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Detailed explanation of css3 font variation font-variation

Release: 2018-02-10 15:37:16
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If you want to use one word to describe it, you can call it Font variants. The corresponding CSS attribute is the font-variation-* attribute, which includes the connection ( ligatures, caps, numerals, and alternate glyphs. These properties allow us to create more precise and beautiful typography (text) effects on the Web.

In fact, typography on the Web will always lag behind its effectiveness in print. But this is understandable because the fonts printed on the page have evolved over the centuries to a level of sophistication. It is still difficult to reach such a level in a browser.

However, due to the increase in OpenType functionality in Web fonts and the improvement of CSS features and capabilities, the gap between typesetting on the Web and typesetting in print is gradually narrowing.

So in today’s article, with the help of the previous example, let’s take a look at how to use CSS to control OpenType features, but please remember that any web fonts you use need to support these features.


Most OpenType features can be controlled through the font-variant-* attribute in CSS. You can also use font-feature-settings to support lower version browsers. However, whenever possible, you should use the more modern font-variant-* properties. In actual use, you can use the @supports rule to downgrade font-variant-*. Use this attribute for supported browsers and # for unsupported browsers. ##font-feature-settings.

body {    font-feature-settings: "liga" 1;}@supports (font-variant-ligatures: common-ligatures) {    body {        font-feature-settings: normal;        font-variant-ligatures: common-ligatures;    }}
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Maybe until now, you, like me, still don’t quite understand what the above code does. Don't worry, keep reading and you'll figure it out.

font-variant-*Mainly include:

  • font-variant-ligatures

  • font-variant-caps

  • font-variant-numeric

  • font-variant-alternates

  • font-variant-east-asian

Back Let’s briefly look at these properties.


A link is a single glyph composed of two or more glyphs. They often prevent unsightly or awkward letter collisions. The main function is

to help identify .

font-variant-ligaturesYou can use the following keywords as its attribute values:

/* Keyword values */
font-variant-ligatures: normal;
font-variant-ligatures: none;
font-variant-ligatures: common-ligatures;           /* <common-lig-values> */
font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures;        /* <common-lig-values> */
font-variant-ligatures: discretionary-ligatures;    /* <discretionary-lig-values> */
font-variant-ligatures: no-discretionary-ligatures; /* <discretionary-lig-values> */
font-variant-ligatures: historical-ligatures;       /* <historical-lig-values> */
font-variant-ligatures: no-historical-ligatures;    /* <historical-lig-values> */
font-variant-ligatures: contextual;                 /* <contextual-alt-values> */
font-variant-ligatures: no-contextual;              /* <contextual-alt-values> */
font-variant-ligatures: contextual;                 /* <no-historical-ligatures> <common-ligatures> */

/* Global values */
font-variant-ligatures: inherit;
font-variant-ligatures: initial;
font-variant-ligatures: unset;
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These connections are the ones the designer decided to use under normal circumstances. In most cases, these should be used as most browsers enable them by default.

The most common connection values ​​are

fi, ffi, th, or similar. Their corresponding OpenType values ​​are liga and clig. Both values ​​are possible:

  • common-ligatures: Activate connection

  • no- common-ligatures: Disable connection

For example:

font-variant-ligatures: common-ligatures; /* 开启 */font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures; /* 禁用 */font-feature-settings: &#39;liga&#39; 1; /* 低版本浏览器 开启 */font-feature-settings: &#39;liga&#39; 0; /* 低版本浏览器 禁用 */
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The effect is as follows:

The previous line enables the connection and the next line disables it Connection effects


These can be used for printing connections to achieve special effects. These are disabled by default. It can also be understood that these values ​​can be used to control specific connections, specific fonts and defined by the OpenType designer. They correspond to the OpenType value

dig. It also has two possible values:

  • discretionary-ligatures: activate connection

  • no-discretionary -ligatures: Disable connection

If set in your code:

font-variant-ligatures: discretionary-ligatures; /* 激活 */font-variant-ligatures: no-discretionary-ligatures; /* 禁用 */font-feature-settings: &#39;dlig&#39; 1; /* 低版本浏览器 激活 */font-feature-settings: &#39;dlig&#39; 0; /* 低版本浏览器 禁用 */
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The effect is as follows:

