What does linux mem mean?

Release: 2023-04-14 11:19:01
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In Linux, mem refers to physical memory, which is the temporary storage space obtained by installing a memory stick. Its main function is to provide temporary storage for the operating system and various programs when the computer is running. The physical memory of the Linux system is divided into many parts of the same size, also called memory pages; the size of the memory page depends on the CPU architecture and operating system configuration, generally 4KB.

What does linux mem mean?

#The operating environment of this tutorial: linux7.3 system, Dell G3 computer.

What is linux mem

mem is physical memory, which refers to the temporary storage space obtained by installing a memory module. Its main function is to provide temporary storage for the operating system and various programs while the computer is running.

When the physical memory is about to overflow, the infrequently used memory in the memory will be transferred to SWAP until the physical memory is free and the swap memory is active before it is transferred back.

free -m
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  • mem: Represents physical memory statistics

  • buff/cache: Represents cache statistics of physical memory

  • swap: Represents the swap partition on the hard disk Usage

The currently available memory of the system is not marked by free in the first line, it only represents unallocated memory

What does linux mem mean?

The system's physical memory is divided into many parts of the same size, also called memory pages. The size of the memory page depends on the CPU architecture and operating system configuration, generally 4KB. The use of physical memory is mainly divided into the following aspects:

(1) Kernel usage

When the operating system starts, the compressed kernel file located in the /boot directory will be loaded into the memory and decompressed . This part of the content will reside at the beginning of the memory as long as the system allows it.

(2) slab allocator

The operation of the operating system also requires more space to allocate to management processes, file descriptors, sockets, loaded internal modules, etc. So the kernel will dynamically allocate memory through the slab allocator.

PS: slab is a memory allocation mechanism of the Linux operating system. Its job is to target some objects that are frequently allocated and released, such as process descriptors. The size of these objects is generally relatively small. If the brk system call is used directly to allocate and release, it will not only cause a lot of fragmentation, but also affect performance. . The slab allocator is managed based on objects. Objects of the same type are classified into one category (for example, process descriptors are one category). Whenever such an object is applied for, the slab allocator allocates an object of this size from a slab list. The cells go out, and when they are freed, they are saved back in the list instead of returned directly to the operating system, thus avoiding memory fragmentation of these. The slab allocator does not discard allocated objects, but releases and stores them in memory. When a new object is requested in the future, it can be obtained directly from the memory without repeated initialization. The memory size in the current slab allocator can be viewed in /proc/meminfo.

What does linux mem mean?

(3) Use

to remove the kernel use parts, all processes need to assign physical memory pages to their code, data and stacks. This physical memory consumed by the process is called "resident memory", RSS.

(4) Page cache page cache

Excluding the part used by the kernel and the process, the remaining part of the physical memory is called the page cache, page cache. Because the speed of disk IO is much lower than the access speed of memory, in order to speed up access to disk data, the page cache stores the data read from the disk as much as possible. There is also a part of the page cache called the buffer, which is used to cache data to be written to the disk.

The size of the page cache is constantly changing dynamically. When the system memory is sufficient, the page cache will continue to increase; when the system free memory is insufficient, if a process applies for memory at this time, the operating system will reclaim the memory pages from the page cache for allocation. If the page cache is also insufficient, then the system The data currently resident in the memory will be replaced into the swap space configured in advance on the disk, and then the freed memory can be used for allocation. This is swap exchange.

PS: When swap occurs, after the data is replaced into the swap space (swap out), the amount of memory used by the process decreases. The RGROW column in monitoring tools such as atop is a negative value, but this does not Indicates that the process has released the memory, and when it needs it, this part of the data will be swapped into the memory (swap in). In addition, swap often consumes a lot of disk IO, seriously affecting the normal disk IO of the system. The occurrence of a large number of swap exchanges indicates that the system is about to fail and needs to be focused on.

