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Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)

Release: 2022-01-31 06:00:31
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This article brings you some knowledge about the differences between vue3 and vue2, including life cycle changes, instance changes, method changes, etc. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)

1. Life cycle changes: 3.x (upper) 2.x (lower)

Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)
Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)

It is not difficult to see that the life cycle function between Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part) and Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part) has changed when it is destroyed:

beforeDestroy --> beforeUnmount
destroyed --> unmounted
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在ts中使用 class 类组件书写可以 参考 vue-class-component 或者 vue-property-decorator
书写的风格和Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)的选项式区别不大。
如果使用js书写代码 则应当使用组合式。
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The problems caused by the specific changes will be in the following combined writing method explain.

2. Changes in the method of defining global variables

// 之前(Vue 2.x)
Vue.prototype.$http = () => {}
Vue.prototype.url= 'http://123'
// 之后(Vue 3.x)
const app = createApp({})
app.config.globalProperties.$http = () => {}
app.config.globalProperties.url= 'http://123'
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3. Changes in creating vue instances

//使用第二个参数,我们可以将根 prop 传递给应用程序
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import router from './router'
import store from './store'
createApp(App,{ userName: "blackLieo" })
//由于 createApp 方法返回应用实例本身,因此可以在其后链式调用其它方法,这些方法可以在以下部分中找到。

import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import router from './router'
import store from './store'
  render: h => h(App)
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4. Changes in slot usage

//================Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)使用插槽基本上直接使用slot进行操作//其中Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)经历了两次更迭,2.6.0版本slot升级为v-slot<p>
    <slot></slot> // 具名 作用域插槽
    <slot></slot> //默认插槽</p>//父组件调用该组件<test>
    // 作用域插槽
           <el-link>{{ current.id }}</el-link>
           <el-link>{{ current.name }}</el-link>
           <el-link>{{ current.label }}</el-link>
           <el-link>{{ current.group }}</el-link>
           <el-link>{{ current.runtime }}</el-link>
           <el-link>{{ current.category }}</el-link>

 //==============Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)使用插槽//在Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)中,插槽使用v-slot 简写用#<p>	
    <template> // 可以写为v-slot:default  #后面跟的是插槽名称
    <template> // 可以写为v-slot:test="newData"
      <p>{{ newData.aa }}</p>
      <p>{{ newData.bb }}</p>
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5. Custom instruction

Implement a custom instruction in Vue 2:

// 注册一个全局自定义指令 `v-focus`Vue.directive('focus', {
  // 当被绑定的元素插入到 DOM 中时……
  inserted: function (el) {
    // 聚焦元素
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In Vue 2, customize Directives are created through the following optional hooks:

  • bind: Called only once, when the directive is first bound to an element. One-time initialization settings can be performed here.
  • inserted: Called when the bound element is inserted into the parent node (only the parent node is guaranteed to exist, but it may not have been inserted into the document).
  • update: Called when the VNode of the component is updated, but it may occur before its child VNode is updated. The value of the directive may or may not have changed. But you can ignore unnecessary template updates by comparing the values ​​before and after the update (see below for detailed hook function parameters).
  • componentUpdated: Called after all the VNode of the component where the instruction is located and its sub-VNodes have been updated.
  • unbind: Called only once, when the instruction is unbound from the element.

In Vue 3, the API of custom instructions has been modified to be more semantic. Just like the component life cycle changes, it is all for better semantics. The changes are as follows:
Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)

So in Vue3, you can customize the directive like this:

const { createApp } from "vue"const app = createApp({})app.directive('focus', {
    mounted(el) {
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Then you can use the new v-focus directive on any element in the template, as follows:

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6.v-model upgrade

V-model has undergone great changes in Vue 3:

变更:在自定义组件上使用v-model时, 属性以及事件的默认名称变了
变更:v-bind的.sync修饰符在 Vue 3 中又被去掉了, 合并到了v-model里
新增:同一组件可以同时设置多个 v-model
新增:开发者可以自定义 v-model修饰符
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Let’s learn more about it and Compare vue2 and vue3 using v-model on the component,
For example:
The two-way binding of the input box of vue2 is actually equivalent to passing the value attribute and triggering the input event:


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At this time, v-model can only be bound to the value attribute of the component. If we want to use another attribute for our component, and we do not want to update the value by triggering the input.

