This is a practical blog project done in a Windows environment. In the last article, we implemented Ajax asynchronous modification, but the pop-up window was too ugly. This article will give you a brief introduction to the reference of the pop-up window. Then let’s introduce the creation of background article classification. I hope to be helpful.
1. Reference to external pop-up windows
Introduce a pop-up window library:
1) Download:
2) Then drag the file in the compressed package to the path of step 3)
3) In the path of the picture below,
4) Then quote
<script src="{{URL::asset('/layer/layer.js')}}"></script>
5) What to do next Use
function onchangeOrder(obj,cate_id){ var cate_order=$(obj).val(); $.post( "{{url('home/cate/changeorder')}}", {'_token':'{{csrf_token()}}','cate_id':cate_id,'cate_order':cate_order}, function(data){ //alert(data.msg); layer.msg(data.msg, {icon: 6}); }); }
6) After successfully updating the icon
function onchangeOrder(obj,cate_id){ var cate_order=$(obj).val(); $.post( "{{url('home/cate/changeorder')}}", {'_token':'{{csrf_token()}}','cate_id':cate_id,'cate_order':cate_order}, function(data){ //alert(data.msg); //layer.msg(data.msg, {icon: 6}); if(data.status==0){ layer.msg(data.msg, {icon: 6}); }else{ layer.msg(data.msg, {icon: 5}); } }); }
the page is completed, and the real sorting
public function Tree(){ //$categroy = $this->all(); //这个是去所有数据 $categroy = $this->orderby('cate_order','asc')->get(); //改成只取一条 return $this->getTree($categroy); }
2. Add template allocation to the background article category and embed the parent category
Display page view:
<form action="{{url('home/category')}}" method="post" autocomplete="off">//向后台提交的数据, action="{url('home/category')}"申请的路由 <select name="cate_pid"> //下拉选择框 <option value="">=请选择=</option> <option value="19">精品界面</option> <option value="20">推荐界面</option> </select> <input type="text" name="cate_name"> 输入框 <textarea name="cate_keywods"></textarea> 文本框 <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" name="submit">添加新栏目</button> </form>
Static reading:
<select name="cate_pid"> <option value="0">=顶级分类=</option> <option value="19">精品界面</option> <option value="20">推荐界面</option> </select>
Dynamic reading:
<select name="cate_pid"> <option value="">=顶级分类=</option> @foreach($data as $d) <option value="{{$d->cata_id}}">{{$d->cata_name}}</option> @endforeach </select>
controller //GET home/category/create 添加分类 public function create(){ $data = CategroyModel::where('cate_pid',0)->get(); return view('home/categroy/add',compact('data')); } // POST home/category 填加分类提交 public function store(){ $input=Input::all(); //获取前端的所有提交的数据 dd($input); }
3. Backend article classification, add data Validation verification and storage
view error message prompt:
@if(count((array)$errors)>0) @if(is_object($errors)) @foreach($errors->all() as $error) {{$error}} @endforeach @else {{$errors}} @endif @endif controller: // POST home/category 填加分类提交 public function store(){ //除了token值,其余都要存进数据库,用except排出放将token排除,全部用all $input=Input::except('_token'); $rules = [ 'cate_name'=>'required' ]; $message = [ 'cate_name.required'=>'分类名称不能为空!', ]; $validator= Validator::make($input,$rules,$message); if($validator->passes()){ // 用create将数据都存进数据库 $res = CategroyModel::create($input); //如果添加成功后返回列表页面 if($res){ return redirect('home/category');//成功返回列表页面 }else{ return back()->with('errors','数据填充失败!'); } }else{ //dd($validator->errors()->all()); return back()->withErrors($validator); } // dd($input); } model : protected $guarded =[];//不可编辑字段包含哪些 $fillable $guarded属性
4. Background article classification editing and simulation put method
Page display view:
<form action="{{url('home/category/'.$res->cate_id)}}" method="post" autocomplete="off"> <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="put"> //修改传参方法 {{csrf_field()}} //csrf认证 <div class="col-md-5"> <h1 class="page-header">编辑分类</h1> @if(count((array)$errors)>0) //报错信息提示 @if(is_object($errors)) @foreach($errors->all() as $error) {{$error}} @endforeach @else {{$errors}} @endif @endif <div class="form-group"> <label for="category-fname">父级分类</label> <select id="category-fname" class="form-control" name="cate_pid"> <option value="0" selected>=顶级分类=</option> @foreach($data as $d) <option value="{{$d->cate_id}}" @if($d->cate_id==$res->cate_pid) selected @endif //判断是否是顶级分类 >{{$d->cate_name}}</option> @endforeach </select> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="category-name">分类名称</label> <input type="text" id="category-name" name="cate_name" value="{{$res->cate_name}}" class="form-control" placeholder="在此处输入栏目名称" autocomplete="off"> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="category-alias">分类标题</label> <input type="text" id="category-alias" name="cate_title" value="{{$res->cate_title}}" class="form-control" placeholder="在此处输入栏目别名" autocomplete="off"> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="category-keywords">关键字</label> <input type="text" id="category-keywords" name="cate_keyword" value="{{$res->cate_keyword}}" class="form-control" placeholder="在此处输入栏目关键字" autocomplete="off"> </div> <!-- <div class="form-group"> --> <!-- <label for="category-describe">描述</label> --> <!-- <textarea class="form-control" id="cate_describe" name="cate_describe" {{$res->cate_describe}} rows="4" autocomplete="off"></textarea> --> <!-- </div> --> <div class="form-group"> <label for="category-keywords">排序</label> <input type="text" id="category-keywords" name="cate_order" value="{{$res->cate_order}}" class="form-control" placeholder="在此处输入栏目关键字" autocomplete="off"> </div> <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" >提交</button> </div> </form>
value: refers to the default value
Controller controller:
// GET home/category/{category}/edit 编辑分类 //接受前端传过来的参数 public function edit($cate_id){ //查询当前这条的数据 $res = CategroyModel::find($cate_id); //data数据是读取所有cate_pid等于0的顶级分类 $data = CategroyModel::where('cate_pid',0)->get(); //把本来的数据分配到页面当中然后再做修改 return view('home.categroy.edit',compact('res','data')); } // PUT home/category/{category} 更新分类 //这个参数通过get方法传过来的参数 public function update($cate_id){ //剔除不要的参数 $input=Input::except('_method','_token'); //update更新cate_id等于2的这条数据 $res = CategroyModel::where('cate_id',$cate_id)->update($input); //如果添加成功后返回列表页面 if($res){ //如果成功跳转到列表页面 return redirect('home/category'); }else{ return back()->with('errors','数据填充失败!'); } }
The above steps are my study notes. I wrote down the steps or key points to be operated. If you don’t understand anything, you can leave a message. Thank you for your support. I hope it can help Xiaobai. If you want to see more blog project information, follow me and I will continue to share in the next article.
The above is the detailed content of [laravel] blog project practical notes - references to pop-up external plug-ins and addition and editing of background article categories, etc.. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!