This is a jQuery-based image switching focus map plug-in. The feature of this jQuery focus map plug-in is that pictures can be switched in groups, which means that multiple pictures can be switched at one time. Compared with other focus map plug-ins, it can save money. More space allows more pictures to be displayed to users, which is very practical.

Implementation code.
html code:
$(function () {
var $number = Math.ceil($('.scroll ul li').length / 4); //Get the number of scrolling screens
var margin = 10; //Set the image spacing
var $w = $('.scroll li').width() margin; // Width of a screen image
var $width = $w * $number * 2; //Set ul width
var pre = $('.device .pre');
var next = $('.device .next');
If ($number == 1) { pre.hide(); next.hide(); }
$('.scroll ul').width($width);
var num = 0;
function autoscroll() {
num ;
If ($number == 1) { return false }
If (num == $number) {
num = 0;
var distance = -2 * $w * num;
$('.scroll ul').stop().animate({ left: distance });
var scrollChange = setInterval(autoscroll, 8000);
//Hover the mouse, pause scrolling
$(".scroll ul,.pre,.next").mouseover(function () {
$('.scroll ul').stop()
Clearinterval (scrollchange);
// The mouse moves away, rolling continues
$('.scroll ul,.pre,.next').mouseout(function () {
scrollChange = setInterval(autoscroll, 8000);
//Next group () {
num ;
If (num >= $number) { num = 0 }
var leftdis = -2 * $w * num;
$('.scroll ul').stop().animate({ left: leftdis });
//Previous group () {
If (num < 0) { num = $number - 1 }
var rightdis = -2 * $w * num;
$('.scroll ul').stop().animate({ left: rightdis });