Before introducing matrix transformation transform(), let’s talk about what a transformation matrix is.
The above is the transformation matrix corresponding to the transform() method in Canvas. This method passes in the six parameters shown in the figure, specifically context.transform(a,b,c,d,e,f).
The meaning of each parameter corresponds to the following table:
参数 | 意义 |
a | 水平缩放(1) |
b | 水平倾斜(0) |
c | 垂直倾斜(0) |
d | 垂直缩放(1) |
e | 水平位移(0) |
f | 垂直位移(0) |
When we substitute the corresponding 0 or 1 into the matrix, we can find that this is an identity matrix (the default value of horizontal and vertical scaling is 1, which means scaling by 1 times, that is, no scaling). This method uses a new change matrix to multiply the current transformation matrix, and then obtains various change effects.
To put it simply, when we want to transform a graphic, we only need to operate the corresponding parameters of the transformation matrix. After the operation, multiply the coordinates of each fixed point of the graphic by this matrix to get a new The coordinates of the fixed point.
transform() method
Canvas drawing provides us with a method to change this transformation matrix, that is transform().
The default coordinate system is based on the upper left corner of the canvas as the coordinate origin (0, 0). The further to the right the X-axis value is, the greater the value is, and the further down the Y-axis value is the greater it is. In the default coordinate system, the coordinates of each point are directly mapped to a CSS pixel. Some specific operations and property settings on the canvas use the default coordinate system. However, in addition to the default coordinate system, each canvas also has a "current transformation matrix" as part of the graphics state. This matrix defines the current coordinate system of the canvas. When the coordinates of a point are specified, most operations on the canvas map the point to the current coordinate system, rather than the default coordinate system. The current transformation matrix is used to transform the specified coordinates into equivalent coordinates in the default coordinate system. The transformation of coordinates also affects the drawing of text and line segments.
Calling the translate() method simply moves the coordinate origin up, down, left, and right. The
rotate() method will rotate the coordinate axis clockwise according to the specified angle.
The scale() method implements extending and shortening the distance on the x-axis or the y-axis. Passing a negative value will achieve
scale to flip the coordinate axis using the coordinate origin as the reference point. Like a reflection in a mirror.
translate is used to move the coordinate origin to the lower left corner of the canvas, and then the scale method is used to flip the y-axis, so that the y-axis becomes larger as it goes up.
Understand coordinate system transformation from a mathematical perspective:
The translate, rotate and scale methods are easy to understand if you imagine them as transformations of the coordinate axes. It is easy to understand coordinate transformation from an algebraic perspective, that is, imagine the transformation as a point (x, y) in the transformed coordinate system, and the original coordinate system becomes (x`, y`).
Call c.translate(dx,dy). The method is equivalent to the following expression
It is recommended to use transform() in the following situations:
1. Use context.transform (1,0,0,1,dx,dy) instead of context.translate(dx,dy)
2. Use context.transform(sx,0,0,sy,0 ,0) instead of context.scale(sx, sy)
3. Use context.transform(0,b,c,0,0,0) to achieve the tilt effect (the most practical).
There is no need to use it to achieve rotation. In addition, there is no need to remember all these conclusions. Just write down the meaning of the six parameters of abcdef. The effect is the same.
Let’s look at a code to get familiar with it:
transform()方法的行为相对于由 rotate(),scale(), translate(), or transform() 完成的其他变换。例如:如果我们已经将绘图设置为放到两倍,则 transform() 方法会把绘图放大两倍,那么我们的绘图最终将放大四倍。这一点和之前的变换是一样的。
绘制一个矩形,通过 setTransform() 重置并创建新的变换矩阵,再次绘制矩形,重置并创建新的变换矩阵,然后再次绘制矩形。
解释一下过程:每当我们调用 setTransform() 时,它都会重置前一个变换矩阵然后构建新的矩阵,因此在下面的例子中,不会显示红色矩形,因为它在蓝色矩形下面。