First line Enables the connection, the second line disables the connection


These values ​​control whether letters adapt to their context. That is, whether they fit in with the letters around them. These values ​​correspond to

calt in OpenType. Similarly contextual means enabled; no-contextual means disabled.

font-variant-ligatures: contextual; /* enable */font-variant-ligatures: no-contextual; /* disable */font-feature-settings: &#39;calt&#39; 1; /* low-level enable */font-feature-settings: &#39;calt&#39; 0; /* low-level disable */historical-ligatures
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Using these values, it looks like

tz in German appears as ß. Its corresponding OpenType value is hlig. The historical-ligatures ring is enabled, while the no-historical-ligatures is disabled.

font-variant-ligatures: historical-ligatures; /* enable */font-variant-ligatures: no-historical-ligatures; /* disable */font-feature-settings: &#39;hlig&#39; 1; /* low-level enable */font-feature-settings: &#39;hlig&#39; 0; /* low-level disable */
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We often use the

sub and sup elements to change the characters in vertical position. By default, the browser will use a regular numeric character to make font-size smaller, and use vertical-align to raise or lower it. These are not true sub and sup, and often look ugly, not to mention they mess up the line-height.

Thankfully, there is now a way to actually achieve effects like

sub and sup using font-variant-position. However, this property is currently only supported in Firefox.

/* Keyword values */font-variant-position: normal;
font-variant-position: sub;
font-variant-position: super;/* Global values */font-variant-position: inherit;
font-variant-position: initial;
font-variant-position: unset;
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font-variant-position: sub; /* enable */font-variant-position: normal; /* disable both variants */font-feature-settings: &#39;subs&#39; 1; /* low-level enable */font-feature-settings: &#39;subs&#39; 0; /* low-level disable */
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font-variant-position: super; /* enable */font-variant-position: normal; /* disable both variants */font-feature-settings: &#39;sups&#39; 1; /* low-level enable */font-feature-settings: &#39;sups&#39; 0; /* low-level disable */
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/* Keyword values */font-variant-caps: normal;
font-variant-caps: small-caps;
font-variant-caps: all-small-caps;
font-variant-caps: petite-caps;
font-variant-caps: all-petite-caps;
font-variant-caps: unicase;
font-variant-caps: titling-caps;/* Global values */font-variant-caps: inherit;
font-variant-caps: initial;
font-variant-caps: unset;
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font-variant-caps: small-caps; /* enable */font-variant-caps: normal; /* disable all variants */font-feature-settings: &#39;smcp&#39; 1; /* low-level enable */font-feature-settings: &#39;smcp&#39; 0; /* low-level disable */
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font-variant-caps: all-small-caps; /* enable */font-variant-caps: normal; /* disable all variants */font-feature-settings: &#39;smcp&#39; 1, &#39;c2sc&#39; 1; /* low-level enable */font-feature-settings: &#39;smcp&#39; 1, &#39;c2sc&#39; 0; /* low-level disable */
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font-variant-caps: petite-caps; /* enable */font-variant-caps: normal; /* disable all variants */font-feature-settings: &#39;pcap&#39; 1; /* low-level enable */font-feature-settings: &#39;pcap&#39; 0; /* low-level disable */
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font-variant-caps: all-petite-caps; /* enable */font-variant-caps: normal; /* disable all variants */font-feature-settings: &#39;pcap&#39; 1, &#39;c2pc&#39; 1; /* low-level enable */font-feature-settings: &#39;pcap&#39; 1, &#39;c2pc&#39; 0; /* low-level disable */
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font-variant-caps: unicase; /* enable */font-variant-caps: normal; /* disable all variants */font-feature-settings: &#39;unic&#39; 1; /* low-level enable */font-feature-settings: &#39;unic&#39; 0; /* low-level disable */
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font-variant-caps: titling-caps; /* enable */font-variant-caps: normal; /* disable all variants */font-feature-settings: &#39;titl&#39; 1; /* low-level enable */font-feature-settings: &#39;titl&#39; 0; /* low-level disable */
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  • 运行于文本正文中的数字,使用比例的是旧式数字

