If you cannot find MicrosoftSecurityApp.exe in Windows, this article will help you. MicrosoftSecurityApp.exe is part of the Microsoft Defender application, available in the Microsoft Store. It’s important to note that the Microsoft Defender app is only available to users with a Microsoft 365 Personal or Family subscription and is not tied to Windows’ built-in security app.
If you get a Windows cannot find MicrosoftSecurityApp.exe error when you try to run the Microsoft Defender application, follow these suggestions:
Now, let’s take a look at these in detail.
First refresh the services related to Microsoft Defender and Microsoft Security. Refreshing services in Windows restarts specific software. Here’s how to do it:
See if this helps.
Finally, use Windows PowerShell to uninstall Microsoft Defender and then reinstall it. Here’s how to do it:
Get-appxPackage-alluser Microsoft.6365217CE6EB4|Remove-appxPackage
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