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An in-depth explanation of ref in React

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An in-depth explanation of ref in React

Regarding the understanding and use of Ref, some readers may still stay at the level of using ref to obtain real DOM elements and obtain class component instances

In fact, in addition to these two common uses of ref In addition to functions, there are many other tips

Through the study of this article, you will gain the basic and advanced usage of React ref, and be able to understand how React handles ref internally, and use a The way of asking questions in the small demo will give you a deeper understanding of the underlying principles of ref

1. The understanding and use of ref

The understanding of Ref must be analyzed from two perspectives:

  • Ref object creation: Use createRef or useRef to create a Ref object [Related recommendations: Redis video tutorial, Programming video

  • React's own handling of Ref: How does React handle the ref attribute in the tag

1.1. Creation of ref objects

1.1.1. createRef

In the class component, we will go through createRef Create a Ref object, which will be saved on the class component instance. Its implementation is very simple


export function createRef(): RefObject {
  const refObject = {
    current: null,

  return refObject
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You can see To, it is to create an object containing the current attribute, nothing more

1.1.2. useRef

This also means that we createRef cannot be used in function components, because each time the function component is rendered, it is a new function execution, and each time createRef is executed, a new object is obtained and cannot be retained. Original reference

So in the function component, we will use useRef to create the Ref object. React will associate useRef with the fiber object corresponding to the function component, and useRef The created ref object is mounted to the corresponding fiber object

In this way, every time the function component is executed, as long as the function component is not destroyed, the corresponding fiber object instance will always exist, so ref can also be Keep it

1.2. React’s processing of ref attributes in tags

First of all, we must make a clear conclusion. Obtaining DOM elements or component instances in React is not the only way ref object obtained! ! !

That is to say, it is not only possible to create a ref object by calling createRef first, and then assign it to the ref attribute of the element or component instance to be obtained. In fact, there are other Method


Only class components can obtain component instances. Function components have no instances and cannot be marked by ref, but they can be combined with forwardRef useImperativeHandle Assign the ref tag to the function component


1.2.1. string ref

When we give When the ref attribute in an element or class component tag passes a string, it can be accessed in this.refs of the component instance

class Child extends React.Component<PropsWithChildren> {
  render(): React.ReactNode {
    const { children } = this.props

    return (

/** @description ref 属性传递字符串 */
class RefDemo1 extends React.Component {
  logger = createLoggerWithScope(&#39;RefDemo1&#39;)

  componentDidMount(): void {

  render(): React.ReactNode {
    return (
        <div ref="refDemo1DOM">ref 属性传递字符串获取 DOM 元素</div>
        <Child ref="refDemo1Component">ref 属性传递字符串获取类组件实例</Child>
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An in-depth explanation of ref in React

##::: warning

This method has been officially abandoned by React. Try not to use it


1.2.2. callback ref

When the ref attribute passes a function, the function specified by ref will be executed when the real DOM is created in the commit phase, and the element will be passed in as the first parameter. At this time, we can use it for assignment to obtain the DOM element or component instance

/** @description ref 属性传递函数 */
class RefDemo2 extends React.Component {
  logger = createLoggerWithScope(&#39;RefDemo2&#39;)

  refDemo2DOM: HTMLElement | null = null
  refDemo2Component: Child | null = null

  componentDidMount(): void {

  render(): React.ReactNode {
    return (
        <div ref={(el) => (this.refDemo2DOM = el)}>
          ref 属性传递函数获取 DOM 元素

        <Child ref={(child) => (this.refDemo2Component = child)}>
          ref 属性传递函数获取类组件实例
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An in-depth explanation of ref in React

1.2.3. object ref

This method is our most commonly used method, use

createRef Or useRef Create a Ref object and pass it to the ref attribute of the tag.