  • 运行在标题中的数字,使用的比例是内联数字

  • 在数字表格中的数字,使用的比例是表格内联数字


font-variant-numeric: normal;font-variant-numeric: ordinal;font-variant-numeric: slashed-zero;font-variant-numeric: lining-nums;         /* <numeric-figure-values> */font-variant-numeric: oldstyle-nums;       /* <numeric-figure-values> */font-variant-numeric: proportional-nums;   /* <numeric-spacing-values> */font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums;        /* <numeric-spacing-values> */font-variant-numeric: diagonal-fractions;  /* <numeric-fraction-values> */font-variant-numeric: stacked-fractions;   /* <numeric-fraction-values> */font-variant-numeric: oldstyle-nums stacked-fractions;/* Global values */font-variant-numeric: inherit;
font-variant-numeric: initial;
font-variant-numeric: unset;
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font-variant-numeric: lining-nums; /* enable */font-variant-numeric: normal; /* disable all variants */font-feature-settings: &#39;lnum&#39; 1; /* low-level enable */font-feature-settings: &#39;lnum&#39; 0; /* low-level disable */
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font-variant-numeric: oldstyle-nums; /* enable */font-variant-numeric: normal; /* disable all variants */font-feature-settings: &#39;onum&#39; 1; /* low-level enable */font-feature-settings: &#39;onum&#39; 0; /* low-level disable */
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font-variant-numeric: proportional-nums; /* enable */font-variant-numeric: normal; /* disable all variants */font-feature-settings: &#39;pnum&#39; 1; /* low-level enable */font-feature-settings: &#39;pnum&#39; 0; /* low-level disable */
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font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums; /* enable */font-variant-numeric: normal; /* disable all variants */font-feature-settings: &#39;tnum&#39; 1; /* low-level enable */font-feature-settings: &#39;tnum&#39; 0; /* low-level disable */
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font-variant-numeric: diagonal-fractions; /* enable */font-variant-numeric: normal; /* disable all variants */font-feature-settings: &#39;frac&#39; 1; /* low-level enable */font-feature-settings: &#39;frac&#39; 0; /* low-level disable */
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font-variant-numeric: stacked-fractions; /* enable */font-variant-numeric: normal; /* disable all variants */font-feature-settings: &#39;afrc&#39; 1; /* low-level enable */font-feature-settings: &#39;afrc&#39; 0; /* low-level disable */
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font-variant-numeric: ordinal; /* enable */font-variant-numeric: normal; /* disable all variants */font-feature-settings: &#39;ordn&#39; 1; /* low-level enable */font-feature-settings: &#39;ordn&#39; 0; /* low-level disable */
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font-variant-numeric: slashed-zero; /* enable */font-variant-numeric: normal; /* disable all variants */font-feature-settings: &#39;zero&#39; 1; /* low-level enable */font-feature-settings: &#39;zero&#39; 0; /* low-level disable */
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/* Keyword values */font-variant-alternates: normal;
font-variant-alternates: historical-forms;/* Functional notation values */font-variant-alternates: stylistic(user-defined-ident);
font-variant-alternates: styleset(user-defined-ident);font-variant-alternates: character-variant(user-defined-ident);
font-variant-alternates: swash(user-defined-ident);
font-variant-alternates: ornaments(user-defined-ident);
font-variant-alternates: annotation(user-defined-ident);
font-variant-alternates: swash(ident1) annotation(ident2);/* Global values */font-variant-alternates: initial;
font-variant-alternates: inherit;
font-variant-alternates: unset;
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font-variant-numeric: historical-forms; /* enable */font-variant-numeric: normal; /* disable all variants */font-feature-settings: &#39;hist&#39; 1; /* low-level enable */font-feature-settings: &#39;hist&#39; 0; /* low-level disable */
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/* Use the default settings */font-variation-settings: normal;/* Set values for OpenType axis names */font-variation-settings: "XHGT" 0.7;/* Global values */font-variation-settings: inherit;
font-variation-settings: initial;
font-variation-settings: unset;
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这就是在我们文章的开头的示例中看到的font-variation-settings: 'INLN' 0;font-variation-settings: 'INLN' 1000, 'SWRM' 1000;等。每个值都有4个ASCII字符和一个表示axis值的数字组成。如果<string>有更多或更少的字符或包含U+20至U+7E的codepoint范围之外的字符,那么整个属性都是无效的。而<number>可以是分数,也可以是负数。





CSS3 font-feature-settings特性减除字体动画震颤效果实例分享



The above is the detailed content of Detailed explanation of css3 font variation font-variation. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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