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rules verification rules in Yii CModel [transfer], yiicmodel_PHP tutorial

Release: 2016-07-13 10:21:02
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Rules verification rules in Yii CModel [translated], yiicmodel


</span><span>array</span>(&lsquo;username&rsquo;, &lsquo;required&rsquo;),
 <span>array</span>(&lsquo;username&rsquo;, &lsquo;length&rsquo;, &lsquo;<span>min</span>&rsquo;=>3, &lsquo;<span>max</span>&rsquo;=>12),
 <span>array</span>(&lsquo;password&rsquo;, &lsquo;compare&rsquo;, &lsquo;compareAttribute&rsquo;=>&rsquo;password2&prime;, &lsquo;on&rsquo;=>&rsquo;register&rsquo;),
 <span>array</span>(&lsquo;password&rsquo;, &lsquo;authenticate&rsquo;, &lsquo;on&rsquo;=>&rsquo;login&rsquo;),
  <span>array</span>(&lsquo;Price&rsquo;,&rsquo;numerical&rsquo;, &lsquo;integerOnly&rsquo;=><span>true</span>),<span>
</span><span>public</span> <span>function</span><span> rules()
  </span><span>return</span> <span>array</span><span>(
      </span><span>array</span>(&lsquo;title, content, status&rsquo;, &lsquo;required&rsquo;),
      <span>array</span>(&lsquo;title&rsquo;, &lsquo;length&rsquo;, &lsquo;<span>max</span>&rsquo;=>128),
      <span>array</span>(&lsquo;status&rsquo;, &lsquo;in&rsquo;, &lsquo;<span>range</span>&rsquo;=><span>array</span>(1,2,3)),
      <span>array</span>(&lsquo;tags&rsquo;, &lsquo;match&rsquo;, &lsquo;pattern&rsquo;=>&rsquo;/^[\w\s,]+$/&rsquo;,<span>
          &lsquo;message&rsquo;</span>=>&rsquo;Tags can only contain word characters.&rsquo;),
      <span>array</span>(&lsquo;tags&rsquo;, &lsquo;normalizeTags&rsquo;),
      <span>array</span>(&lsquo;title, status&rsquo;, &lsquo;safe&rsquo;, &lsquo;on&rsquo;=>&rsquo;search&rsquo;),<span>
Copy after login

Full list of predefined:
  • boolean: Alias ​​of CBooleanValidator, make sure the value of the property is CBooleanValidator::trueValue or CBooleanValidator::falseValue.

  • captcha: Alias ​​of CCaptchaValidator, ensuring that the value of the attribute is equal to the verification code displayed by CAPTCHA.

  • compare : Alias ​​of CCompareValidator, ensuring that the value of a property is equal to another property or constant.

  • email : Alias ​​for CEmailValidator, ensuring that the value of the attribute is a valid email address.

  • default : Alias ​​of CDefaultValueValidator, assigns a default value to the attribute.

  • exist: Alias ​​of CExistValidator, ensures that the attribute value exists in the specified data table field.

  • file : Alias ​​for CFileValidator, ensuring that the attribute contains the name of an uploaded file.

  • filter: Alias ​​of CFilterValidator, using a filter to convert attributes.

  • in : Alias ​​for CRangeValidator, ensuring that the attribute appears in a predetermined list of values.

  • length : Alias ​​of CStringValidator, ensuring that the length of the attribute is within the specified range.

  • match : Alias ​​of CRegularExpressionValidator, ensuring that the feature matches a regular expression.

  • numerical : Alias ​​of CNumberValidator, ensuring that the attribute is a valid number.

  • required : Alias ​​of CRequiredValidator, ensuring that the attribute is not empty.

  • type: Alias ​​of CTypeValidator, ensuring that the attribute is the specified data type.

  • unique: Alias ​​of CUniqueValidator, ensuring that the characteristics are unique in the data table field.

  • url : Alias ​​of CUrlValidator, ensuring that the feature is a valid path

yii verification rulesit Category: Yii yii rules verification cValidator main attributes attributes, builtInValidators, enableClientValidation, message, on, safe, skipOnError

The commonly used attributes are attributes, builtInvalidators, message, on.