但是在实际开发中,有些场景我们可能需要对一个 prop 进行 “双向绑定”, 这里以最常见的 dialog 为例子:dialog 挺合适属性双向绑定的,
外部可以控制组件的visible显示或者隐藏,组件内部关闭可以控制 visible属性隐藏,同时 visible 属性同步传输到外部。组件内部, 
当我们关闭dialog时, 在子组件中以 update:PropName 模式触发事件。
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The event is

this.$emit('update:visible', false)
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Then you can listen to this event in the parent component for data update:

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In the development of vue2, we will actually discover a new thing sync, so you can also use v-bind.sync to simplify the implementation:

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The above mentioned v-model implementation in Vue2 and Two-way binding of component properties, how should it be implemented in Vue 3?
In Vue3, using v-model on a custom component is equivalent to passing a modelValue attribute and triggering an update:modelValue event:


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If you want to bind the attribute name, you only need to pass one parameter to v-model. You can bind multiple v-model at the same time:

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This way of writing There is no such thing as .sync at all. Vue 3 abandoned the .sync writing method and used v-model uniformly.

7. Use of asynchronous components

Use defineAsyncComponent in Vue3 to define asynchronous components. The configuration option component is replaced by loader. The Loader function itself no longer receives resolve and reject parameters, and must return a Promise. The usage is as follows:

  <!-- 异步组件的使用 -->
  <asyncpage></asyncpage><script>import { defineAsyncComponent } from "vue";export default {
  components: {
    // 无配置项异步组件
    AsyncPage: defineAsyncComponent(() => import("./NextPage.vue")),

    // 有配置项异步组件
    AsyncPageWithOptions: defineAsyncComponent({
   loader: () => import("./NextPage.vue"),
   delay: 200,
   timeout: 3000,
   errorComponent: () => import("./ErrorComponent.vue"),
   loadingComponent: () => import("./LoadingComponent.vue"),
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8.Composition API

   使用Composition API 解决我们在完成功能时,在 data、methods、computed 以及 mounted 中反复的跳转,他将零散分布的
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If you want to learn about <script setup></script> syntactic sugar, please move here vue3 setup syntactic sugar (partial summary)

Let’s first take a look at the API that Composition has
Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)

  • setup

setup is a new option in Vue3.x. It is the entrance to the Composition API within the component.

setup execution timing
We can know through a piece of code:

<script>import { defineComponent, reactive } from "vue";export default defineComponent({
  beforeCreate() {
  created() {
  setup() {
    const state = reactive({ count: 0 });
    return {
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The following output will appear:
Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)

The execution timing of setup is before beforeCreate. For details, please see the life cycle explanation later.

  1. setup parameters

When using setup, it accepts two parameters:

  • props: 组件传入的属性
  • context

setup 中接受的props是响应式的, 当传入新的 props 时,会及时被更新。
由于是响应式的, 所以不可以使用 ES6 解构,解构会消除它的响应式。
错误代码示例, 这段代码会让 props 不再支持响应式:

setup(props) {
    const { name } = props;
    const state = reactive({ count: 0 });
    return {
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  1. reactive、ref、toRefs、readonly

在 vue2.x 中, 定义数据都是在data中。
但是 Vue3.x 可以使用reactiveref来进行数据定义。

reactive用于处理对象的双向绑定,ref处理 js 基础类型或者处理对象的双向绑定。
它接受一个内部值并返回一个响应式且可变的 ref 对象。ref 对象具有指向内部值的单个 property.value。
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<p>计数:{{ num }}s</p>
    <p>主人年龄:{{ person.age }}</p>
    <p>主人姓名:{{ person.name }}</p>
    <p>动物类别:{{ animal.type }}</p>
    <p>动物名称:{{ animal.name }}</p>
    <p>动物年龄:{{ animal.age }}</p>
  </template><script>import { defineComponent, reactive, ref } from "vue";export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const num = ref(0);
    const person = ref({ age: 20, name: "张三" });
    const animal = reactive({ type: "猫", name: "小花", age: 5 });
    setTimeout(() => {
      person.value.age = person.value.age + 1;
      person.value.name = "李四";
    }, 1000);
    setInterval(() => {
    }, 1000);
    return {
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答案是不能直接对user进行结构, 这样会消除它的响应式, 这里就和上面我们说props不能使用 ES6 直接解构就呼应上了。
toRefs 用于将一个 reactive 对象转化为属性全部为 ref 对象的普通对象。具体使用方式如下:

<p>计数:{{ num }}s</p>
    <p>主人年龄:{{ person.age }}</p>
    <p>主人姓名:{{ person.name }}</p>
    <p>动物类别:{{ atype }}</p>
    <p>动物名称:{{ aname }}</p>
    <p>动物年龄:{{ aage }}</p>
  </template><script>import { defineComponent, reactive, ref, toRefs } from "vue";export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const num = ref(0);
    const person = ref({ age: 20, name: "张三" });
    const animal = reactive({ atype: "猫", aname: "小花", aage: 5 });
    setTimeout(() => {
      person.value.age = person.value.age + 1;
      person.value.name = "李四";
    }, 1000);
    setInterval(() => {
    }, 1000);
    return {
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有时我们想跟踪响应式对象 (ref 或 reactive) 的变化,但我们也希望防止在应用程序的某个位置更改它,这时候,我们就需要readonly
例如,当我们有一个被传递的响应式对象时,我们不想让它在传递的的时候被改变。为此,我们可以基于原始对象创建一个只读的 proxy 对象:

import { reactive, readonly } from 'vue'

const original = reactive({ count: 0 })

const copy = readonly(original)

// 通过 original 修改 count,将会触发依赖 copy 的侦听器


// 通过 copy 修改 count,将导致失败并出现警告
copy.count++ // 警告: "Set operation on key 'count' failed: target is readonly."
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  • Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)钩子


Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)

我们可以看到beforeCreatecreatedsetup替换了(但是 Vue3 中你仍然可以使用, 因为 Vue3 是向下兼容的, 也就是你实际使用的是 vue2 的)。
其次,钩子命名都增加了on; Vue3.x 还新增用于调试的钩子函数onRenderTriggeredonRenderTricked
下面我们简单使用几个钩子, 方便大家学习如何使用,Vue3.x 中的钩子是需要从 vue 中导入的:

import {
  onRenderTriggered,} from "vue";export default defineComponent({
  beforeCreate() {
  created() {
  setup() {
    // vue3.xOrganize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)写在setup中
    onBeforeMount(() => {
    onMounted(() => {
    onBeforeUpdate(() => {
    onUpdated(() => {
    onBeforeUnmount(() => {
    onUnmounted(() => {
    onErrorCaptured(() => {
    onRenderTracked(() => {
    // 调试哪些数据发生了变化
    onRenderTriggered((event) => {
      console.log("------onRenderTriggered-----", event);
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  • watch 与 watchEffect 的用法

watch 函数用来侦听特定的数据源,并在回调函数中执行副作用。默认情况是惰性的,也就是说仅在侦听的源数据变更时才执行回调。

watch(source, callback, [options])
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  1. source: 可以支持 string,Object,Function,Array;
  2. 用于指定要侦听的响应式变量 callback:
  3. 执行的回调函数 options:支持 deep、immediate 和 flush 选项。

其实整体和原来的Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)有一定的相似性,基本参数没有发生大的改变。

接下来我会分别介绍这个三个参数都是如何使用的, 如果你对 watch 的使用不明白的请往下看:

      () => animal.aage,
      (curAge, preAge) => {
        console.log("新值:", curAge, "老值:", preAge);
 watch(num, (newVal, oldVal) => {
      console.log("新值:", newVal, "老值:", oldVal);
 watch([() => animal.aage, num], ([curAge, newVal], [preAge, oldVal]) => {
      console.log("新值:", curAge, "老值:", preAge);
      console.log("新值:", newVal, "老值:", oldVal);
    //监听对象复杂时,请使用深度监听 让函数的第三个参数为deep:truewatch(
      () => state.animal,
      (newType, oldType) => {
        console.log("新值:", newType, "老值:", oldType);
      { deep: true }
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默认情况下,watch 是惰性的, 那什么情况下不是惰性的, 可以立即执行回调函数呢?其实使用也很简单, 给第三个参数中设置
immediate: true即可。

   const stopWatchRoom = watch(
      () => state.animal,
      (newType, oldType) => {
        console.log("新值:", newType, "老值:", oldType);
      { deep: true }
    setTimeout(() => {
      // 停止监听
    }, 3000);
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watchEffect(() => {
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从上面的代码可以看出, 并没有像watch一样需要先传入依赖,watchEffect会自动收集依赖, 只要指定一个回调函数。在组件初始化时, 会先执行一次来收集依赖, 然后当收集到的依赖中数据发生变化时, 就会再次执行回调函数。所以总结对比如下:

  • watchEffect 不需要手动传入依赖
  • watchEffect 会先执行一次用来自动收集依赖
  • watchEffect无法获取到变化前的值, 只能获取变化后的值


在之前vue用的mixin,所谓的混入 (mixin) 提供了一种非常灵活的方式,来分发 Vue 组件中的可复用功能。一个混入对象可以包含任意组件选项。当组件使用混入对象时,所有混入对象的选项将被“混合”进入该组件本身的选项。
现在的Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)提供了一种新的东西 vue-hooks。具体的vue-hooks,请参考网上教程


  • 跨组件代码难以复用
  • 大组件,维护困难,颗粒度不好控制,细粒度划分时,组件嵌套存层次太深影响性能
  • 类组件,this不可控,逻辑分散,不容易理解
  • mixins具有副作用,逻辑互相嵌套,数据来源不明,且不能互相消费


  • 允许hooks间相互传递值
  • 组件之间重用状态逻辑
  • 明确指出逻辑来自哪里

我们先来封装一个hooks,假如这个hooks是一个实现年龄加减,获取双倍年龄的函数。用单独的文件存储 bus/useAge.ts

import { ref, Ref, computed } from "vue";type CountResultProps = {
  age: Ref<number>;
  doubleAge: Ref<number>;
  increase: (curAge?: number) => void;
  decrease: (curAge?: number) => void;};export default function useCount(initValue = 20): CountResultProps {
  const age = ref(initValue);
  const increase = (curAge?: number): void => {
    if (typeof curAge !== "undefined") {
      age.value += curAge;
    } else {
      age.value += 1;
  const doubleAge = computed(() => age.value * 2);
  const decrease = (curAge?: number): void => {
    if (typeof curAge !== "undefined") {
      age.value -= curAge;
    } else {
      age.value -= 1;
  return {
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<p>计数:{{ num }}s</p>
    <p>主人年龄:{{ person.age }}</p>
    <p>主人姓名:{{ person.name }}</p>
    <p>动物类别:{{ atype }}</p>
    <p>动物名称:{{ aname }}</p>
    <p>动物年龄:{{ aage }}</p>
    <p>count: {{ age }}</p>
    <p>双倍年龄: {{ doubleAge }}</p>
  </template><script>import {
  watchEffect,} from "vue";import useAge from "../bus/useAge.ts";export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const num = ref(0);
    const person = ref({ age: 20, name: "张三" });
    const animal = reactive({ atype: "猫", aname: "小花", aage: 5 });
    setTimeout(() => {
      person.value.age = person.value.age + 1;
      person.value.name = "李四";
      animal.aname = "小橘";
    }, 1000);
    setInterval(() => {
    }, 1000);
    const { age, doubleAge, increase, decrease } = useAge(22);
    return {
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10.vue2.x 与vue3.x的响应式数据对比

在Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)中,应该很多人都使用了$set这个东西吧。

  1. Object.defineProperty只能劫持对象的属性, 而 Proxy 是直接代理对象

但是Proxy 直接代理对象, 不需要遍历操作

  1. Object.defineProperty对新增属性需要手动进行Observe

对其新增属性再次使用Object.defineProperty进行劫持。也就是 Vue2.x

  1. Proxy有多种拦截方法,如apply,deleteProperty等等,是Object.defineProperty()不具备的。
  2. Proxy是返回值是一个对象,可以直接进行操作,而defineProperty()要先遍历所有对象属性值才能进行操作。


Teleport 是 Vue3.x 新推出的功能

Teleport 是什么呢?

