En langage de programmation C, nous pouvons utiliser des structures pour trouver l'aire d'un cercle, l'aire et le volume d'un cylindre. La logique pour
s.areacircle = (float)pi*s.radius*s.radius;
s.areacylinder = (float)2*pi*s.radius*s.line + 2 * s.areacircle;
s.volumecylinder = s.areacircle*s.line;
#includestruct shape{ float line; float radius; float areacircle; float areacylinder; float volumecylinder; }; int main(){ struct shape s; float pi = 3.14; //taking the input from user printf("Enter a length of line or height : "); scanf("%f",&s.line); printf("Enter a length of radius : "); scanf("%f",&s.radius); //area of circle s.areacircle = (float)pi*s.radius*s.radius; printf("Area of circular cross-section of cylinder : %.2f ",s.areacircle); //area of cylinder s.areacylinder = (float)2*pi*s.radius*s.line + 2 * s.areacircle; printf("Surface area of cylinder : %.2f
", s.areacylinder); //volume of cylinder s.volumecylinder = s.areacircle*s.line; printf("volume of cylinder : %.2f
", s.volumecylinder); return 0; }
Enter a length of line or height: 34 Enter a length of radius: 2 Area of circular cross-section of cylinder: 12.56 Surface area of cylinder: 452.16 volume of cylinder : 427.04
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