The ref obtained in this way needs to call the

current attribute first. Get the corresponding DOM element or component instance

/** @description ref 属性传递对象 */
class RefDemo3 extends React.Component {
  logger = createLoggerWithScope(&#39;RefDemo3&#39;)

  refDemo3DOM = React.createRef<HTMLDivElement>()
  refDemo3Component = React.createRef<Child>()

  componentDidMount(): void {

  render(): React.ReactNode {
    return (
        <div ref={this.refDemo3DOM}>ref 属性传递对象获取 DOM 元素</div>

        <Child ref={this.refDemo3Component}>
          ref 属性传递对象获取类组件实例
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2. ref Advanced usage

2.1. forwardRef forward ref

2.1.1. Cross-level acquisition

If you want to get an element of the grandchild component by passing ref in the child component, that is, you can get it in the master component. The elements of the grandchild component are a cross-level acquisition

/** @description 孙组件 */
const Child: React.FC<{ grandRef: LegacyRef<HTMLDivElement> }> = (props) => {
  const { grandRef } = props

  return (
      <div ref={grandRef}>要获取的目标元素</div>

 * @description 父组件
 * 第一个泛型参数是 ref 的类型
 * 第二个泛型参数是 props 的类型
const Father = forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, {}>((props, ref) => {
  return (
      <Child grandRef={ref} />

/** @description 爷组件 */
const GrandFather: React.FC = () => {
  let grandChildDiv: HTMLDivElement | null = null

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [])

  return (
      <Father ref={(el) => (grandChildDiv = el)} />
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2.1.2. Merge and forward custom ref

forwardRef can not only forward ref to obtain DOM elements and component instances , you can also forward the merged custom ref

What is the "merged custom ref"? You will understand if you look at it through a scene


By binding ref to the Foo component, you can obtain multiple contents, including:

  • 子组件 Bar 的组件实例

  • Bar 组件中的 DOM 元素 button

  • 孙组件 Baz 的组件实例


这种在一个 ref 里能够访问多个元素和实例的就是“合并后的自定义 ref”

/** @description 自定义 ref 的类型 */
interface CustomRef {
  bar: Bar
  barButton: HTMLButtonElement
  baz: Baz

class Baz extends React.Component {
  render(): React.ReactNode {
    return <div>Baz</div>

class Bar extends React.Component<{
  customRef: ForwardedRef<CustomRef>
}> {
  buttonEl: HTMLButtonElement | null = null
  bazInstance: Baz | null = null

  componentDidMount(): void {
    const { customRef } = this.props

    if (customRef) {
      ;(customRef as MutableRefObject<CustomRef>).current = {
        bar: this,
        barButton: this.buttonEl!,
        baz: this.bazInstance!,

  render() {
    return (
        <button ref={(el) => (this.buttonEl = el)}>Bar button</button>
        <Baz ref={(instance) => (this.bazInstance = instance)} />
const FowardRefBar = forwardRef<CustomRef>((props, ref) => (
  <Bar {...props} customRef={ref} />

const Foo: React.FC = () => {
  const customRef = useRef<CustomRef>(null)

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [])

  return <FowardRefBar ref={customRef} />
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An in-depth explanation of ref in React

2.1.3. 高阶组件转发 ref

如果我们在高阶组件中直接使用 ref,它会直接指向 WrapComponent

class TestComponent extends React.Component {
  render(): React.ReactNode {
    return <p>TestComponent</p>

/** @description 不使用 forwardRef 转发 HOC 中的 ref */
const HOCWithoutForwardRef = (Component: typeof React.Component) => {
  class WrapComponent extends React.Component {
    render(): React.ReactNode {
      return (
          <Component />

  return WrapComponent

const HOCComponent1 = HOCWithoutForwardRef(TestComponent)
const RefHOCWithoutForwardRefDemo = () => {
  const logger = createLoggerWithScope(&#39;RefHOCWithoutForwardRefDemo&#39;)
  const wrapRef = useRef(null)

  useEffect(() => {
    // wrapRef 指向的是 WrapComponent 实例 而不是 HOCComponent1 实例
  }, [])

  return <HOCComponent1 ref={wrapRef} />
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An in-depth explanation of ref in React

如果我们希望 ref 指向的是被包裹的 TestComponent 而不是 HOC 内部的 WrapComponent 时该怎么办呢?

