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What is the use of the gitlab library in python?

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First you need to install python-gitlab Library

pip installation

sudo pip install --upgrade python-gitlab
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Source code installation

git clone https://github.com/python-gitlab/python-gitlab
cd python-gitlab
sudo python setup.py install
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CLI Usage

First you need to configure the environment to use cli. You need to provide a configuration file to indicate the gitlab server information and connection parameters. The configuration file format is INI , the sample is as follows:

default = somewhere
ssl_verify = true
timeout = 5

url = https://some.whe.re
private_token = vTbFeqJYCY3sibBP7BZM
api_version = 4

url = http://else.whe.re:8080
private_token = CkqsjqcQSFH5FQKDccu4
timeout = 1
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  • The global part must be provided, mainly the parameters for connecting to gitlab

  • The other parts are optional. When there is no configuration, the default is default

  • . During use, you can specify which section to use through -g, such as gitlab -g somewhere project list

##The configuration file used in this article is as follows:

ssl_verify = true
timeout = 5

url = https://gitlab-russellgo.cn
private_token = xxxxxx
api_version = 4
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The configuration file can take effect through the following methods:

  • Configure through environment variables


  • Place it under the system configuration


  • Place it in the current user’s home directory


  • Specify through the command line

    -c or --config-file

The configuration file of this article is placed under home.

When the environment is configured, you can use it happily

  • List all projects (return in pages)

    # 上面定义了一个 gitlab 的组,所以执行时可以通过 -g 指定
    gitlab -g gitlab project list
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  • List all projects

    gitlab -g gitlab project list --all
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I have a question here, how do I know

gitlab What commands are currently supported?

gitlab -g gitlab 
# 以下是输出
usage: gitlab [-h] [--version] [-v] [-d] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-g GITLAB]
              [-o {json,legacy,yaml}] [-f FIELDS]
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This way you can list the resources currently supported by gitlab. Once you know the supported resources, how do you know what operations a certain resource supports? Take project as an example,

gitlab -g gitlab project 
# 以下是输出
usage: gitlab project [-h]
gitlab project: error: too few arguments
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In this way, you can know what operations

gitlab supports on which resources, and then you can know the specific parameters through --help, such as

gitlab -g gitlab project list  --help 
# 以下是输出
usage: gitlab project list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--search SEARCH]
                           [--owned OWNED] [--starred STARRED]
                           [--archived ARCHIVED] [--visibility VISIBILITY]
                           [--order-by ORDER_BY] [--sort SORT]
                           [--simple SIMPLE] [--membership MEMBERSHIP]
                           [--statistics STATISTICS]
                           [--with-issues-enabled WITH_ISSUES_ENABLED]
                           [--with-merge-requests-enabled WITH_MERGE_REQUESTS_ENABLED]
                           [--with-custom-attributes WITH_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES]
                           [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--all]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --sudo SUDO
  --search SEARCH
  --owned OWNED
  --starred STARRED
  --archived ARCHIVED
  --visibility VISIBILITY
  --order-by ORDER_BY
  --sort SORT
  --simple SIMPLE
  --membership MEMBERSHIP
  --statistics STATISTICS
  --with-issues-enabled WITH_ISSUES_ENABLED
  --with-merge-requests-enabled WITH_MERGE_REQUESTS_ENABLED
  --with-custom-attributes WITH_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES
  --page PAGE
  --per-page PER_PAGE
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This makes it very convenient to operate


Programming Usage

In addition to operating gitlab through the command line, you can also use programming for integration. A common scenario is to download a file from gitlab

Basic usage
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
from __future__ import print_function

import gitlab

# 实例化一个 gitlab 对象
url = "https://gitlab.russellgao.cn"
private_token = "xxxxxxxx"
gl = gitlab.Gitlab('https://gitlab.russellgao.cn', private_token=private_token)

# 列出所有的项目
projects = gl.projects.list()
for project in projects:

# 获取 group id 是 2 的 list
group = gl.groups.get(2)
for project in group.projects.list():

# 创建一个用户
user_data = {'email': 'jen@foo.com', 'username': 'jen', 'name': 'Jen'}
user = gl.users.create(user_data)

# 列出 create 和 update 时需要的参数
# get_create_attrs() 创建时需要的参数
# get_update_attrs() 更新时需要的参数

(('name',), ('path', 'namespace_id', ...))

