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Detailed explanation of Laravel's model association preloading

Release: 2021-04-20 09:05:07
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The following is the tutorial column of laravel to introduce Laravel's model association preloading. I hope it will be helpful to friends who need it!

Detailed explanation of Laravel's model association preloading

Laravel Learning Notes Model Association Preloading

Description: This article mainly explains Laravel Eloquent’s delayed preloading ( Eager Loading), uses lazy preloading to reduce the number of MySQL queries. At the same time, the author will paste some screenshots and codes during the development process to improve reading efficiency.

Note: There are now 4 tables: merchant table merchants, merchant phone table phones, merchant-owned shops shops table and products in the shop table products. And the relationship is:

    'merchants_phones' => 'one-to-one',
    'merchants_shops'  => 'one-to-many',
    'shops_products'   => 'one-to-many',
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Now it is required to make a page to display each store in a list. Each store block contains store information such as title, store merchant information such as name and phone number, and owned product information such as Introduction and price. See what difference it makes with or without preloading.

Development environment: Laravel5.1 MAMP PHP7 MySQL5.5

Write a store list page first

1. Install development first Three-piece plug-in set (For details, please refer to: Laravel Learning Notes: Seeder Filling Data Tips)
No matter what, first install the three-piece development plug-in set:

composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar --dev
composer require barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper --dev
composer require mpociot/laravel-test-factory-helper --dev

 *Develop Plugin
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2. Write the table fields, table associations and test data filler Seeder
and enter the instructions in sequence:

php artisan make:model Merchant -m
php artisan make:model Phone -m
php artisan make:model Shop -m
php artisan make:model Product -m
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Write the table fields and table associations:

class CreateMerchantsTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('merchants', function (Blueprint $table) {

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()

class CreatePhonesTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('phones', function (Blueprint $table) {

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()
        Schema::table('phones', function($table){
            $table->dropForeign('merchant_id'); // Drop foreign key 'user_id' from 'posts' table

class CreateShopsTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('shops', function (Blueprint $table) {

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()
        Schema::table('shops', function($table){
            $table->dropForeign('merchant_id'); // Drop foreign key 'user_id' from 'posts' table

class CreateProductsTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('products', function (Blueprint $table) {

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()
        Schema::table('products', function($table){
            $table->dropForeign('shop_id'); // Drop foreign key 'user_id' from 'posts' table

 * App\Merchant
 * @property integer $id
 * @property string $username
 * @property string $email
 * @property string $first_name
 * @property string $last_name
 * @property \Carbon\Carbon $created_at
 * @property \Carbon\Carbon $updated_at
 * @property-read \App\Phone $phone
 * @property-read \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection|\App\Shop[] $shops
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Merchant whereId($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Merchant whereUsername($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Merchant whereEmail($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Merchant whereFirstName($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Merchant whereLastName($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Merchant whereCreatedAt($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Merchant whereUpdatedAt($value)
 * @mixin \Eloquent
class Merchant extends Model
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasOne
    public function phone()
        return $this->hasOne(Phone::class, 'merchant_id');

     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany
    public function shops()
        return $this->hasMany(Shop::class, 'merchant_id');

 * App\Phone
 * @property integer $id
 * @property integer $number
 * @property integer $merchant_id
 * @property \Carbon\Carbon $created_at
 * @property \Carbon\Carbon $updated_at
 * @property-read \App\Merchant $merchant
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Phone whereId($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Phone whereNumber($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Phone whereMerchantId($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Phone whereCreatedAt($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Phone whereUpdatedAt($value)
 * @mixin \Eloquent
class Phone extends Model
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo
    public function merchant()
        return $this->belongsTo(Merchant::class, 'merchant_id');