这时候就可以用 forwardRef 进行转发了

/** @description HOC 中使用 forwardRef 转发 ref */
const HOCWithForwardRef = (Component: typeof React.Component) => {
  class WrapComponent extends React.Component<{
    forwardedRef: LegacyRef<any>
  }> {
    render(): React.ReactNode {
      const { forwardedRef } = this.props

      return (
          <Component ref={forwardedRef} />

  return React.forwardRef((props, ref) => (
    <WrapComponent forwardedRef={ref} {...props} />

const HOCComponent2 = HOCWithForwardRef(TestComponent)
const RefHOCWithForwardRefDemo = () => {
  const logger = createLoggerWithScope(&#39;RefHOCWithForwardRefDemo&#39;)
  const hocComponent2Ref = useRef(null)

  useEffect(() => {
    // hocComponent2Ref 指向的是 HOCComponent2 实例
  }, [])

  return <HOCComponent2 ref={hocComponent2Ref} />
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An in-depth explanation of ref in React

2.2. ref 实现组件通信

一般我们可以通过父组件改变子组件 props 的方式触发子组件的更新渲染完成组件间通信

但如果我们不希望通过这种改变子组件 props 的方式的话还能有别的办法吗?

可以通过 ref 获取子组件实例,然后子组件暴露出通信的方法,父组件调用该方法即可触发子组件的更新渲染

对于函数组件,由于其不存在组件实例这样的说法,但我们可以通过 useImperativeHandle 这个 hook 来指定 ref 引用时得到的属性和方法,下面我们分别用类组件和函数组件都实现一遍

2.2.1. 类组件 ref 暴露组件实例

 * 父 -> 子 使用 ref
 * 子 -> 父 使用 props 回调
class CommunicationDemoFather extends React.Component<
> {
  state: Readonly<CommunicationDemoFatherState> = {
    fatherToChildMessage: &#39;&#39;,
    childToFatherMessage: &#39;&#39;,

  childRef = React.createRef<CommunicationDemoChild>()

  /** @description 提供给子组件修改父组件中的状态 */
  handleChildToFather = (message: string) => {
    this.setState((state) => ({
      childToFatherMessage: message,

  constructor(props: {}) {
    this.handleChildToFather = this.handleChildToFather.bind(this)

  render(): React.ReactNode {
    const { fatherToChildMessage, childToFatherMessage } = this.state

    return (
      <div className={s.father}>
        <div className={s.messageInputBox}>
            <label htmlFor="to-father">我对子组件说:</label>
              onChange={(e) =>
                this.setState((state) => ({
                  fatherToChildMessage: e.target.value,

          {/* 父 -> 子 -- 使用 ref 完成组件通信 */}
            onClick={() =>


interface CommunicationDemoChildProps {
  onChildToFather: (message: string) => void
// 子组件自己维护状态 不依赖于父组件 props
interface CommunicationDemoChildState {
  fatherToChildMessage: string
  childToFatherMessage: string
class CommunicationDemoChild extends React.Component<
> {
  state: Readonly<CommunicationDemoChildState> = {
    fatherToChildMessage: &#39;&#39;,
    childToFatherMessage: &#39;&#39;,

  /** @description 暴露给父组件使用的 API -- 修改父到子的消息 fatherToChildMessage */
  setFatherToChildMessage(message: string) {
    this.setState((state) => ({ ...state, fatherToChildMessage: message }))

  render(): React.ReactNode {
    const { onChildToFather: emitChildToFather } = this.props
    const { fatherToChildMessage, childToFatherMessage } = this.state

    return (
      <div className={s.child}>
        <div className={s.messageInputBox}>
            <label htmlFor="to-father">我对父组件说:</label>
              onChange={(e) =>
                this.setState((state) => ({
                  childToFatherMessage: e.target.value,

          {/* 子 -> 父 -- 使用 props 回调完成组件通信 */}
          <button onClick={() => emitChildToFather(childToFatherMessage)}>
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An in-depth explanation of ref in React

2.2.2. 函数组件 ref 暴露指定方法

使用 useImperativeHandle hook 可以让我们指定 ref 引用时能获取到的属性和方法,个人认为相比类组件的 ref,使用这种方式能够更加好的控制组件想暴露给外界的 API