How to check Linux physical memory

方法-1:使用 free 命令

free 显示系统中空闲和已用的物理内存和交换内存的总量,以及内核使用的缓冲区和缓存。它通过解析 /proc/meminfo 来收集信息。

建议阅读: free – 在 Linux 系统中检查内存使用情况统计(空闲和已用)的标准命令

$ free -m
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           1993        1681          82          81         228         153
Swap:         12689        1213       11475
$ free -g
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:              1           1           0           0           0           0
Swap:            12           1          11
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方法-2:使用 /proc/meminfo 文件

/proc/meminfo 是一个虚拟文本文件,它包含有关系统 RAM 使用情况的大量有价值的信息。


$ grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
MemTotal:        2041396 kB
$ grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2 / 1024}'
$ grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2 / 1024 / 1024}'
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方法-3:使用 top 命令

top 命令是 Linux 中监视实时系统进程的基本命令之一。它显示系统信息和运行的进程信息,如正常运行时间、平均负载、正在运行的任务、登录的用户数、CPU 数量和 CPU 利用率,以及内存和交换信息。运行 top 命令,然后按下 E 来使内存利用率以 MB 为单位显示。

建议阅读: TOP 命令示例监视服务器性能

$ top
top - 14:38:36 up  1:59,  1 user,  load average: 1.83, 1.60, 1.52
Tasks: 223 total,   2 running, 221 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 48.6 us, 11.2 sy,  0.0 ni, 39.3 id,  0.3 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.5 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem : 1993.551 total,   94.184 free, 1647.367 used,  252.000 buff/cache
MiB Swap: 12689.58+total, 11196.83+free, 1492.750 used.  306.465 avail Mem 
  PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                                                                                        
 9908 daygeek   20   0 2971440 649324  39700 S  55.8 31.8  11:45.74 Web Content                                                                                                                                    
21942 daygeek   20   0 2013760 308700  69272 S  35.0 15.1   4:13.75 Web Content                                                                                                                                    
 4782 daygeek   20   0 3687116 227336  39156 R  14.5 11.1  16:47.45 gnome-shell
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方法-4:使用 vmstat 命令

vmstat 是一个漂亮的标准工具,它报告 Linux 系统的虚拟内存统计信息。vmstat 报告有关进程、内存、分页、块 IO、陷阱和 CPU 活动的信息。它有助于 Linux 管理员在故障检修时识别系统瓶颈。

建议阅读: vmstat – 一个报告虚拟内存统计信息的标准且漂亮的工具

$ vmstat -s | grep "total memory"
      2041396 K total memory
$ vmstat -s -S M | egrep -ie 'total memory'
         1993 M total memory
$ vmstat -s | awk '{print $1 / 1024 / 1024}' | head -1
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方法-5:使用 nmon 命令

nmon 是另一个很棒的工具,用于在 Linux 终端上监视各种系统资源,如 CPU、内存、网络、磁盘、文件系统、NFS、top 进程、Power 的微分区和资源(Linux 版本和处理器)。

只需按下 m 键,即可查看内存利用率统计数据(缓存、活动、非活动、缓冲、空闲,以 MB 和百分比为单位)。

建议阅读: nmon – Linux 中一个监视系统资源的漂亮的工具

┌nmon─14g──────[H for help]───Hostname=2daygeek──Refresh= 2secs ───07:24.44─────────────────┐
│ Memory Stats ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│
│                RAM     High      Low     Swap    Page Size=4 KB                           │
│ Total MB     32079.5     -0.0     -0.0  20479.0                                           │
│ Free  MB     11205.0     -0.0     -0.0  20479.0                                           │
│ Free Percent    34.9%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%                                          │
│             MB                  MB                  MB                                    │
│                      Cached= 19763.4     Active=  9617.7                                  │
│ Buffers=   172.5 Swapcached=     0.0  Inactive = 10339.6                                  │
│ Dirty  =     0.0 Writeback =     0.0  Mapped   =    11.0                                  │
│ Slab   =   636.6 Commit_AS =   118.2 PageTables=     3.5                                  │
│                                                                                           │
│                                                                                           │
│                                                                                           │
│                                                                                           │
│                                                                                           │
│                                                                                           │
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方法-6:使用 dmidecode 命令

dmidecode 是一个读取计算机 DMI 表内容的工具,它以人类可读的格式显示系统硬件信息。(DMI 意即桌面管理接口,也有人说是读取的是 SMBIOS —— 系统管理 BIOS)

