The company's main business is developed using the PHP language and the laravel framework. When doing some list filtering queries, the following code that is difficult to maintain often appears:
//若干代码 根据参数执行不同where if (request('has_score')) { $article = $article->with(['scores' => function ($query) { $query->where('type', self::TYPE); $query->with('user'); }]); } if (has_module('Audit')) { $article = $article->with(['auditing' => function ($query) { $query->orderBy('id', 'desc'); }]); } $article = $article->with(['videos' => function ($query) { $query->where('type', VIDEO); }])->with(['audios' => function ($query) { $ query->where('type', AUDIO); }]);
If these queries can be configured and the data is queried according to the configuration instead of judging directly through if in the code, the code will be more elegant. I develop a service package laravel-query-builder myself.
laravel-query-builder is the laravel framework to execute the query condition builder service package based on existing configuration
composer require zyimm/laravelquery-builder
{ "require": { "php": ">=7.0", "fideloper/proxy": "^4.0", "laravel/framework": ">=5.5" } }
/** // 目前支持条件操作符 '=', '', '>', '>=', ' 20, 'user_id'=> 'zyimm', 'user_name' => "zyimm,12" ]; //配置数据库字段查询操作 $condition =[ '=' => [ 'log_id' ], 'not_in' => [ 'user_id' ], 'between' => [ 'user_name' ], 'full_like' => [ 'user_id' ], '' => [ 'user_id' ], '>' => [ 'user_id' ] ]; DB::enableQueryLog(); //model \App\Models\Log::query() ->where(function ($query) use ($build, $data, $condition){ $build->buildQueryWhere($data ,$condition, $query); })->get(); dd(DB::getQueryLog());
Generate SQL query records as shown below:
Tips:'in','not_in','between' ,'not_between'
These identifiers support arrays and character strings. Strings have optional ',' and '.' as delimiters.
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