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How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!

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How to make good use of MySQL indexes? The following article will share with you some things you must know if you want to make good use of MySQL indexes. I hope it will be helpful to you!

How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!

This article will talk about how to make good use of MySQL indexes.

How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!

In order to explain better, I created a table user_innodb with the storage engine InnoDB, and initialized 500W pieces of data in batches. It contains the primary key id, name field (name), gender field (gender, 0,1 represents different genders), mobile phone number field (phone), and a joint index is created for the name and phone fields.

CREATE TABLE `user_innodb` (
  `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `gender` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  `phone` varchar(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  INDEX IDX_NAME_PHONE (name, phone)
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1. The cost of index

Index can be very effective in improving query efficiency. Since it is so good, can I create an index for each field? I advise you not to be impulsive.

How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!

Everything has two sides, and indexes are no exception. Excessive use of indexes will cost us both space and time.

1.1 Space cost

The index is a B tree. Every time you create an index, you need to create a B tree. The nodes of each B tree are It is a data page. Each data page will occupy 16KB of disk space by default. Each B-tree will contain many data pages. So, create a large number of indexes and your disk space will be consumed quickly.

1.2 The cost in time

You can use the "money ability" to solve the cost in space, but we may be helpless about the cost in time.

Maintenance of linked lists

I will take the primary key index as an example. The records in each node of the B-tree in the primary key index are in order from small to large primary key values. Connected using a one-way linked list. As shown in the figure below:

How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!

#If I want to delete the record with the primary key id of 1 now, it will destroy the sorting of the records in the three data pages, and I need to delete the records in the three data pages. The records within are rearranged, and the same is true for insertion and modification operations.

Note: Let me remind you that the deletion operation will not immediately rearrange the records in the data page, but will mark the deleted record with a deletion mark until it is appropriate. When the time comes, the record is removed from the linked list, but it will always involve sorting maintenance, which will inevitably consume performance.

Suppose this table has 12 fields, and we set indexes for all 12 fields of this table. If we delete one record, we need to involve N data pages of 12 B-trees. Internal record sorting and maintenance.

What’s worse is that when you add, delete or modify records, it may trigger the recycling and splitting of data pages. Taking the above picture as an example, if I delete the record with id 13, then data page 124 no longer needs to exist and will be recycled by the InnoDB storage engine; if I insert a record with id 12, if there is insufficient space on data page 32 To store this record, InnoDB needs to perform page splitting. We don't need to know the details of page recycling and page splitting, but we can imagine how complicated this operation can be.

If you create an index for each field, you can imagine the performance loss caused by all these index maintenance operations.

Query plan

Before executing the query statement, the MySQL query optimizer will optimize a query statement based on cost and generate an execution plan. If too many indexes are created, the optimizer will calculate the search cost of each index, which will take too much time during the analysis process and ultimately affect the execution efficiency of the query statement.

2. The cost of table return

2.1 What is table return

I will repeat what is table return, We can find the leaf nodes in the B-tree through the secondary index, but the content of the leaf nodes in the secondary index is not complete, only the value of the index column and the primary key value. We need to take the primary key value and go to the leaf node of the clustered index (primary key index) to get the complete user record. This process is called table return.

How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!

In the above figure, I take the name secondary index as an example, and only draw the leaf nodes of the secondary index and the leaf nodes of the clustered index, omitting the two Non-leaf nodes of B-tree.

The three lines extending from the leaf nodes of the secondary index represent the table return operation.

2.2 The cost of returning the table

The cost of finding the leaf nodes of the secondary index based on the name field is still relatively small for two reasons:

  • 叶子节点所在的页通过双向链表进行关联,遍历的速度比较快;
  • MySQL会尽量让同一个索引的叶子节点的数据页在磁盘空间中相邻,尽力避免随机IO。



  • 能不回表就不回;
  • 必须回表就减少回表的次数。


3. 索引覆盖、索引下推

3.1 索引覆盖


How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!


SELECT id, name,  phone FROM user_innodb WHERE name = "蝉沐风";
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3.2 索引下推

3.2.1 概念


SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE name = "蝉沐风" AND phone LIKE "%6606";
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  • InnoDB使用联合索引查出所有name为蝉沐风的二级索引数据,得到3个主键值:3485,78921,423476;

  • 拿到主键索引进行回表,到聚簇索引中拿到这三条完整的用户记录;

  • InnoDB把这3条完整的用户记录返回给MySQL的Server层,在Server层过滤出尾号为6606的用户。

如下面两幅图所示,第一幅图表示InnoDB通过3次回表拿到3条完整的用户记录,交给Server层;第二幅图表示Server层经过phone LIKE "%6606"条件的过滤之后找到符合搜索条件的记录,返给客户端。

How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!
How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!

值得我们关注的是,索引的使用是在存储引擎中进行的,而数据记录的比较是在Server层中进行的。现在我们把上述搜索考虑地极端一点,假如数据表中10万条记录都符合name='蝉沐风'的条件,而只有1条符合phone LIKE "%6606"条件,这就意味着,InnoDB需要将99999条无效的记录传输给Server层让其自己筛选,更严重的是,这99999条数据都是通过回表搜索出来的啊!关于回表的代价你已经知道了。

现在引入索引下推。准确来说,应该叫做索引条件下推(Index Condition Pushdown,ICP),就是过滤的动作由下层的存储引擎层通过使用索引来完成,而不需要上推到Server层进行处理。ICP是在MySQL5.6之后完善的功能。

再回顾一下,我们第一步已经通过name = "蝉沐风"在联合索引的叶子节点中找到了符合条件的3条记录,而且phone字段也恰好在联合索引的叶子节点的记录中。这个时候可以直接在联合索引的叶子节点中进行遍历,筛选出尾号为6606的记录,找到主键值为78921的记录,最后只需要进行1次回表操作即可找到符合全部条件的1条记录,返回给Server层。



3.2.2 演示


SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'optimizer_switch';
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How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!