而不像类组件那样直接全部暴露出去,当然,如果你想在类组件中只暴露部分 API 的话,可以用前面说的合并转发自定义 ref 的方式去完成

接下来我们就用 useImperativeHandle hook 改造上面的类组件实现的 demo 吧

interface ChildRef {
  setFatherToChildMessage: (message: string) => void

 * 父 -> 子 使用 ref
 * 子 -> 父 使用 props 回调
const CommunicationDemoFunctionComponentFather: React.FC = () => {
  const [fatherToChildMessage, setFatherToChildMessage] = useState(&#39;&#39;)
  const [childToFatherMessage, setChildToFatherMessage] = useState(&#39;&#39;)

  const childRef = useRef<ChildRef>(null)

  return (
    <div className={s.father}>
      <div className={s.messageInputBox}>
          <label htmlFor="to-father">我对子组件说:</label>
            onChange={(e) => setFatherToChildMessage(e.target.value)}

        {/* 父 -> 子 -- 使用 ref 完成组件通信 */}
          onClick={() =>

        onChildToFather={(message) => setChildToFatherMessage(message)}

interface CommunicationDemoFunctionComponentChildProps {
  onChildToFather: (message: string) => void
const CommunicationDemoFunctionComponentChild = forwardRef<
>((props, ref) => {
  const { onChildToFather: emitChildToFather } = props

  // 子组件自己维护状态 不依赖于父组件 props
  const [fatherToChildMessage, setFatherToChildMessage] = useState(&#39;&#39;)
  const [childToFatherMessage, setChildToFatherMessage] = useState(&#39;&#39;)

  // 定义暴露给外界的 API
  useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({ setFatherToChildMessage }))

  return (
    <div className={s.child}>
      <div className={s.messageInputBox}>
          <label htmlFor="to-father">我对父组件说:</label>
            onChange={(e) => setChildToFatherMessage(e.target.value)}

        {/* 子 -> 父 -- 使用 props 回调完成组件通信 */}
        <button onClick={() => emitChildToFather(childToFatherMessage)}>
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2.3. 函数组件缓存数据

当我们在函数组件中如果数据更新后不希望视图改变,也就是说视图不依赖于这个数据,这个时候可以考虑用 useRef 对这种数据进行缓存

为什么 useRef 可以对数据进行缓存?

还记得之前说的 useRef 在函数组件中的作用原理吗?

React 会将 useRef 和函数组件对应的 fiber 对象关联,将 useRef 创建的 ref 对象挂载到对应的 fiber 对象上,这样一来每次函数组件执行,只要函数组件不被销毁,那么对应的 fiber 对象实例也会一直存在,所以 ref 也能够被保留下来

利用这个特性,我们可以将数据放到 useRef 中,由于它在内存中一直都是同一块内存地址,所以无论如何变化都不会影响到视图的改变




我们通过一个简单的 demo 来更清楚地体会下这个应用场景

假设我有一个 todoList 列表,视图上会把这个列表渲染出来,并且有一个数据 activeTodoItem 是控制当前选中的是哪个 todoItem

点击 todoItem 会切换这个 activeTodoItem,但是并不需要在视图上作出任何变化,如果使用 useState 去保存 activeTodoItem,那么当其变化时会导致函数组件重新执行,视图重新渲染,但在这个场景中我们并不希望更新视图

相对的,我们希望这个 activeTodoItem 数据被缓存起来,不会随着视图的重新渲染而导致其作为 useState 的执行结果重新生成一遍,因此我们可以改成用 useRef 实现,因为其在内存中一直都是同一块内存地址,这样就不会因为它的改变而更新视图了

同理,在 useEffect 中如果使用到了 useRef 的数据,也不需要将其声明到 deps 数组中,因为其内存地址不会变化,所以每次在 useEffect 中获取到的 ref 数据一定是最新的

interface TodoItem {
  id: number
  name: string

const todoList: TodoItem[] = [
    id: 1,
    name: &#39;coding&#39;,
    id: 2,
    name: &#39;eating&#39;,
    id: 3,
    name: &#39;sleeping&#39;,
    id: 4,
    name: &#39;playing&#39;,

const CacheDataWithRefDemo: React.FC = () => {
  const activeTodoItem = useRef(todoList[0])

