Use the following style, and there will be no problems with the page.
If you use this below, there are always some styles and pictures that cannot be displayed
What's going on?
It can only mean that the path is wrong
Check the paths of CSS and images
The path is wrong
The style is confirmed and then displayed (if the style in the URL does not call another style), the reason why the image is not displayed is too simple, assuming that there is a style in the style in the URL The background is iamges/bj.jpg. The path of this background is for the URL. Assuming that the style address is, it means that the image address it calls is http:www.test. com/image/bj.jpg, you changed it to the local style, of course you can’t find this picture.
You need to put the .css file in your local folder, which is on the server. Of course you Cannot access