此表包含系统硬件组件的描述,以及其它有用信息,如序列号、制造商信息、发布日期和 BIOS 修改等。

建议阅读: Dmidecode – 获取 Linux 系统硬件信息的简便方法

# dmidecode -t memory | grep  Size:
        Size: 8192 MB
        Size: No Module Installed
        Size: No Module Installed
        Size: 8192 MB
        Size: No Module Installed
        Size: No Module Installed
        Size: No Module Installed
        Size: No Module Installed
        Size: No Module Installed
        Size: No Module Installed
        Size: No Module Installed
        Size: No Module Installed
        Size: 8192 MB
        Size: No Module Installed
        Size: No Module Installed
        Size: 8192 MB
        Size: No Module Installed
        Size: No Module Installed
        Size: No Module Installed
        Size: No Module Installed
        Size: No Module Installed
        Size: No Module Installed
        Size: No Module Installed
        Size: No Module Installed
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只打印已安装的 RAM 模块。

# dmidecode -t memory | grep  Size: | grep -v "No Module Installed"
        Size: 8192 MB
        Size: 8192 MB
        Size: 8192 MB
        Size: 8192 MB
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汇总所有已安装的 RAM 模块。

# dmidecode -t memory | grep  Size: | grep -v "No Module Installed" | awk '{sum+=$2}END{print sum}'
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方法-7:使用 hwinfo 命令

hwinfo 意即硬件信息,它是另一个很棒的实用工具,用于探测系统中存在的硬件,并以人类可读的格式显示有关各种硬件组件的详细信息。

它报告有关 CPU、RAM、键盘、鼠标、图形卡、声音、存储、网络接口、磁盘、分区、BIOS 和网桥等的信息。

建议阅读: hwinfo(硬件信息)– 一个在 Linux 系统上检测系统硬件信息的好工具

$ hwinfo --memory
01: None 00.0: 10102 Main Memory
  [Created at memory.74]
  Unique ID: rdCR.CxwsZFjVASF
  Hardware Class: memory
  Model: "Main Memory"
  Memory Range: 0x00000000-0x7a4abfff (rw)
  Memory Size: 1 GB + 896 MB
  Config Status: cfg=new, avail=yes, need=no, active=unknown
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方法-8:使用 lshw 命令

lshw(代表 Hardware Lister)是一个小巧的工具,可以生成机器上各种硬件组件的详细报告,如内存配置、固件版本、主板配置、CPU 版本和速度、缓存配置、USB、网卡、显卡、多媒体、打印机、总线速度等。

它通过读取 /proc 目录和 DMI 表中的各种文件来生成硬件信息。

建议阅读: LSHW (Hardware Lister) – 一个在 Linux 上获取硬件信息的好工具

$ sudo lshw -short -class memory
[sudo] password for daygeek: 
H/W path      Device       Class       Description
/0/0                       memory      128KiB BIOS
/0/1                       memory      1993MiB System memory
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方法-9:使用 inxi 命令

inxi 是一个很棒的工具,它可以检查 Linux 上的硬件信息,并提供了大量的选项来获取 Linux 系统上的所有硬件信息,这些特性是我在 Linux 上的其它工具中从未发现的。它是从 locsmif 编写的古老的但至今看来都异常灵活的 infobash 演化而来的。

inxi 是一个脚本,它可以快速显示系统硬件、CPU、驱动程序、Xorg、桌面、内核、GCC 版本、进程、RAM 使用情况以及各种其它有用的信息,还可以用于论坛技术支持和调试工具。