The following is the corresponding verification class

required: CRequiredValidator

filter: CFilterValidator

match: CRegularExpressionValidator

email: CEmailValidator

url: CUrlValidator

unique: CUniqueValidator

compare: CCompareValidator

length: CStringValidator

in: CRangeValidator

numeric: CNumberValidator

captcha: CCaptchaValidator

type: CTypeValidator

file: CFileValidator

default: CDefaultValueValidator

exist: CExistValidator

boolean: CBooleanValidator

date: CDateValidator

safe: CSafeValidator

unsafe: CUnsafeValidator

1. CRequiredValidator – required value validation attribute

requiredValue-mixed - the required value

strict-boolean-whether it is strict

Example: array(‘username’, ‘required’), cannot be empty

array('username', 'required', 'requiredValue'=>'lh','message'=> 'usernmae must be lh'), this value must be lh, if you fill in other values It will still be verified

array('username', 'required', 'requiredValue'=>'lh', 'strict'=>true), for strict verification, you can also add 'message'=>" at the end, 'on'=>These

2. CFilterValidator filter verification attribute

filter – method name (call user-defined function)


array('username', 'test') function test() { $username = $this->username; if($username != 'lh'){ $this->addError(' username', 'username must be lh'); } }

Using this method, if you still write message=>" in the array, the prompt information given is still in your test. That is, the error message in the test shall prevail

3. CRegularExpressionValidator -

Regular verification attribute allowEmpty – whether it is empty (default true)

not-whether to reverse the verification logic (default false) pattern – regular expression matching example:

// Match a-z array('username', 'match', 'allowEmpty'=>true, 'pattern'=>'/[a-z]/i','message'=>' Must be letters'),

//The match is not a-z array('username', 'match', 'allowEmpty'=>true, 'not'=>true, 'pattern'=>'/[a-z]/i ','message'=>'Must not be a letter'),

4. CEmailValidator – Email verification attributes:

allowEmpty – whether it is empty

allowName – whether to allow the name in the email address

checkMx – Whether to check the MX record of the email address

checkPort – Whether to check port 25 email address

fullPattern – Regular expression used to validate part of email addresses and names

pattern – regular expression,

Examples of attribute values ​​used for verification: array('username', 'email', 'message'=>'Must be email', 'pattern'=>'/[a-z]/i '),

5. CUrlValidator – url verification attribute:

allowEmpty – whether it is empty

defaultScheme – The default URI scheme

pattern – regular expression

validSchemes – Manifests should be considered valid URI schemes.


array(‘username’, ‘url’, ‘message’=>’must url’),

array(‘username’, ‘url’, ‘defaultScheme’=>’http://www.baidu.com’),

6. CUniqueValidator – uniqueness verification attribute:

allowEmpty – whether it is empty

attributeName – attribute name

caseSensitive – case sensitive

className – class name

criteria – additional query criteria


array(‘username’, ‘unique’, ‘message’=>’This record exists’),

array(‘username’, ‘unique’, ‘caseSensitive’=>false, ‘message’=>’The record exists’),

7. CCompareValidator – Compare validation attributes:

allowEmpty – whether it is empty

compareAttribute – the attribute that needs to be compared

compareValue - the value to compare

operator – comparison operator

strict – Strict verification (value and type must be equal)

Example: // Compare with a certain value array('username', 'compare', 'compareValue'=>'10′, 'operator'=>'>', 'message'= >'must be greater than 10′),

// Compare with a submitted attribute array('username', 'compare', 'compareAttribute'=& gt;'password', 'operator'=>'>', 'message' =>'Must be greater than password'),

8. CStringValidator – String validation attribute:

allowEmpty – whether it is empty

encoding – encoding

is – the exact length

max – Maximum length

min – Minimum length

tooLong – error in defining a value that is too large

tooShort – Error in defining minimum length

Example: array('username', 'length', 'max'=>10, 'min'=>5, 'tooLong'=>'too long', 'tooShort'= >'Too short'),

array(‘username’, ‘length’, ‘is’=>5, ‘message’=>’ length must be 5′),

9. CRangeValidator – Attributes within a certain range:

allowEmpty – whether it is empty

not – Verification logic of whether to reverse or not.

range – array range

strict – Strict verification (type and value must be the same)

Example: array('username', 'in', 'range'=>array(1,2,3,4,5), 'message'=>'must in 1 2 3 4 5′),

array('username', 'in', 'not'=>true, 'range'=>array(1,2,3,4,5), 'message'=>' must not in 1 2 3 4 5′),