执行以下SQL语句,并用EXPLAIN查看一下执行计划,此时的执行计划是Using index condition

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE name = "蝉沐风" AND phone LIKE "%6606";
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How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!


SET optimizer_switch="index_condition_pushdown=off";
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How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!

再次执行查询语句,并用EXPLAIN查看一下执行计划,此时的执行计划是Using where

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE name = "蝉沐风" AND phone LIKE "%6606";
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1How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!




  • 高效发挥已经创建的索引的作用(避免索引失效)
  • 为合适的列创建合适的索引(索引创建原则)

4. 什么时候索引会失效?

4.1 违反最左前缀原则



EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE phone = "13203398311";
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How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!



EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE phone = "13203398311" AND name = '蝉沐风';
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1How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!

4.2 使用反向查询(!=, <>,NOT LIKE)

MySQL在使用反向查询(!=, <>, NOT LIKE)的时候无法使用索引,会导致全表扫描,覆盖索引除外。

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE name != &#39;蝉沐风&#39;;
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1How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!

4.3 LIKE以通配符开头

当使用name LIKE '%沐风'或者name LIKE '%沐%'这两种方式都会使索引失效,因为联合索引的B+树数据页内的记录首先按照name字段进行排序,这两种搜索方式不在意name字段的开头是什么,自然就无法使用索引,只能通过全表扫描的方式进行查询。

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE name LIKE &#39;%沐风&#39;;
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1How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!


EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE name LIKE &#39;蝉沐%&#39;;
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1How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!

4.4 对索引列做任何操作


4.4.1 使用函数

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE LEFT(name,3) = &#39;蝉沐风&#39;;
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1How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!


ALTER TABLE user_innodb ADD KEY IDX_NAME_LEFT ((left(name,3)));
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1How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!

4.4.2 使用表达式

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE id + 1 = 1100000;
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1How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!


EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE id = 1100000 - 1;
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How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!

4.4.3 使用类型转换



ALTER TABLE user_innodb ADD INDEX IDX_PHONE (phone);
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EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE phone = &#39;13203398311&#39;;
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2How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!

可以看到能使用到索引,现在我们稍微修改一下,把phone = '13203398311'修改为phone = 13203398311,这意味着我们将字符串的搜索条件改成了整形的搜索条件,再看一下还会不会使用到索引:

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE phone = 13203398311;
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How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!




EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE id = &#39;1099999&#39;;
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2How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!




一个简单的方法是,通过SELECT '10' > 9的结果来确定MySQL的类型转换规则:

  • 结果为1,说明MySQL会自动将字符串类型转化为数字,相当于执行了SELECT 10 > 9;
  • 结果为0,说明MySQL会自动将数字转化为字符串,相当于执行了SELECT '10' > '9'。
mysql> SELECT &#39;10&#39; > 9;
| &#39;10&#39; > 9 |
|        1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
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EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE phone = 13203398311;
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EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE CAST(phone AS signed int) = 13203398311;
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EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE id = &#39;1099999&#39;;
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EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE id = CAST(&#39;1099999&#39; AS unsigned int);
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4.5 OR连接


EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE id = 1099999 OR gender = 0;
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2How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!



EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE id <> 1099999;
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2How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!

最终是否使用索引,完全取决于MySQL的优化器,而优化器的判定依据就是cost开销(Cost Base Optimizer),优化器并非基于具体的规则,也不是基于语义,就是单纯地执行开销小的方案罢了。所以在·EXPLAIN·的结果中你会看到possible_keys一列,优化器会把这里边的索引都试一遍(是不是又加深了对不能随便创建索引的认识呢?),然后选一个开销最小的,如果都不太行,那就直接全表扫描好了。


5. 索引创建(使用)原则




5.1 不为离散度低的列创建索引

先来看一下列的离散度公式:COUNT(DISTINCT(column_name)) / COUNT(*),列的不重复值的个数与所有数据行的比例。简而言之,如果列的重复值越多,列的离散度越低。重复值越少,离散度就越高。



5.2 只为用于搜索、排序或分组的列创建索引

我们只为出现在WHERE子句中的列或者出现在ORDER BY和GROUP BY子句中的列创建索引即可。仅出现在查询列表中的列不需要创建索引。

5.3 用好联合索引


1. SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE name = &#39;蝉沐风&#39; AND phone = &#39;13203398311&#39;;
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2. SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE name = &#39;蝉沐风&#39;;
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5.4 对过长的字段,建立前缀索引



ALTER TABLE user_innodb ADD INDEX IDX_PHONE_3 (phone(3));
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EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE phone = &#39;1320&#39;;
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2How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!



5.5 频繁更新的值,不要作为主键或索引


5.6 随机无序的值,不建议作为索引,例如身份证、UUID


The above is the detailed content of How to make good use of MySQL indexes? You must know these things!. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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