建议阅读: inxi – 一个检查 Linux 上硬件信息的好工具

$ inxi -F | grep "Memory"
Info:      Processes: 234 Uptime: 3:10 Memory: 1497.3/1993.6MB Client: Shell (bash) inxi: 2.3.37
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方法-10:使用 screenfetch 命令

screenfetch 是一个 bash 脚本。它将自动检测你的发行版,并在右侧显示该发行版标识的 ASCII 艺术版本和一些有价值的信息。

建议阅读: ScreenFetch – 以 ASCII 艺术标志在终端显示 Linux 系统信息

$ screenfetch
                          ./+o+-       daygeek@ubuntu
                  yyyyy- -yyyyyy+      OS: Ubuntu 17.10 artful
               ://+//////-yyyyyyo      Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.13.0-37-generic
           .++ .:/++++++/-.+sss/`      Uptime: 44m
         .:++o:  /++++++++/:--:/-      Packages: 1831
        o:+o+:++.`..`` `.-/oo+++++/     Shell: bash 4.4.12
       .:+o:+o/.          `+sssoo+/    Resolution: 1920x955
  .++/+:+oo+o:`             /sssooo.   DE: GNOME 
 /+++//+:`oo+o               /::--:.   WM: GNOME Shell
 \+/+o+++`o++o               ++////.   WM Theme: Adwaita
  .++.o+++oo+:`             /dddhhh.   GTK Theme: Azure [GTK2/3]
       .+.o+oo:.          `oddhhhh+    Icon Theme: Papirus-Dark
        \+.++o+o``-````.:ohdhhhhh+     Font: Ubuntu 11
         `:o+++ `ohhhhhhhhyo++os:      CPU: Intel Core i7-6700HQ @ 2x 2.592GHz
           .o:`.syhhhhhhh/.oo++o`      GPU: llvmpipe (LLVM 5.0, 256 bits)
               /osyyyyyyo++ooo+++/     RAM: 1521MiB / 1993MiB
                   ````` +oo+++o\:    
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方法-11:使用 neofetch 命令

neofetch 是一个跨平台且易于使用的命令行(CLI)脚本,它收集你的 Linux 系统信息,并将其作为一张图片显示在终端上,也可以是你的发行版徽标,或者是你选择的任何 ascii 艺术。

建议阅读: Neofetch – 以 ASCII 分发标志来显示 Linux 系统信息

$ neofetch
            .-/+oossssoo+/-.               daygeek@ubuntu
        `:+ssssssssssssssssss+:`           --------------
      -+ssssssssssssssssssyyssss+-         OS: Ubuntu 17.10 x86_64
    .ossssssssssssssssssdMMMNysssso.       Host: VirtualBox 1.2
   /ssssssssssshdmmNNmmyNMMMMhssssss/      Kernel: 4.13.0-37-generic
  +ssssssssshmydMMMMMMMNddddyssssssss+     Uptime: 47 mins
 /sssssssshNMMMyhhyyyyhmNMMMNhssssssss/    Packages: 1832
.ssssssssdMMMNhsssssssssshNMMMdssssssss.   Shell: bash 4.4.12
+sssshhhyNMMNyssssssssssssyNMMMysssssss+   Resolution: 1920x955
ossyNMMMNyMMhsssssssssssssshmmmhssssssso   DE: ubuntu:GNOME
ossyNMMMNyMMhsssssssssssssshmmmhssssssso   WM: GNOME Shell
+sssshhhyNMMNyssssssssssssyNMMMysssssss+   WM Theme: Adwaita
.ssssssssdMMMNhsssssssssshNMMMdssssssss.   Theme: Azure [GTK3]
 /sssssssshNMMMyhhyyyyhdNMMMNhssssssss/    Icons: Papirus-Dark [GTK3]
  +sssssssssdmydMMMMMMMMddddyssssssss+     Terminal: gnome-terminal
   /ssssssssssshdmNNNNmyNMMMMhssssss/      CPU: Intel i7-6700HQ (2) @ 2.591GHz
    .ossssssssssssssssssdMMMNysssso.       GPU: VirtualBox Graphics Adapter
      -+sssssssssssssssssyyyssss+-         Memory: 1620MiB / 1993MiB
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方法-12:使用 dmesg 命令