 * App\Product
 * @property integer $id
 * @property string $name
 * @property string $short_desc
 * @property string $long_desc
 * @property float $price
 * @property integer $shop_id
 * @property \Carbon\Carbon $created_at
 * @property \Carbon\Carbon $updated_at
 * @property-read \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection|\App\Shop[] $shop
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Product whereId($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Product whereName($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Product whereShortDesc($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Product whereLongDesc($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Product wherePrice($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Product whereShopId($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Product whereCreatedAt($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Product whereUpdatedAt($value)
 * @mixin \Eloquent
class Product extends Model
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo
    public function shop()
        return $this->belongsTo(Shop::class, 'shop_id');

 * App\Shop
 * @property integer $id
 * @property string $name
 * @property string $slug
 * @property string $site
 * @property integer $merchant_id
 * @property \Carbon\Carbon $created_at
 * @property \Carbon\Carbon $updated_at
 * @property-read \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection|\App\Merchant[] $merchant
 * @property-read \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection|\App\Product[] $products
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Shop whereId($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Shop whereName($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Shop whereSlug($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Shop whereSite($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Shop whereMerchantId($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Shop whereCreatedAt($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|\App\Shop whereUpdatedAt($value)
 * @mixin \Eloquent
class Shop extends Model
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo
    public function merchant()
        return $this->belongsTo(Merchant::class, 'merchant_id');

     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany
    public function products()
        return $this->hasMany(Product::class, 'shop_id');
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Don’t forget In order to develop a three-piece set of input instructions:

php artisan ide-helper:generate
php artisan ide-helper:models
php artisan test-factory-helper:generate
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The relationship between the tables is as shown in the figure:

Detailed explanation of Laravels model association preloading

Then write Seeder, you can refer to Laravel study notes Tips for filling data in Seeder:

php artisan make:seeder MerchantTableSeeder
php artisan make:seeder PhoneTableSeeder
php artisan make:seeder ShopTableSeeder
php artisan make:seeder ProductTableSeeder
class MerchantTableSeeder extends Seeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function run()
        $faker = Faker\Factory::create();
        $datas = [];
        foreach (range(1, 20) as $key => $value) {
            $datas[] = [
                'username'   =>  $faker->userName ,
                'email'      =>  $faker->safeEmail ,
                'first_name' =>  $faker->firstName ,
                'last_name'  =>  $faker->lastName ,
                'created_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(),
                'updated_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString()


class PhoneTableSeeder extends Seeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function run()
        $faker        = Faker\Factory::create();
        $merchant_ids = \App\Merchant::lists('id')->toArray();
        $datas        = [];
        foreach (range(1, 20) as $key => $value) {
            $datas[]  = [
                'number'      => $faker->randomNumber() ,
                'merchant_id' => $faker->randomElement($merchant_ids) ,
                'created_at'  => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(),
                'updated_at'  => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString()


class ShopTableSeeder extends Seeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function run()
        $faker        = Faker\Factory::create();
        $merchant_ids = \App\Merchant::lists('id')->toArray();
        $datas        = [];
        foreach (range(1, 40) as $key => $value) {
            $datas[]  = [
                'name'         =>  $faker->name ,
                'slug'         =>  $faker->slug ,
                'site'         =>  $faker->word ,
                'merchant_id'  =>  $faker->randomElement($merchant_ids) ,
                'created_at'   => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(),
                'updated_at'   => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString()


class ProductTableSeeder extends Seeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function run()
        $faker    = Faker\Factory::create();
        $shop_ids = \App\Shop::lists('id')->toArray();
        $datas    = [];
        foreach (range(1, 30) as $key => $value) {
            $datas[] = [
                'name'              =>  $faker->name ,
                'short_desc'        =>  $faker->text ,
                'long_desc'         =>  $faker->text ,
                'price'             =>  $faker->randomFloat() ,
                'shop_id'           =>  $faker->randomElement($shop_ids) ,
                'created_at'        =>  \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString() ,
                'updated_at'        =>  \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString()


php artisan db:seed
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3. Write a simple View view
(1) Use Repository Pattern to organize the code

namespace App\Repository;
interface ShopRepositoryInterface
    public function all();
namespace App\Repository\Eloquent;

