CSS: Cascading Style Sheet??Cascading Style Sheet
CSS filters are not browser plug-ins, nor do they comply with CSS standards, but are created by Microsoft A collection of functions specially developed to enhance browser functionality and integrated into IE browser.
Summary image:
CSS text effect: Made in order to make our webpage Beautiful, text effects are essential. Beautiful text makes our web page more beautiful.
Text attributes: font, size, color, thickness, italics, underline, overline, strikethrough, upper and lower case of English letters.
Example: The following text effect
body{ font-size:24px; /*文字的字体*/ color: #fff; /*文字的颜色*/ font-weight:bold; /*文字加粗*/ font-style:italic; /*文字斜体*/ /*文本阴影效果*/ text-shadow:0 0 5px #CCCCCC, 0 0 10px #CCCCCC, 0 0 15px #CCCCCC, 0 0 20px #095816, 0 0 25px #095816, 0 0 30px #095816, 0 0 50px #095816, 0 0 80px #095816, 0 0 100px #095816, 0 0 150px #095816; }
1 , Alignment: horizontal and vertical
2. Spacing settings: line spacing, character spacing
3. Initial letter enlargement
1. Style: picture border, picture scaling
2. Alignment: horizontal, vertical
3. Mixed layout: text wrapping
CSS can perform pixel-level precise control over the positioning and layout of objects in web pages, has the ability to edit web page objects and model styles, and can perform preliminary interactive design. Has strong legibility.