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Summarize and share some of the best combinations of VueUse, come and collect them for use!

Release: 2022-07-20 20:40:30
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VueUse is an open source project by Anthony Fu that provides Vue developers with a number of basic Composition API utility functions for Vue 2 and Vue 3. This article will share with you some of the best VueUse combinations that I commonly use. I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

Summarize and share some of the best combinations of VueUse, come and collect them for use!

(Learning video sharing: vue video tutorial)

Vueuse has a large number of excellent combinations. But the volume is so large that trying to read them all might miss the point. Here are some useful combinations, they are as follows:

  • onClickOutside

  • useFocusTrap

  • useHead

  • useStorage

  • useVModel

  • ##useImage

  • useDark

1. onClickOutside

Detecting clicks is very simple. But how do you detect when a click occurs outside an element? That's a little trickier. But it's easy to do this using the onClickOutside component in VueUse. The code is as follows:

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Create a

ref for the container element you want to track:

const container = ref(null);
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Then we use the

ref on the element Attribute turns it into a templateref.


Please don't click in here.

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Once we have the

ref of the container, we pass it along with a handler to the onClickOutside combination.

  () => alert('Good. Better to click outside.')
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This composability is useful for managing windows or drop-down menus. You can close the drop-down menu when the user clicks outside of it.

Modal boxes often exhibit this behavior as well.

Example address: https://stackblitz.com/edit/vue3-script-setup-with-vite-18scsl?file=src/App.vue

2. useFocusTrap

In order to have an accessible application, it is important to manage focus correctly.

There is nothing worse than accidentally adding a tab after a modal and not being able to return focus to the modal. This is what the focus trap does.

Lock the keyboard focus on a specific DOM element. Instead of cycling through the entire page, it cycles through the browser itself. The keyboard focus only cycles through that DOM element.

The following is an example of using VueUse's


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immediate to true when the page loads , focus will be placed on the container element. Then, it becomes impossible to label outside of that container.

After reaching the third button, clicking the

tab key again will return to the first button.

Just like

onClickOutside, we first set up the template ref for the container.

const container = ref(null)
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Then we pass this template reference to the

useFocusTrap combination. The

useFocusTrap(container, { immediate: true });
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immediate option will automatically set focus to the first focusable element within the container.

Example address: https://stackblitz.com/edit/vue3-script-setup-with-vite-eocc6w?file=src/App.vue

3. useHead

VueUse provides us with a simple way to update the head part of our application - page title, scripts and other content that may be placed here. thing.

The useHead combo requires us to first set up a plugin

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { createHead } from '@vueuse/head'
import App from './App.vue'

const app = createApp(App)
const head = createHead()

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Once we use this plugin we can update the header section however we want. In this example, we will inject some custom styles on a button.

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First, we create a

ref to represent the style we want to inject. The default is empty:

const styles = ref('');
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Second, set

useHead to Styles are injected into the page.

  // Inject a style tag into the head
  style: [{ children: styles }],
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Then, add methods to inject these styles:

const injectStyles = () => {
  styles.value = 'button { background: red }'
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Of course, we are not limited to injecting styles. We can add any of these in our


  • title

  • meta tags

  • link tags

  • base tag

  • ##style tags
  • script tags
  • html attributes
  • body attributes
Example address: https://stackblitz.com/edit/vue3-script-setup-with-vite-szhedp?file=src/App.vue



is really cool because it will automatically synchronize ref to localstorage, for example:

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第一次加载时, input 显示 'Hello, world!',但最后,它会显示你最后在 input 中输入的内容,因为它被保存在localstorage中。

除了 localstorage,我们也可以指定  sessionstorage:

const input = useStorage('unique-key', 'Hello, world!', sessionStorage)
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export interface StorageLike {
  getItem(key: string): string | null
  setItem(key: string, value: string): void
  removeItem(key: string): void
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在这个例子中,我们首先定义了要附加到v-model上的 props:

const props = defineProps({
  count: Number,
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const emit = defineEmits(['update:count'])
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现在,我们可以使用useVModel组合来将 prop和事件绑定到一个ref

const count = useVModel(props, 'count', emit)
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每当 prop 发生变化时,这个 count 就会改变。但只要它从这个组件中被改变,它就会发出update:count事件,通过v-model指令触发更新。

我们可以像这样使用这个 Input 组件。

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这里的count  ref是通过v-model绑定与 Input组件内部的count ref同步的。






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第一步,通过useImage 设置图片的src:

const { isLoading, error } = useImage({ src: url })
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安排好后,useImage 就会加载我们的图像并将事件处理程序附加到它上面。


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UseImage 还有其他一些很棒的特性!如果想让它成为响应式图像,那么它支持srcsetsizes属性,这些属性在幕后传递给img元素。


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7、暗黑模式 useDark



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.dark .container {
  background: slategrey;
  color: white;
  border-color: black;

.dark button {
  background: lightgrey;
  color: black;

.dark body {
  background: darkgrey;
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const isDark = useDark({
  selector: 'html',
  attribute: 'class',
  valueDark: 'dark',
  valueLight: '',
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Vueuse has a huge library with great combinations, and we've only covered a small part of it here. I highly recommend you take some time to explore the documentation and see all that is available. This is a great resource that will save you from a lot of boilerplate code and constantly reinventing the wheel.

[Related video tutorial recommendations: vuejs entry tutorial, web front-end entry]

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