easyui loading problem
The data does not load when clicking the link at the beginning. It loads after pressing the query button. What is needed to achieve this?<table id="gridTable" class="easyui-datagrid" data-options="rownumbers:true, striped:true, singleSelect:true, nowrap:true, collapsible:false, pagination:true, fitColumns:true, singleSelect:true, border:true, pageList: [30,50,80,100], @*url:'newgetResList',*@ toolbar:'#gridTb', fit:true"> <thead> <tr> <th data-options="field:'Id',width:50,align:'center'">号码</th> <th data-options="field:'PlayName',width:100,align:'center'">姓名</th>
$("#searchBtn").click(function () { var Id = $("#Id").val(); var fafangyuan = $("#fafangyuan").val(); $("#gridTable").datagrid('url:newgetResList', { Id: Id, fafangyuan: fafangyuan, AdditionRegisterType: AdditionRegisterType, GameType: GameType, CreationTime: CreationTime, PlayName: PlayName, Sex: Sex, IdCard: IdCard, Bmstate: Bmstate }); });
Remove the Url from the data-options of the table
Have you solved it? Didn't you see that I commented out the url? But since you are the only one to answer, the points will be awarded to you