How should I write this select?
<select name="" > <option id="selected" value="<s:property value=""/>" selected="selected"><s:property value=""/></option> <option id="unselected" value="2">女</option> </select>
You directly get the id and assign the value That’s it.
You can just get the id and assign the value. When I transfer Chinese, HTTP Status 500 - Incorrect string value: 'xC3xA6xC2x8DxC2xA1...' for column 'sex' at row 1
Is it a character encoding problem? It won't be solved. .
500 is a server problem
There may be something wrong with the
The value of your option has already used double quotes, and the s tag also uses double quotes, so will not be parsed as an orgl expression. So your sex parameter used to be a string instead of a numeric type.