List interlaced color changing means that in news and article lists, the background colors of the previous line and the next line are displayed alternately. It can also be called zebra crossing, which can add a lot of color to the web page. Today I saw Xiaoyi's post on BI "Thinking about changing colors in alternate rows under standards" , using the two rows of UL to repeat the background. Although the method is good, the height in LI can only use the actual height in the background. It's not flexible enough, so I wrote one using ASP+CSS and used a custom list.
<% set rs=...... sql="......" sql,con,1,1 %> <dl> <% i=0 do while not (rs.eof or err)%> <dt><a href=" sortid=<%=rs("sortid")%>&id=<%=rs("id")%>"><%=rs("biaoti")%> </a></dt> <% if i mod 2 = 0 then%> <dd> <% else %> <dd class="two"> <% end if %> <%=rs("zhaiyao")%> </dd> <% i=i+1 rs.moveNext loop %> </dl>