Is vue page rendering synchronous or asynchronous?

Release: 2022-12-13 19:26:38
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Vue page rendering is asynchronous. Vue uses asynchronous rendering, which can improve performance; if asynchronous updates are not used, the current component will be re-rendered every time the data is updated. For performance reasons, Vue will asynchronously update the view after this round of data updates.

Is vue page rendering synchronous or asynchronous?

The operating environment of this tutorial: windows7 system, vue3 version, DELL G3 computer.

Vue page rendering is asynchronous.

Vueis executed asynchronously when updatingDOM. As long as data changes are detected,Vuewill open a queue. And buffer all data changes that occur in the same event loop. If the samewatcheris triggered multiple times, it will only be pushed into the queue once. This removal of duplicate data during buffering is to avoid unnecessary The calculation andDOMoperations are very important. Then, in the next event looptick,Vuerefreshes the queue and executes the actual (deduplicated) Working,Vueinternally tries to use nativePromise.then,MutationObserverandsetImmediatefor asynchronous queues, if the execution environment does not support it,setTimeout(fn, 0)will be used instead. (Learning video sharing:vuejs introductory tutorial,Basic programming video)


ForVueWhy asynchronous rendering is used? Simply put, it is to improve performance. Because asynchronous updates are not used, the current component will be re-rendered every time the data is updated. For performance considerations,Vuewill re-render the data in this round. After updating, update the view asynchronously. For example, let us repeatedly update a value within a method.

this.msg = 1; this.msg = 2; this.msg = 3;
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In fact, what we really want is just the last update, which means that the first threeDOMupdates can be omitted. We only need to wait for all states to be modified. Rendering afterwards can reduce some performance losses.

The issue of rendering is very clear. In the end, rendering only once will definitely consume less performance than rendering after modification. Here we also need to consider the issues related to the asynchronous update queue. Assume that we are now Relevant processing has been carried out so that each time the data is updated, the realDOMis rendered only once, allowing us to consider the performance optimization of the asynchronous update queue.
Assume this is a synchronous update queue,this.msg=1, roughly the following things will happen:msgValue update->Triggersetter->TriggerupdateofWatcher->Recallrender->Generate a newvdom -> dom-diff -> domupdate, thedomupdate here is not rendering (i.e. layout, drawing, composition, etc. series of steps), instead update theDOMtree structure in memory, and then runthis.msg=2, and then repeat the above steps, and then3The first update will also trigger the same process. When rendering starts, there will indeed only be update completed3in the latestDOMtree. From here, the first2 Theoperations onmsgand theVueinternal processing are useless operations and can be optimized.

如果是异步更新队列,会是下面的情况,运行this.msg=1,并不是立即进行上面的流程,而是将对msg有依赖的Watcher都保存在队列中,该队列可能这样[Watcher1, Watcher2...],当运行this.msg=2后,同样是将对msg有依赖的Watcher保存到队列中,Vue内部会做去重判断,这次操作后,可以认为队列数据没有发生变化,第3次更新也是上面的过程,当然,你不可能只对msg有操作,你可能对该组件中的另一个属性也有操作,比如this.otherMsg=othermessage,同样会把对otherMsg有依赖的Watcher添加到异步更新队列中,因为有重复判断操作,这个Watcher也只会在队列中存在一次,本次异步任务执行结束后,会进入下一个任务执行流程,其实就是遍历异步更新队列中的每一个Watcher,触发其update,然后进行重新调用render->new vdom->dom-diff->dom更新等流程,但是这种方式和同步更新队列相比,不管操作多少次msgVue在内部只会进行一次重新调用真实更新流程,所以,对于异步更新队列不是节省了渲染成本,而是节省了Vue内部计算及DOM树操作的成本,不管采用哪种方式,渲染确实只有一次。


this.msg = 1; this.age = 2; = 3;
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官方文档中说明,Vue在更新DOM时是异步执行的,只要侦听到数据变化,Vue将开启一个队列,并缓冲在同一事件循环中发生的所有数据变更,如果同一个watcher被多次触发,只会被推入到队列中一次。这种在缓冲时去除重复数据对于避免不必要的计算和DOM操作是非常重要的。然后,在下一个的事件循环tick中,Vue刷新队列并执行实际工作。Vue在内部对异步队列尝试使用原生的Promise.thenMutationObserversetImmediate,如果执行环境不支持,则会采用setTimeout(fn, 0)代替。
Js是单线程的,其引入了同步阻塞与异步非阻塞的执行模式,在Js异步模式中维护了一个Event LoopEvent Loop是一个执行模型,在不同的地方有不同的实现,浏览器和NodeJS基于不同的技术实现了各自的Event Loop。浏览器的Event Loop是在HTML5的规范中明确定义,NodeJSEvent Loop是基于libuv实现的。
在浏览器中的Event Loop由执行栈Execution Stack、后台线程Background Threads、宏队列Macrotask Queue、微队列Microtask Queue组成。

  • 执行栈就是在主线程执行同步任务的数据结构,函数调用形成了一个由若干帧组成的栈。
  • 后台线程就是浏览器实现对于setTimeoutsetIntervalXMLHttpRequest等等的执行线程。
  • 宏队列,一些异步任务的回调会依次进入宏队列,等待后续被调用,包括setTimeoutsetIntervalsetImmediate(Node)requestAnimationFrameUI renderingI/O等操作。
  • 微队列,另一些异步任务的回调会依次进入微队列,等待后续调用,包括Promiseprocess.nextTick(Node)Object.observeMutationObserver等操作。


  • 首先将执行栈中代码同步执行,将这些代码中异步任务加入后台线程中。

  • 执行栈中的同步代码执行完毕后,执行栈清空,并开始扫描微队列。

  • 取出微队列队首任务,放入执行栈中执行,此时微队列是进行了出队操作。

  • 当执行栈执行完成后,继续出队微队列任务并执行,直到微队列任务全部执行完毕。

  • 最后一个微队列任务出队并进入执行栈后微队列中任务为空,当执行栈任务完成后,开始扫面微队列为空,继续扫描宏队列任务,宏队列出队,放入执行栈中执行,执行完毕后继续扫描微队列为空则扫描宏队列,出队执行。

  • 不断往复...