Teleport 就像是哆啦 A 梦中的「任意门」,任意门的作用就是可以将人瞬间传送到另一个地方。有了这个认识,我们再来看一下为什么需要用到 Teleport 的特性呢,看一个小例子:

例如我们在使用Dialog组件时,我们实际开发中经常会使用到 Dialog,此时Dialog就被渲染到一层层子组件内部,处理嵌套组件的定位、z-index和样式都变得困难。但是组件希望位于页面的最上方,这时候我们将Dialog组件挂载在body上面是最好控制的,我们能够很好的通过zIndex来控制Dialog的位置,当他嵌套在templat里面的时候就不那么容易了。简单来说就是,即希望继续在组件内部使用Dialog,又希望渲染的 DOM 结构不嵌套在组件内部的 DOM 中。

此时就需要 Teleport 上场,我们可以用<teleport></teleport>包裹Dialog, 此时就建立了一个传送门,可以将Dialog渲染的内容传送到任何指定的地方。

<p>计数:{{ num }}s</p>
    <p>主人年龄:{{ person.age }}</p>
    <p>主人姓名:{{ person.name }}</p>
    <p>动物类别:{{ atype }}</p>
    <p>动物名称:{{ aname }}</p>
    <p>动物年龄:{{ aage }}</p>
    <p>count: {{ age }}</p>
    <p>倍数: {{ doubleAge }}</p>
    <el-button>点击打开 Dialog</el-button>    >
            <el-button>取 消</el-button>
            <el-button>确 定</el-button>            >
  </template><script>import {
  toRefs,} from "vue";export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const num = ref(0);
    const dialogVisible = ref(false);
    const person = ref({ age: 20, name: "张三" });
    const animal = reactive({ atype: "猫", aname: "小花", aage: 5 });
    setTimeout(() => {
      person.value.age = person.value.age + 1;
      person.value.name = "李四";
      animal.aname = "小橘";
    }, 1000);
    setInterval(() => {
    }, 1000);

    return {
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下面是我们的首页 你会看到有一个p的ID名为dialogLL,teleport就将节点挂载在这里来了

    <title>Vite App</title>
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Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)


Suspense是 Vue3.x 中新增的特性, 那它有什么用呢?我们通过 Vue2.x 中的一些场景来认识它的作用。 Vue2.x 中应该经常遇到这样的场景:

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在前后端交互获取数据时, 是一个异步过程,一般我们都会提供一个加载中的动画,当数据返回时配合v-if来控制数据显示。
它提供两个template slot, 刚开始会渲染一个 fallback 状态下的内容, 直到到达某个条件后才会渲染 default 状态的正式内容, 通过使用

  <h1>{{ getData.result }}</h1></template><script>export default {
  name: "NewModel",
  async setup() {
    let getData = await new Promise((resolve) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        return resolve({ result: "OK" });
      }, 3000);
    return {
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  </p></template><script>import NewSuspense from "./suspens.vue";export default {
  name: "AppMain",
  components: {
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Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part)


在 Vue2.x 中, template中只允许有一个根节点:

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但是在 Vue3.x 中,你可以直接写多个根节点:

Copy after login


Vue3.x 在考虑到 tree-shaking的基础上重构了全局和内部 API, 表现结果就是现在的全局 API 需要通过 ES Module的引用方式进行具名引用, 比如在 Vue2.x 中,我们要使用 nextTick:

// vue2.ximport Vue from "vue"Vue.nextTick(()=>{
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Vue.nextTick() 是一个从 Vue 对象直接暴露出来的全局 API,其实 $nextTick() 只是 Vue.nextTick() 的一个简易包装,只是为了方便而把后者的回调函数的 this 绑定到了当前的实例。
在 Vue3.x 中改写成这样:

import { nextTick } from "vue"nextTick(() =>{
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受影响的 API

这是一个比较大的变化, 因为以前的全局 API 现在只能通过具名导入,这一更改会对以下 API 有影响:

  1. Vue.nextTick
  2. Vue.observable(用 Vue.reactive 替换)
  3. Vue.version
  4. Vue.compile(仅限完整版本时可用)
  5. Vue.set(仅在 2.x 兼容版本中可用)
  6. Vue.delete(与上同)


The above is the detailed content of Organize and share classic techniques of vue3 and the differences with vue2 (part). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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