When I was working on a project recently, I needed to achieve the typing effect of characters appearing one by one. I found a good jQuery plug-in Typed.js on the Internet, and the effect was great
<p class="element"></p> <script src="typed.js"></script> <script> $(function(){ $(".element").typed({ strings: ["First sentence.", "Second sentence."], typeSpeed: 0 }); }); </script>
For specific usage, you can check the project address. The annotated source code has more than 200 lines, which is not complicated.
The implementation method is not magical either. Most people can easily think of it. , use js to add characters to the container one by one. The author has done a lot of characters and the speed is amazing. We can make a simple
var s = 'Hello World! Hello World! Hello World!'; var con = $('.container'); var index = 0; var length = s.length; var tId = null; function start(){ con.text(''); tId=setInterval(function(){ con.append(s.charAt(index)); if(index++ === length){ clearInterval(tId); index = 0; start() } },100); } start();
JS Bin
If the details and browser compatibility requirements are not very strict, we can implement
CSS3 through CSS3 We have all been exposed to animation, we usually use it like this
animation: animation-name animation-duration animation-iteration-count animation: name 5s infinite;
In fact, the full version of animation has many parameters, which can also be written as separate attributes
The syntax of steps
steps(number_of_steps, [start|end])
Take two steps
JS Bin
.walk { width: 125px; height: 150px; background: url(//m.sbmmt.com/) left; -webkit-animation:anima 1s steps(16) infinite ; } @-webkit-keyframes anima{ from { background-position:2000px 0;} to {background-position:0px 0;} }
.typing{ width:250px; white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden; -webkit-animation: type 3s steps(50, end) infinite; animation: type 3s steps(50, end) infinite; } @-webkit-keyframes type{ from { width: 0;} } @keyframes type{ from { width: 0;} }
JS Bin
For more articles related to CSS to achieve typing effects, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!