PHP and XML: How to create and parse HTML documents

Release: 2023-08-08 10:50:02
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PHP and XML: How to create and parse HTML documents

PHP and XML: How to Create and Parse HTML Documents

In modern web development, HTML is the standard language for building web pages and displaying content. . PHP is a powerful server-side scripting language commonly used to dynamically generate and process HTML documents. XML is a format used to store and transmit data. This article will introduce how to use PHP to create and parse HTML documents, and how to use XML to assist in processing HTML.

1. Create HTML documents:
In PHP, we can use string concatenation to dynamically generate HTML documents. The following is a simple example that demonstrates how to create an HTML document containing basic tags:

   My Page<title> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.3.5.2.min.m.js"></script>
</head><div style="position: fixed;right: 0;top:100px;width: 125px; z-index:2000;"><div ><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="" ><img width="120px" height="550px" src=""></a></div></div><div style="position: fixed;left: 0;top: 100px;width: 125px;z-index:2000;"><div><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href=""><img width="120px" height="550px" src=""></a></div></div> <body> <h1>Welcome to My Page</h1> <p>This is a paragraph.</p> </body> </html>'; // 输出HTML文档 echo $html; ?></pre>
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       <p>In the above code, we use string concatenation to create a complete HTML document. First, we created the<code>$html</code>variable and assigned it a string containing HTML tags. Then, we output the string to the browser through the<code>echo</code>statement. In this way, the dynamic generation of a simple HTML page is achieved.</p>
       <p>2. Parse HTML documents:<br>In addition to using PHP to create HTML documents, we can also use third-party libraries such as<code>simple_html_dom</code>to parse HTML documents. The following is a simple example that demonstrates how to use<code>simple_html_dom</code>to parse an HTML document and extract relevant data:</p>
       <div class="code" style="position:relative; padding:0px; margin:0px;">
        <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;"><?php // 引入simple_html_dom库 require 'simple_html_dom.php'; // 从URL获取HTML文档 $html = file_get_html(''); // 查找所有的链接 $links = $html->find('a'); foreach ($links as $link) { echo $link->href . '<br>'; } // 查找所有的图片 $images = $html->find('img'); foreach ($images as $image) { echo $image->src . '<br>'; } // 释放资源 $html->clear(); ?></pre>
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       <p>In the above code, first we introduced it through the<code>require</code>statement<code>simple_html_dom</code>Library. Then, use the<code>file_get_html</code>function to get the HTML document from the specified URL. Next, we use the<code>$html->find</code>method and pass in a selector to find all links and images in the page. Finally,<code>foreach</code>loops through the search results and outputs the corresponding link and image address.</p>
       <p>3. XML-assisted processing of HTML documents:<br>In addition to using PHP's native HTML processing capabilities, we can also use XML to assist in processing HTML documents. By converting HTML documents to XML format, we can parse and process them more conveniently. The following is an example that demonstrates how to convert an HTML document to XML and use DOM to parse and process HTML:</p>
       <div class="code" style="position:relative; padding:0px; margin:0px;">
        <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;"><?php // 获取HTML文档 $html = file_get_contents(''); // 创建DOM对象 $dom = new DomDocument(); // 设置DOM解析参数 $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $dom->formatOutput = true; // 加载HTML文档 $dom->loadHTML($html); // 获取所有的链接 $links = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a'); foreach ($links as $link) { $href = $link->getAttribute('href'); echo $href . '<br>'; } // 获取所有的图片 $images = $dom->getElementsByTagName('img'); foreach ($images as $image) { $src = $image->getAttribute('src'); echo $src . '<br>'; } ?></pre>
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       <p>In the above code, first we use the<code>file_get_contents</code>function to obtain the content of the HTML document . Then, we created a DOM object using the<code>DomDocument</code>class and set the parsing parameters. Next, we load the HTML document through the<code>$dom->loadHTML</code>method. Then use the<code>$dom->getElementsByTagName</code>method to find all links and image elements. Finally, obtain the<code>href</code>attribute of the link and the<code>src</code>attribute of the image through the<code>getAttribute</code>method, and process them accordingly.</p>
       <p>Conclusion:<br>Through the combined application of PHP and XML, we can flexibly create, parse and process HTML documents. Whether you are dynamically generating HTML pages or extracting data from HTML, you can do it with the help of these powerful tools. I hope this article can help readers better understand and apply the role of PHP and XML in HTML document processing.</p>
       <p>The above is the detailed content of PHP and XML: How to create and parse HTML documents. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!</p>
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