Gold lecturer
A total of 2 coursesStudent679 Lecturer rating5.7
拥有18年软件开发和IT教学经验。曾任多家上市公司技术总监、架构师、项目经理、高级软件工程师等职务。 网络人气名人讲师,累计授课长达上万课时, 培养了近百名IT名师, 培训数万名学员成功走向IT岗位,近年来致力于推广Web开发技术。
You will learn:
A firewall is a system used to control access to a computer network. Firewalls can isolate risk areas from safe access areas and prevent unpredictable or unauthorized external access from invading the internal network. Learning firewalls under Linux is not only for these reasons. The most important thing is that during the learning stage, through the use of firewalls, you can better master the principles of network communication, become familiar with the operation of Linux, and master network services and network protocols. It is also important for learning Linux operation and maintenance or Cybersecurity is helpful. There are many firewalls under Linux, including iptables, firewalld, selinux, tcp_warppers, etc. This course summarizes these firewall-related technologies.
Summary of firewall technology for Linux network security
Chapter1 Firewall and network knowledgeretractduration: 36 minutes 09 secondsduration: 12 minutes 43 seconds
Chapter2 SELinuxexpand
Chapter3 iptablesexpand
Chapter4 Network firewallexpand
Chapter5 FireWalldexpand
高洛峰 Lecturer Other Courses
- Intermediate Summary of firewall technology for Linux network security