dmesg(代表显示消息或驱动消息)是大多数类 Unix 操作系统上的命令,用于打印内核的消息缓冲区。

$ dmesg | grep "Memory"
[    0.000000] Memory: 1985916K/2096696K available (12300K kernel code, 2482K rwdata, 4000K rodata, 2372K init, 2368K bss, 110780K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)
[    0.012044] x86/mm: Memory block size: 128MB
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方法-13:使用 atop 命令

atop 是一个用于 Linux 的 ASCII 全屏系统性能监视工具,它能报告所有服务器进程的活动(即使进程在间隔期间已经完成)。

它记录系统和进程活动以进行长期分析(默认情况下,日志文件保存 28 天),通过使用颜色等来突出显示过载的系统资源。它结合可选的内核模块 netatop 显示每个进程或线程的网络活动。

建议阅读: Atop – 实时监控系统性能,资源,进程和检查资源利用历史

$ atop -m
ATOP - ubuntu                                                   2018/03/31  19:34:08                                                   -------------                                                    10s elapsed
PRC | sys    0.47s  | user   2.75s  |               |              |  #proc    219 |  #trun      1 | #tslpi   802  | #tslpu     0  | #zombie    0  | clones     7 |               |               |  #exit      4 |
CPU | sys       7%  | user     22%  | irq       0%  |              |               |  idle    170% | wait      0%  |               | steal     0%  | guest     0% |               |  curf 2.59GHz |  curscal   ?% |
cpu | sys       3%  | user     11%  | irq       0%  |              |               |  idle     85% | cpu001 w  0%  |               | steal     0%  | guest     0% |               |  curf 2.59GHz |  curscal   ?% |
cpu | sys       4%  | user     11%  | irq       0%  |              |               |  idle     85% | cpu000 w  0%  |               | steal     0%  | guest     0% |               |  curf 2.59GHz |  curscal   ?% |
CPL | avg1    1.98  |               | avg5    3.56  | avg15   3.20 |               |               | csw    14894  |               | intr    6610  |              |               |  numcpu     2 |               |
MEM | tot     1.9G  | free  101.7M  | cache 244.2M  | dirty   0.2M |  buff    6.9M |  slab   92.9M | slrec  35.6M  | shmem  97.8M  | shrss  21.0M  | shswp   3.2M |  vmbal   0.0M |  hptot   0.0M |  hpuse   0.0M |
SWP | tot    12.4G  | free   11.6G  |               |              |               |               |               |               |               |              |  vmcom   7.9G |               |  vmlim  13.4G |
PAG | scan       0  | steal      0  |               | stall      0 |               |               |               |               |               |              |  swin       3 |               |  swout      0 |
DSK |          sda  | busy      0%  |               | read     114 |  write     37 |  KiB/r     21 | KiB/w      6  |               | MBr/s    0.2  | MBw/s    0.0 |  avq     6.50 |               |  avio 0.26 ms |
NET | transport     | tcpi      11  | tcpo      17  | udpi       4 |  udpo       8 |  tcpao      3 | tcppo      0  |               | tcprs      3  | tcpie      0 |  tcpor      0 |  udpnp      0 |  udpie      0 |
NET | network       | ipi       20  |               | ipo       33 |  ipfrw      0 |  deliv     20 |               |               |               |              |  icmpi      5 |               |  icmpo      0 |
NET | enp0s3    0%  | pcki      11  | pcko      28  | sp 1000 Mbps |  si    1 Kbps |  so    1 Kbps |               | coll       0  | mlti       0  | erri       0 |  erro       0 |  drpi       0 |  drpo       0 |
NET | lo      ----  | pcki       9  | pcko       9  | sp    0 Mbps |  si    0 Kbps |  so    0 Kbps |               | coll       0  | mlti       0  | erri       0 |  erro       0 |  drpi       0 |  drpo       0 |
   PID        TID     MINFLT      MAJFLT     VSTEXT      VSLIBS      VDATA      VSTACK      VSIZE       RSIZE      PSIZE       VGROW      RGROW      SWAPSZ     RUID          EUID          MEM      CMD        1/1
  2536          -        941           0       188K      127.3M     551.2M        144K       2.3G      281.2M         0K          0K       344K       6556K     daygeek       daygeek       14%      Web Content
  2464          -         75           0       188K      187.7M     680.6M        132K       2.3G      226.6M         0K          0K       212K      42088K     daygeek       daygeek       11%      firefox
  2039          -       4199           6        16K      163.6M     423.0M        132K       3.5G      220.2M         0K          0K      2936K      109.6M     daygeek       daygeek       11%      gnome-shell
 10822          -          1           0         4K      16680K     377.0M        132K       3.4G      193.4M         0K          0K         0K          0K     root          root          10%      java
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方法-14:使用 htop 命令