use App\Repository\ShopRepositoryInterface;
use App\Shop;

class ShopRepository implements ShopRepositoryInterface
     * @var Shop
    public $shop;
    public function __construct(Shop $shop)
        $this->shop = $shop;

    public function all()
        // TODO: Implement all() method.
        $shops = $this->shop->all();
        return $shops;
//php artisan make:provider ShopRepositoryServiceProvider
     * Register the application services.
     * @return void
    public function register()
        $this->app->bind(ShopRepositoryInterface::class, ShopRepository::class);
class ShopController extends Controller
     * @var ShopRepositoryInterface
    public $shop;

     * ShopController constructor.
     * @param ShopRepositoryInterface $shopRepositoryInterface
    public function __construct(ShopRepositoryInterface $shopRepositoryInterface)
        $this->shop = $shopRepositoryInterface;

    public function all()
        $shops = $this->shop->all();
        return view('shop.index', compact('shops'));


    <!-- 上述3个meta标签*必须*放在最前面,任何其他内容都*必须*跟随其后! -->
    <title>Bootstrap Template</title>
    <!-- 新 Bootstrap 核心 CSS 文件 -->
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            margin: 0;
            border: 0;




<!-- jQuery文件。务必在bootstrap.min.js 之前引入 -->
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            @foreach($shops as $shop)             


                    Member:{{$shop->merchant->first_name.' '.$shop->merchant->last_name}}                 {{--这里数组取电话号码--}}                 Phone:{{$shop->merchant->phone['number']}}                 
                          @foreach($shop->products as $product)                         






      {{--                            {!! Debugbar::info('products:'.$product->id) !!}--}}                         
    •                     @endforeach                 
  •         @endforeach     
@endsection //路由 Route::get('/eagerload', 'ShopController@all');

(2) Debugbar View program execution data
Detailed explanation of Laravels model association preloading

You can see that 121 queries were executed, taking 38.89ms, and the efficiency is very low. Carefully observe each query One statement found that this is to first scan the shops table, and then search the merchants table according to each merchant_id in the shops. The same is true for searching the products table. There are many queries. This is an N 1 search problem.

Preloading query

(1) Nested preloading
Eloquent is lazy loading when accessing related data through attributes. That is, only the associated data will be loaded when accessing it through properties. You can avoid the N 1 problem by preloading related data when searching for upper-layer models. Also, using preloading is super easy.
You only need to modify one line:

    public function all()
        // TODO: Implement all() method.
//        $shops = $this->shop->all();
        //Shop这个Model里关联方法是Merchant()和Products(),Merchant Model里关联方法是Phone()
        $shops = $this->shop->with(['merchant.phone', 'products'])->get();
        return $shops;
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No need to modify other codes, look at the query in the Debugbar:
Detailed explanation of Laravels model association preloading

It is working! !!

Found: There are only 4 queries, which takes 3.58ms, and the efficiency is greatly improved. The original N 1 query was transformed into the where..in.. query, which greatly improved the efficiency. You can use EXPLAIN to view the execution plan of a SQL statement.

(2) Preloading condition restrictions
You can also impose conditional restrictions on preloading, such as pre-sorting products, and the code is easy to modify, just:

public function all()
        // TODO: Implement all() method.
//        $shops = $this->shop->all();
//        $shops = $this->shop->with(['merchant.phone', 'products'])->get();
        $shops = $this->shop->with(['members.phone', 'products'=>function($query){
//            $query->orderBy('price', 'desc');
            $query->orderBy('price', 'asc');
        return $shops;
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By adding a restriction condition, it is equivalent to adding a sorting to the SQL statement when preloading products. No more screenshots.

Summary: Associated model preloading is indeed an interesting function, and the efficiency is improved a lot. I've been doing some random research recently. If I come across something interesting, I'll share it. See you then.

The above is the detailed content of Detailed explanation of Laravel's model association preloading. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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