# 返回的是两个元组, 第一个 必选的参数,第二个是可选的参数

# 获取 对象的属性 ,如 project
project = gl.projects.get(1)

# 有些对象提供了 gitlab 相关的资源属性
project = gl.projects.get(1)
issues = project.issues.list()

# python-gitlab 允许向 gitlab 发送任何数据,当发送非法数据或者缺少相关参数时会抛出异常

gl.projects.list(sort='invalid value')
# ...
# GitlabListError: 400: sort does not have a valid value

# 通过 query_parameters 进行传参 当参数和python 关键字冲突时
gl.user_activities.list(from='2019-01-01')  ## invalid
gl.user_activities.list(query_parameters={'from': '2019-01-01'})  # OK
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Function encapsulation example
Download files through gitlab raw url

def download_gitlab_file(url, filename, private_token) :
    从 gitlab 上下载文件

    :param url: gitlab raw url
    :param filename: 保存到本地的文件名称
    :param private_token:
    import gitlab
    import codecs

    def writeLinesToFile(filename, lines, append=False, encoding=None):
        if (append == True):
            file_mode = "a"
            file_mode = "w"
        encoding = encoding or 'utf-8'
        with codecs.open(filename, file_mode, encoding=encoding) as fp:
            for line in lines:
                print(unicode(line), file=fp)

    url_patterns = url.split("/")
    if len(url_patterns) < 8 :
        raise ValueError("url: `{}` 参数不合法,以 / 分隔之后长度必须大于8".format(url))
    baseurl = "{}//{}".format(url_patterns[0], url_patterns[2])
    namespace = url_patterns[3]
    project_name = url_patterns[4]
    branch = url_patterns[6]
    url_filename = "/".join(url_patterns[7:])
    if url_patterns[5] == "-" :
        branch = url_patterns[7]
        url_filename = "/".join(url_patterns[8:])

    gl = gitlab.Gitlab(str(baseurl), private_token)
    projects = gl.projects.list(search=project_name)
    projects = filter(lambda x : x.namespace.get("full_path") == namespace, projects )
    if len(projects) == 0 :
        raise ValueError("根据url 没有找到相应的 project ,请检查当前用户是否有权限或者 url 是否正确 ")
    project = projects[0]
    raw_content = project.files.raw(file_path=url_filename, ref=branch)
    writeLinesToFile(filename, [raw_content])
    return raw_content
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Source code analysis

Source code address: https://github. com/python-gitlab/python-gitlab/

As can be seen from setup.py#L31:5

from setuptools import setup
from setuptools import find_packages
    entry_points={"console_scripts": ["gitlab = gitlab.cli:main"]},
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python-gitlab uses setuptools for packaging, and there are two packages. Function:

  • Use as a python library (default)

  • ##entry_points={"console_scripts": ["gitlab = gitlab. cli:main"]}

    indicates that it can be used as cli. The command is gitlab and the actual call is gitlab.cli:main function

  • Let’s take a look at the entry file

. From the entry file, we can see cli.py#L182:14<div class="code" style="position:relative; padding:0px; margin:0px;"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">def main(): import gitlab.v4.cli ... # 可以跳转到这个函数中查看 parser = _get_base_parser(add_help=False) ... def _get_base_parser(add_help: bool = True) -&gt; argparse.ArgumentParser:     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(         add_help=add_help, description=&quot;GitLab API Command Line Interface&quot;     )     parser.add_argument(&quot;--version&quot;, help=&quot;Display the version.&quot;, action=&quot;store_true&quot;)     parser.add_argument(         &quot;-v&quot;,         &quot;--verbose&quot;,         &quot;--fancy&quot;,         help=&quot;Verbose mode (legacy format only)&quot;,         action=&quot;store_true&quot;,     ) ...</pre><div class="contentsignin">Copy after login</div></div>The cli parsing library can be used here argparse<p> Do the parsing of command line parameters. <code>Through