  // 模拟 componentDidUpdate -- 如果改变 activeTodoItem 后组件没重新渲染,说明视图可以不依赖于 activeTodoItem 数据
  useEffect(() => {

  return (
    <div className={s.container}>
      <div className={s.list}>
        {todoList.map((todoItem) => (
            onClick={() => (activeTodoItem.current = todoItem)}

      <button onClick={() => logger.log(activeTodoItem.current)}>
        控制台输出最新的 activeTodoItem
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An in-depth explanation of ref in React

3. 通过 callback ref 探究 ref 原理

首先先看一个关于 callback ref 的小 Demo 来引出我们后续的内容

interface RefDemo8State {
  counter: number
class RefDemo8 extends React.Component<{}, RefDemo8State> {
  state: Readonly<RefDemo8State> = {
    counter: 0,

  el: HTMLDivElement | null = null

  render(): React.ReactNode {
    return (
          ref={(el) => {
            this.el = el
            console.log(&#39;this.el -- &#39;, this.el)
          ref element
          onClick={() => this.setState({ counter: this.state.counter + 1 })}
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An in-depth explanation of ref in React

为什么会执行两次?为什么第一次 this.el === null?为什么第二次又正常了?

3.1. ref 的底层原理

还记得 React 底层是有 render 阶段和 commit 阶段的吗?关于 ref 的处理逻辑就在 commit 阶段进行的

React 底层有两个关于 ref 的处理函数 -- commitDetachRefcommitAttachRef

上面的 Demo 中 callback ref 执行了两次正是对应着这两次函数的调用,大致来讲可以理解为 commitDetachRef 在 DOM 更新之前执行,commitAttachRef 在 DOM 更新之后执行

这也就不难理解为什么会有上面 Demo 中的现象了,但我们还是要结合源码来看看,加深自己的理解

3.1.1. commitDetachRef

在新版本的 React 源码中它改名为了 safelyDetachRef,但是核心逻辑没变,这里我将核心逻辑简化出来供大家阅读:


function commitDetachRef(current: Fiber) {
  // current 是已经调和完了的 fiber 对象
  const currentRef = current.ref

  if (currentRef !== null) {
    if (typeof currentRef === &#39;function&#39;) {
      // callback ref 和 string ref 执行时机
    } else {
      // object ref 处理时机
      currentRef.current = null
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可以看到,就是从 fiber 中取出 ref,然后根据 callback ref、string ref、object ref 的情况进行处理

并且也能看到 commitDetachRef 主要是将 ref 置为 null,这也就是为什么 RefDemo8 中第一次执行的 callback ref 中看到的 this.el 是 null 了

3.1.2. commitAttachRef


function commitAttachRef(finishedWork: Fiber) {
  const ref = finishedWork.ref
  if (ref !== null) {
    const instance = finishedWork.stateNode
    let instanceToUse

    // 处理 ref 来源
    switch (finishedWork.tag) {
      // HostComponent 代表 DOM 元素类型的 tag
      case HostComponent:
        instanceToUse = getPublicInstance(instance)

      // 类组件使用组件实例
        instanceToUse = instance

    if (typeof ref === &#39;function&#39;) {
      // callback ref 和 string ref
    } else {
      // object ref
      ref.current = instanceToUse
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3.2. 为什么 string ref 也是以函数的方式调用?

从上面的核心源码中能看到,对于 callback refstring ref,都是统一以函数的方式调用,将 nullinstanceToUse 传入

callback ref 这样做还能理解,但是为什么 string ref 也是这样处理呢?