10. CNumberValidator – Numeric validation attribute:

allowEmpty – whether it is empty

integerOnly – Integer

integerPattern – Regular expression matching integers

max – maximum value

min – minimum value

numberPattern – matching number

tooBig – error message when the value is too big

tooSmall – error message if the value is too small

Example: array(‘username’, ‘numerical’, ‘integerOnly’=>true, ‘message’=>’must be int’),

array('username', 'numerical', 'integerOnly'=>true, 'message'=>'must be int', 'max'=>100, 'min'=> 10, 'tooBig'=>'is too big', 'tooSmall'=>'is too small'),

11. CCaptchaValidator – Verification code verification attribute:

allowEmpty – whether it is empty

caseSensitive – case sensitive

12. CTypeValidator – Type verification attribute:

allowEmpty – whether it is empty

dateFormat – the format pattern that the date should follow (‘MM/dd/yyyy’)

datetimeFormat – the format pattern that date and time should follow (‘MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm’)

timeFormat – the format pattern that time should follow (‘hh:mm’)

type – types ‘string’, ‘integer’, ‘float’, ‘array’, ‘date’, ‘time’ and ‘datetime’

Example: array(‘username’, ‘type’, ‘dateFormat’=>’MM/dd/yyyy’, ‘type’=>’date’),

13. CFileValidator – File verification attributes:

allowEmpty – whether it is empty

maxFiles – Maximum number of files

maxSize – the maximum size of the file

minSize – minimum value

tooLarge – error message when too large

tooMany – Error message when there are too many

tooSmall – too small error message

types – allowed file extensions

wrongType – the error message given when the extension is wrong

14. CDefaultValueValidator – Default value attribute:

setOnEmpty – set to empty

value – Default value

Example: array(‘username’, ‘default’, ‘setOnEmpty’=>true, ‘value’=>’lh’),

15. CExistValidator – Whether the attribute exists:

allowEmpty = Whether it is empty

attributeName – attribute name

className – class name

criteria – Standard

16. CBooleanValidator – Boolean type verification attribute:

allowEmpty – whether it is empty

falseValue – the value of the error status

strict – strict verification

trueValue – the value of the true state

Example: array('username', 'boolean', 'trueValue'=>1, 'falseValue'=>-1, 'message'=>'the value must be 1 or -1 ′),

17. CDateValidator – Date validation attribute:

allowEmpty – whether it is empty

format – the format pattern that the date value should follow

timestampAttribute – the attribute name that receives the parsing result

Example: array('username', 'date', 'format'=>'MM-dd-yyyy','message'=>'must be MM-dd-yyyy'),

Yii rules custom writing method


What’s the problem with the verification code in yii not coming out?

This article describes the implementation of Yii verification code. It is just a small example of the author's application. It is also available on the Internet. To summarize, I hope to help Yii enthusiasts in need. 1. The author uses user login, so I add the following code to the sitecontroller: public function actions()
return array(
// captcha action renders the CAPTCHA image displayed on the contact page
'backColor'=>0xFFFFFF, //Background color
'minLength'=>4, // The shortest is 4 digits
'maxLength'=>4, //The longest is 4 digits
'transparent'=>true, //The display is transparent. When this option is turned off, the background color is displayed
2. Add the following code to the form file (view file such as login.php):
< div>
< ?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'verifyCode'); ?>

< div>
< ; ?php $this->widget('CCaptcha'); ?>
< ?php echo $form->textField($model,'verifyCode'); ?>
< / div>
< div>Enter verification code

< ?php echo $form->error($model,'verifyCode'); ? >
< /div>
3. Add the following code to the Loginform model (LoginForm.php), mainly to add attribute fields, otherwise an error will be reported (non-existent attribute) public $username;
public $password;
public $verifyCode;
public $rememberMe;
private $_identity; Through the above operation, we can actually see the verification code, but during the operation we will find that we do not enter it The verification code is still available because we have not specified that verification is required. Add array('verifyCode','required') to LoginForm.php to specify that it is necessary. If we miss the verification code, it will be as shown in the figure below. Display:
This article describes the implementation of Yii verification code. It is just a small example of the author's application. It is also available on the Internet. To summarize, I hope to help Yii enthusiasts in need. 1. The author uses user login, so add the following code to the sitecontroller... The rest of the full text >>

www.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/862695.htmlTechArticlerules validation rules in Yii CModel [transfer], yiicmodel array (array (username, required), array (username, length, min =3, max =12), array (password, compare, compareAttribute=password2,...
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