class cli.py#L29:7 we can see that the basic format of <div class="code" style="position:relative; padding:0px; margin:0px;"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">class GitlabCLI(object):     def __init__(self, gl, what, action, args):         self.cls_name = cli.what_to_cls(what)         self.cls = gitlab.v4.objects.__dict__[self.cls_name]         self.what = what.replace(&quot;-&quot;, &quot;_&quot;)         self.action = action.lower()         self.gl = gl         self.args = args         self.mgr_cls = getattr(gitlab.v4.objects, self.cls.__name__ + &quot;Manager&quot;)         # We could do something smart, like splitting the manager name to find         # parents, build the chain of managers to get to the final object.         # Instead we do something ugly and efficient: interpolate variables in         # the class _path attribute, and replace the value with the result.         self.mgr_cls._path = self.mgr_cls._path % self.args         self.mgr = self.mgr_cls(gl)         if self.mgr_cls._types:             for attr_name, type_cls in self.mgr_cls._types.items():                 if attr_name in self.args.keys():                     obj = type_cls()                     obj.set_from_cli(self.args[attr_name])                     self.args[attr_name] = obj.get()</pre><div class="contentsignin">Copy after login</div></div>cli is

gitlab what action args

, which is the above cli mentioned in the chapter What operations are performed on the resources supported by gitlab and the parameters corresponding to this operationBy reading


client.py#L446 :9 This file can be seen<div class="code" style="position:relative; padding:0px; margin:0px;"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">def http_request(         self,         verb: str,         path: str,         query_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,         post_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,         streamed: bool = False,         files: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,         **kwargs: Any,     ) -&gt; requests.Response:         &quot;&quot;&quot;Make an HTTP request to the Gitlab server.         Args:             verb (str): The HTTP method to call ('get', 'post', 'put',                         'delete')             path (str): Path or full URL to query ('/projects' or                         'http://whatever/v4/api/projecs')             query_data (dict): Data to send as query parameters             post_data (dict): Data to send in the body (will be converted to                               json)             streamed (bool): Whether the data should be streamed             files (dict): The files to send to the server             **kwargs: Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)         Returns:             A requests result object.         Raises:             GitlabHttpError: When the return code is not 2xx         &quot;&quot;&quot;         query_data = query_data or {}         url = self._build_url(path)         params: Dict[str, Any] = {}         utils.copy_dict(params, query_data)         # Deal with kwargs: by default a user uses kwargs to send data to the         # gitlab server, but this generates problems (python keyword conflicts         # and python-gitlab/gitlab conflicts).         # So we provide a `query_parameters` key: if it's there we use its dict         # value as arguments for the gitlab server, and ignore the other         # arguments, except pagination ones (per_page and page)         if &quot;query_parameters&quot; in kwargs:             utils.copy_dict(params, kwargs[&quot;query_parameters&quot;])             for arg in (&quot;per_page&quot;, &quot;page&quot;):                 if arg in kwargs:                     params[arg] = kwargs[arg]         else:             utils.copy_dict(params, kwargs)         opts = self._get_session_opts(content_type=&quot;application/json&quot;)         verify = opts.pop(&quot;verify&quot;)         timeout = opts.pop(&quot;timeout&quot;)         # If timeout was passed into kwargs, allow it to override the default         timeout = kwargs.get(&quot;timeout&quot;, timeout)         # We need to deal with json vs. data when uploading files         if files:             json = None             if post_data is None:                 post_data = {}             post_data[&quot;file&quot;] = files.get(&quot;file&quot;)             post_data[&quot;avatar&quot;] = files.get(&quot;avatar&quot;)             data = MultipartEncoder(post_data)             opts[&quot;headers&quot;][&quot;Content-type&quot;] = data.content_type         else:             json = post_data             data = None         # Requests assumes that `.` should not be encoded as %2E and will make         # changes to urls using this encoding. Using a prepped request we can         # get the desired behavior.         # The Requests behavior is right but it seems that web servers don't         # always agree with this decision (this is the case with a default         # gitlab installation)         req = requests.Request(verb, url, json=json, data=data, params=params, **opts)         prepped = self.session.prepare_request(req)         prepped.url = utils.sanitized_url(prepped.url)         settings = self.session.merge_environment_settings(             prepped.url, {}, streamed, verify, None         )         # obey the rate limit by default         obey_rate_limit = kwargs.get(&quot;obey_rate_limit&quot;, True)         # do not retry transient errors by default         retry_transient_errors = kwargs.get(&quot;retry_transient_errors&quot;, False)         # set max_retries to 10 by default, disable by setting it to -1         max_retries = kwargs.get(&quot;max_retries&quot;, 10)         cur_retries = 0 ...</pre><div class="contentsignin">Copy after login</div></div>

The above is the detailed content of What is the use of the gitlab library in python?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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