This is a 3D animation special effect based on HTML5 and CSS3. Different from the previous 3D special effects, this one is completely implemented using HTML5 features instead of superimposing multiple pictures. Another feature of this 3D animation is that it can rotate infinitely, so that the HTML5 Logo can be observed from multiple perspectives.

Online demo Source code download
HTML code
XML/HTML CodeCopy content to clipboard
<div class="link-overlay">
<canvas id="canvas" style="background-color:#ddd">< /canvas>
JavaScript code
JavaScript CodeCopy content to clipboard
window.addEventListener('load', onloadHandler, false);
function onloadHandler()
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
var k3dmain = new K3D.Controller(canvas, true);
var obj1 = new K3D.K3DObject();
with (obj1)
drawmode = "solid";
shademode = "lightsource";
sortmode = "unsorted";
addphi = -0.5;
abouty = -90;
perslevel = 1000;
var obj2 = new K3D.K3DObject();
with (obj2)
drawmode = "solid";
shademode = "lightsource";
sortmode = "unsorted";
addphi = -0.5;
abouty = -90;
perslevel = 1000;
var obj3 = new K3D.K3DObject();
with (obj3)
drawmode = "solid";
shademode = "lightsource";
sortmode = "unsorted";
addphi = -0.5;
abouty = -90;
perslevel = 1000;
var obj4 = new K3D.K3DObject();
with (obj4)
drawmode = "solid";
shademode = "lightsource";
sortmode = "unsorted";
addphi = -0.5;
abouty = -90;
perslevel = 1000;
var objBase = new K3D.K3DObject();
with (objBase)
drawmode = "solid";
shademode = "lightsource";
sortmode = "unsorted";
addphi = -0.5;
abouty = -90;
perslevel = 1000;
var objHtml = new K3D.K3DObject();
with (objHtml)
drawmode = "solid";
shademode = "lightsource";
color = [64,64,64];
doublesided = true;
addphi = -0.5;
abouty = 100;
scale = 0.75;
perslevel = 1000;
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var rotationOffset = 0;
var len = (canvas.height > canvas.width ? canvas.height : canvas.width) * 0.7;
k3dmain.clearBackground = false;
k3dmain.callback = function()
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.translate(canvas.width/2, canvas.height/2);
var RAYCOUNT = 24;
ctx.fillStyle = "#eee";
for (var i=0; i
- {
- ctx.rotate(TWOPI / RAYCOUNT);
- ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
- ctx.lineTo(-20, len);
- ctx.lineTo(20, len);
- }
- ctx.closePath();
- ctx.fill();
- ctx.fillStyle = "#fff";
- ctx.beginPath();
- for (var i=0; i
- {
- ctx.rotate(TWOPI / RAYCOUNT);
- ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
- ctx.lineTo(-15, len);
- ctx.lineTo(15, len);
- }
- ctx.closePath();
- ctx.fill();
- ctx.restore();
- rotationOffset = 0.005;
- for (var i=0, objs=k3dmain.objects; i
- {
- objs[i].ophi = targetRotationX;
- }
- if (targetRotationX > -0.5) targetRotationX -= 0.05;
else if (targetRotationX < -0.55) targetRotationX = 0.05;
- if (targetRotationX > -0.55 && targetRotationX < -0.5) targetRotationX = -0.5;
k3dmain.paused = true;
setInterval(function(){k3dmain.tick()}, 1000/60);
var targetRotationX = 0;
var targetRotationOnMouseDownX = 0;
var mouseX = 0;
var mouseXOnMouseDown = 0;
var targetRotationY = 0;
var targetRotationOnMouseDownY = 0;
var mouseY = 0;
var mouseYOnMouseDown = 0;
var windowHalfX = window.innerWidth / 2;
var windowHalfY = window.innerHeight / 2;
document.addEventListener('mousedown', onDocumentMouseDown, false);
document.addEventListener('touchstart', onDocumentTouchStart, false);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', onDocumentTouchMove, false);
function onDocumentMouseDown( event ) {
document.addEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove, false);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', onDocumentMouseUp, false);
document.addEventListener('mouseout', onDocumentMouseOut, false);
mouseXOnMouseDown = event.clientX - windowHalfX;
targetRotationOnMouseDownX = targetRotationX;
mouseYOnMouseDown = event.clientY - windowHalfY;
targetRotationOnMouseDownY = targetRotationY;
function onDocumentMouseMove( event )
mouseX = event.clientX - windowHalfX;
targetRotationX = targetRotationOnMouseDownX (mouseX - mouseXOnMouseDown) * 0.02;
mouseY = event.clientY - windowHalfY;
targetRotationY = targetRotationOnMouseDownY (mouseY - mouseYOnMouseDown) * 0.02;
function onDocumentMouseUp( event )
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove, false);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', onDocumentMouseUp, false);
document.removeEventListener('mouseout', onDocumentMouseOut, false);
function onDocumentMouseOut( event )
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove, false);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', onDocumentMouseUp, false);
document.removeEventListener('mouseout', onDocumentMouseOut, false);
function onDocumentTouchStart( event )
if (event.touches.length == 1)
mouseXOnMouseDown = event.touches[0].pageX - windowHalfX;
targetRotationOnMouseDownX = targetRotationX;
mouseYOnMouseDown = event.touches[0].pageY - windowHalfY;
targetRotationOnMouseDownY = targetRotationY;
function onDocumentTouchMove( event )
if (event.touches.length == 1)
mouseX = event.touches[0].pageX - windowHalfX;
targetRotationX = targetRotationOnMouseDownX (mouseX - mouseXOnMouseDown) * 0.05;
mouseY = event.touches[0].pageY - windowHalfY;
targetRotationY = targetRotationOnMouseDownY (mouseX - mouseYOnMouseDown) * 0.05;