htop 是由 Hisham 用 ncurses 库开发的用于 Linux 的交互式进程查看器。与 top 命令相比,htop 有许多特性和选项。

建议阅读: 使用 Htop 命令监视系统资源

$ htop
  1  [|||||||||||||                                                                             13.0%]   Tasks: 152, 587 thr; 1 running
  2  [|||||||||||||||||||||||||                                                                 25.0%]   Load average: 0.91 2.03 2.66 
  Mem[||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||1.66G/1.95G]   Uptime: 01:14:53
  Swp[||||||                                                                               782M/12.4G]
  PID USER      PRI  NI  VIRT   RES   SHR S CPU% MEM%   TIME+  Command
 2039 daygeek    20   0 3541M  214M 46728 S 36.6 10.8 22:36.77 /usr/bin/gnome-shell
 2045 daygeek    20   0 3541M  214M 46728 S 10.3 10.8  3:02.92 /usr/bin/gnome-shell
 2046 daygeek    20   0 3541M  214M 46728 S  8.3 10.8  3:04.96 /usr/bin/gnome-shell
 6080 daygeek    20   0  807M 37228 24352 S  2.1  1.8  0:11.99 /usr/lib/gnome-terminal/gnome-terminal-server
 2880 daygeek    20   0 2205M  164M 17048 S  2.1  8.3  7:16.50 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -contentproc -childID 6 -isForBrowser -intPrefs 6:50|7:-1|19:0|34:1000|42:20|43:5|44:10|51:0|57:128|58:10000|63:0|65:400|66
 6125 daygeek    20   0 1916M  159M 92352 S  2.1  8.0  2:09.14 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -contentproc -childID 7 -isForBrowser -intPrefs 6:50|7:-1|19:0|34:1000|42:20|43:5|44:10|51:0|57:128|58:10000|63:0|65:400|66
 2536 daygeek    20   0 2335M  243M 26792 S  2.1 12.2  6:25.77 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -contentproc -childID 1 -isForBrowser -intPrefs 6:50|7:-1|19:0|34:1000|42:20|43:5|44:10|51:0|57:128|58:10000|63:0|65:400|66
 2653 daygeek    20   0 2237M  185M 20788 S  1.4  9.3  3:01.76 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -contentproc -childID 4 -isForBrowser -intPrefs 6:50|7:-1|19:0|34:1000|42:20|43:5|44:10|51:0|57:128|58:10000|63:0|65:400|66
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方法-15:使用 corefreq 实用程序

CoreFreq 是为 Intel 64 位处理器设计的 CPU 监控软件,支持的架构有 Atom、Core2、Nehalem、SandyBridge 和 superior,AMD 家族 0F。