因为当 React 检测到是 string ref 时,会自动绑定一个函数用于处理 string ref,核心源码逻辑如下:


// 从元素上获取 ref
const mixedRef = element.ref
const stringRef = &#39;&#39; + mixedRef
const ref = function (value) {
  // resolvedInst 就是组件实例
  const refs = resolvedInst.refs

  if (value === null) {
    delete refs[stringRef]
  } else {
    refs[stringRef] = value
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这样一来 string ref 也变成了一个函数了,从而可以在 commitDetachRefcommitAttachRef 中被执行,并且也能印证为什么 string ref 会在类组件实例的 refs 属性中获取到

3.3. ref 的执行时机

为什么在 RefDemo8 中我们每次点击按钮时都会触发 commitDetachRefcommitAttachRef 呢?这就需要聊聊 ref 的执行时机了,而从上文也能够了解到,ref 底层实际上是由 commitDetachRefcommitAttachRef 在处理核心逻辑


3.3.1. commitDetachRef 执行时机


function commitMutationEffectsOnFiber(
  finishedWork: Fiber,
  root: FiberRoot,
  lanes: Lanes,
) {
  const current = finishedWork.alternate
  const flags = finishedWork.flags

  if (flags & Ref) {
    if (current !== null) {
      // 也就是 commitDetachRef
      safelyDetachRef(current, current.return)
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3.3.2. commitAttachRef 执行时机


function commitLayoutEffectOnFiber(
  finishedRoot: FiberRoot,
  current: Fiber | null,
  finishedWork: Fiber,
  committedLanes: Lanes,
) {
  const flags = finishedWork.flags

  if (flags & Ref) {
    safelyAttachRef(finishedWork, finishedWork.return)
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3.3.3. fiber 何时打上 Ref tag?

可以看到,只有当 fiber 被打上了 Ref 这个 flag tag 时才会去执行 commitDetachRef/commitAttachRef

那么什么时候会标记 Ref tag 呢?


function markRef(current: Fiber | null, workInProgress: Fiber) {
  const ref = workInProgress.ref

  if (
    // current === null 意味着是初次挂载,fiber 首次调和时会打上 Ref tag
    (current === null && ref !== null) ||
    // current !== null 意味着是更新,此时需要 ref 发生了变化才会打上 Ref tag
    (current !== null && current.ref !== ref)
  ) {
    // Schedule a Ref effect
    workInProgress.flags |= Ref
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3.3.4. 为什么每次点击按钮 callback ref 都会执行?

那么现在再回过头来思考 RefDemo8 中为什么每次点击按钮都会执行 commitDetachRefcommitAttachRef 呢?

注意我们使用 callback ref 的时候是如何使用的

  ref={(el) => {
    this.el = el
    console.log(&#39;this.el -- &#39;, this.el)
  ref element
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是直接声明了一个箭头函数,这样的方式会导致每次渲染这个 div 元素时,给 ref 赋值的都是一个新的箭头函数,尽管函数的内容是一样的,但内存地址不同,因而 current.ref !== ref 这个判断条件会成立,从而每次都会触发更新

3.3.5. 如何解决?

那么要如何解决这个问题呢?既然我们已经知道了问题的原因,那么就好说了,只要让每次赋值给 ref 的函数都是同一个就可以了呗~

const logger = createLoggerWithScope(&#39;RefDemo9&#39;)

interface RefDemo9Props {}
interface RefDemo9State {
  counter: number
class RefDemo9 extends React.Component<RefDemo9Props, RefDemo9State> {
  state: Readonly<RefDemo9State> = {
    counter: 0,

  el: HTMLDivElement | null = null

  constructor(props: RefDemo9Props) {
    this.setElRef = this.setElRef.bind(this)

  setElRef(el: HTMLDivElement | null) {
    this.el = el
    logger.log(&#39;this.el -- &#39;, this.el)

  render(): React.ReactNode {
    return (
        <div ref={this.setElRef}>ref element</div>
          onClick={() => this.setState({ counter: this.state.counter + 1 })}
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An in-depth explanation of ref in React

这样就完美解决啦,既修复了 bug,又搞懂了 ref 的底层原理,一举两得!

4. 总结


  • ref 的理解与使用,包括如何创建 ref 对象,以及除了 object ref 之外的 string ref 和 callback ref 的方式去使用 ref
  • ref 的高阶用法,包括 forwardRef 转发 ref、ref 实现组件通信、利用 ref 在函数组件中缓存数据等
  • 通过一个简单的 callback ref 的 Demo 研究 ref 的底层原理,string ref 为何也是以函数的方式被调用,以及 ref 的执行时机


The above is the detailed content of An in-depth explanation of ref in React. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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