hidden; 这个属性只是简单的隐藏某个元素,但是元素占用的空间任然存在 opacity: 0; CSS3属性,设置0可以使一个元素完全透明 position: absolute; 设置一个很大的 left 负值定位,使元素定位在可见区域之外 display: none; 元素会变得不可见,并且不会再占用文档的空间。 transform: scale(0); 将一个元素设置为缩放无限小,元素将不可见,元素原来所在的位置将被保留 <div hidden="hidden"> HTML5属性,效果和display:none;相同,但这个属性用于记录一个元素的状态 height: 0; 将元素高度设为 0 ,并消除边框 filter: blur(0); CSS3属性,将一个元素的模糊度设置为0,从而使这个元素“消失”在页面中
rgba() and opacity
opacity 作用于元素以及元素内的所有内容(包括文字)的透明度 rgba() 只作用于元素自身的颜色或其背景色,子元素不会继承透明效果
当前样式:getComputedStyle(el, null) VS el.currentStyle 事件对象:e VS window.event 鼠标坐标:e.pageX, e.pageY VS window.event.x, window.event.y 按键码:e.which VS event.keyCode 文本节点:el.textContent VS el.innerText
There is an invisible blank space between li and li
px 相对于显示器屏幕分辨率,无法用浏览器字体放大功能
em 值并不是固定的,会继承父级的字体大小: em = 像素值 / 父级font-size
FOUC(Flash of Unstyled Content)
当使用 @import 导入 CSS 时,会导致某些页面在 IE 出现奇怪的现象: 没有样式的页面内容显示瞬间闪烁,这种现象称为“文档样式短暂失效”,简称为FOUC
解决方法:使用 link 标签将样式表放在文档 head
可能用到的CSS属性:overflow:hidden; transform:translate(100%, 100%); display:none;
$(window).resize(function () { screenRespond(); }); screenRespond(); function screenRespond(){ var screenWidth = $(window).width(); if(screenWidth <= 1800){ $("body").attr("class", "w1800"); } if(screenWidth <= 1400){ $("body").attr("class", "w1400"); } if(screenWidth > 1800){ $("body").attr("class", ""); } }
link > visited > hover > active
Chrome支持小于12px 的文字
.shrink{ -webkit-transform:scale(0.8); -o-transform:scale(1); display:inline-block; }
为了准确无误地把数据送达目标处,TCP协议采用了三次握手策略。用TCP协议把数据包送出去后,TCP不会对传送 后的情况置之不理,它一定会向对方确认是否成功送达。握手过程中使用了TCP的标志:SYN和ACK
发送端首先发送一个带SYN标志的数据包给对方。接收端收到后,回传一个带有SYN/ACK标志的数据包以示传达确认信息。 最后,发送端再回传一个带ACK标志的数据包,代表“握手”结束。 若在握手过程中某个阶段莫名中断,TCP协议会再次以相同的顺序发送相同的数据包
第一次挥手:主动关闭方发送一个FIN,用来关闭主动方到被动关闭方的数据传送,也就是主动关闭方告诉被动关闭方:我已经不 会再给你发数据了(当然,在fin包之前发送出去的数据,如果没有收到对应的ack确认报文,主动关闭方依然会重发这些数据),但是,此时主动关闭方还可 以接受数据。
然而,在以下情况中,请使用 POST 请求:
向服务器发送大量数据(POST 没有数据量限制)
When sending user input containing unknown characters, POST is more stable and reliable than GET
The above is the detailed content of Summary of interview knowledge points in html and css (with examples). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!