CoreFreq 提供了一个框架来以高精确度检索 CPU 数据。

建议阅读: CoreFreq – 一个用于 Linux 系统的强大的 CPU 监控工具

$ ./corefreq-cli -k
|- Release                                                   [4.13.0-37-generic]
|- Version                          [#42-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 7 14:13:23 UTC 2018]
|- Machine                                                              [x86_64]
|- Total RAM                                                          2041396 KB
|- Shared RAM                                                           99620 KB
|- Free RAM                                                            108428 KB
|- Buffer RAM                                                            8108 KB
|- Total High                                                               0 KB
|- Free High                                                                0 KB
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方法-16:使用 glances 命令

Glances 是用 Python 编写的跨平台基于 curses(LCTT 译注:curses 是一个 Linux/Unix 下的图形函数库)的系统监控工具。我们可以说它一应俱全,就像在最小的空间含有最大的信息。它使用 psutil 库从系统中获取信息。

Glances 可以监视 CPU、内存、负载、进程列表、网络接口、磁盘 I/O、Raid、传感器、文件系统(和文件夹)、Docker、监视器、警报、系统信息、正常运行时间、快速预览(CPU、内存、负载)等。

建议阅读: Glances (一应俱全)– 一个 Linux 的高级的实时系 统性能监控工具

$ glances
ubuntu (Ubuntu 17.10 64bit / Linux 4.13.0-37-generic) - IP                                                                                                                           Uptime: 1:08:40
CPU  [||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||        90.6%]   CPU -    90.6%  nice:     0.0%  ctx_sw:    4K      MEM \   78.4%  active:     942M      SWAP -    5.9%      LOAD    2-core
MEM  [|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||                 78.0%]   user:    55.1%  irq:      0.0%  inter:   1797      total:  1.95G  inactive:   562M      total:   12.4G      1 min:    4.35
SWAP [||||                                                                       5.9%]   system:  32.4%  iowait:   1.8%  sw_int:   897      used:   1.53G  buffers:   14.8M      used:     749M      5 min:    4.38
                                                                                         idle:     7.6%  steal:    0.0%                     free:    431M  cached:     273M      free:    11.7G      15 min:   3.38
NETWORK     Rx/s   Tx/s   TASKS 211 (735 thr), 4 run, 207 slp, 0 oth sorted automatically by memory_percent, flat view
docker0       0b   232b
enp0s3      12Kb    4Kb   Systemd          7    Services loaded: 197 active: 196 failed: 1 
lo          616b   616b
_h478e48e     0b   232b     CPU%  MEM%  VIRT   RES   PID USER        NI S     TIME+   R/s   W/s Command 
                            63.8  18.9 2.33G  377M  2536 daygeek      0 R   5:57.78     0     0 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -contentproc -childID 1 -isForBrowser -intPrefs 6:50|7:-1|19:0|34:1000|42:20|43:5|44:10|51
DefaultGateway     83ms     78.5  10.9 3.46G  217M  2039 daygeek      0 S  21:07.46     0     0 /usr/bin/gnome-shell
                             8.5  10.1 2.32G  201M  2464 daygeek      0 S   8:45.69     0     0 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -new-window
DISK I/O     R/s    W/s      1.1   8.5 2.19G  170M  2653 daygeek      0 S   2:56.29     0     0 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -contentproc -childID 4 -isForBrowser -intPrefs 6:50|7:-1|19:0|34:1000|42:20|43:5|44:10|51
dm-0           0      0      1.7   7.2 2.15G  143M  2880 daygeek      0 S   7:10.46     0     0 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -contentproc -childID 6 -isForBrowser -intPrefs 6:50|7:-1|19:0|34:1000|42:20|43:5|44:10|51
sda1       9.46M    12K      0.0   4.9 1.78G 97.2M  6125 daygeek      0 S   1:36.57     0     0 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -contentproc -childID 7 -isForBrowser -intPrefs 6:50|7:-1|19:0|34:1000|42:20|43:5|44:10|51
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方法-17 : 使用 Gnome 系统监视器

Gnome 系统监视器是一个管理正在运行的进程和监视系统资源的工具。它向你显示正在运行的程序以及耗费的处理器时间,内存和磁盘空间。

What does linux mem mean?


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