My current project is to open this page, and then 2 text boxes (one start time and one end time) automatically display the date today and 3 months ago
The problem now is that I want to limit the start time Remove (not displayed, meaning there is no starting limit)
But I searched for a long time and couldn’t find it. The code displayed at the default time
The current code is as follows
Then I looked at the relevant js and it seemed that No
<td class="formlabel"> 日期范围 </td> <td> <html:text property="startDate" styleId="startDate" onfocus="WdatePicker({dateFmt:'yyyyMMdd'});" style="width:70px;" /> - <html:text property="endDate" styleId="endDate" onfocus="WdatePicker({dateFmt:'yyyyMMdd'});" style="width:70px;" /> </td>
Find other js codes. The my97 you came out has no restriction configuration. It should be added by other codes. Restrictions
Look for other js codes. My97 you came out has no restriction configuration. It should be that other codes have added restrictions
Is there any setting value in the page output code?
Is there any setting value in the page output code?
The code you posted does not have a default value set. It can only be set by other codes
Did you close the browser and reopen it or press enter in the address bar to access it? If you directly f5 or click the browser's refresh button, if you have selected a value, the value will still be retained. .
The code you posted does not set a default value, it can only be set by other codes
Has Lou Zhi closed the browser and reopened it or hit enter in the address bar to access it? If you directly f5 or click the browser's refresh button, if you have selected a value, the value will still be retained. .