// Step 1 console.log(1); // Step 2 setTimeout(() => { console.log(2); Promise.resolve().then(() => { console.log(3); }); }, 0); // Step 3 new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log(4); resolve(); }).then(() => { console.log(5); }) // Step 4 setTimeout(() => { console.log(6); }, 0); // Step 5 console.log(7); // Step N // ... // Result /* 1 4 7 5 2 3 6 */
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Step 1
// 执行栈 console // 微队列 [] // 宏队列 [] console.log(1); // 1
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Step 2
// 执行栈 setTimeout // 微队列 [] // 宏队列 [setTimeout1] setTimeout(() => { console.log(2); Promise.resolve().then(() => { console.log(3); }); }, 0);
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Step 3
// 执行栈 Promise // 微队列 [then1] // 宏队列 [setTimeout1] new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log(4); // 4 // Promise是个函数对象,此处是同步执行的 // 执行栈 Promise console resolve(); }).then(() => { console.log(5); })
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Step 4
// 执行栈 setTimeout // 微队列 [then1] // 宏队列 [setTimeout1 setTimeout2] setTimeout(() => { console.log(6); }, 0);
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Step 5
// 执行栈 console // 微队列 [then1] // 宏队列 [setTimeout1 setTimeout2] console.log(7); // 7
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Step 6
// 执行栈 then1 // 微队列 [] // 宏队列 [setTimeout1 setTimeout2] console.log(5); // 5
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Step 7
// 执行栈 setTimeout1 // 微队列 [then2] // 宏队列 [setTimeout2] console.log(2); // 2 Promise.resolve().then(() => { console.log(3); });
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Step 8
// 执行栈 then2 // 微队列 [] // 宏队列 [setTimeout2] console.log(3); // 3
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Step 9
// 执行栈 setTimeout2 // 微队列 [] // 宏队列 [] console.log(6); // 6
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在了解异步任务的执行队列后,回到中$nextTick方法,当用户数据更新时,Vue将会维护一个缓冲队列,对于所有的更新数据将要进行的组件渲染与DOM操作进行一定的策略处理后加入缓冲队列,然后便会在$nextTick方法的执行队列中加入一个flushSchedulerQueue方法(这个方法将会触发在缓冲队列的所有回调的执行),然后将$nextTick方法的回调加入$nextTick方法中维护的执行队列,在异步挂载的执行队列触发时就会首先会首先执行flushSchedulerQueue方法来处理DOM渲染的任务,然后再去执行$nextTick方法构建的任务,这样就可以实现在$nextTick方法中取得已渲染完成的DOM结构。在测试的过程中发现了一个很有意思的现象,在上述例子中的加入两个按钮,在点击updateMsg按钮的结果是3 2 1,点击updateMsgTest按钮的运行结果是2 3 1

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/** * Defer a task to execute it asynchronously. */ var nextTick = (function () { // 闭包 内部变量 var callbacks = []; // 执行队列 var pending = false; // 标识,用以判断在某个事件循环中是否为第一次加入,第一次加入的时候才触发异步执行的队列挂载 var timerFunc; // 以何种方法执行挂载异步执行队列,这里假设Promise是完全支持的 function nextTickHandler () { // 异步挂载的执行任务,触发时就已经正式准备开始执行异步任务了 pending = false; // 标识置false var copies = callbacks.slice(0); // 创建副本 callbacks.length = 0; // 执行队列置空 for (var i = 0; i < copies.length; i++) { copies[i](); // 执行 } } // the nextTick behavior leverages the microtask queue, which can be accessed // via either native Promise.then or MutationObserver. // MutationObserver has wider support, however it is seriously bugged in // UIWebView in iOS >= 9.3.3 when triggered in touch event handlers. It // completely stops working after triggering a few times... so, if native // Promise is available, we will use it: /* istanbul ignore if */ if (typeof Promise !== 'undefined' && isNative(Promise)) { var p = Promise.resolve(); var logError = function (err) { console.error(err); }; timerFunc = function () { p.then(nextTickHandler).catch(logError); // 挂载异步任务队列 // in problematic UIWebViews, Promise.then doesn't completely break, but // it can get stuck in a weird state where callbacks are pushed into the // microtask queue but the queue isn't being flushed, until the browser // needs to do some other work, e.g. handle a timer. Therefore we can // "force" the microtask queue to be flushed by adding an empty timer. if (isIOS) { setTimeout(noop); } }; } else if (typeof MutationObserver !== 'undefined' && ( isNative(MutationObserver) || // PhantomJS and iOS 7.x MutationObserver.toString() === '[object MutationObserverConstructor]' )) { // use MutationObserver where native Promise is not available, // e.g. PhantomJS IE11, iOS7, Android 4.4 var counter = 1; var observer = new MutationObserver(nextTickHandler); var textNode = document.createTextNode(String(counter)); observer.observe(textNode, { characterData: true }); timerFunc = function () { counter = (counter + 1) % 2; = String(counter); }; } else { // fallback to setTimeout /* istanbul ignore next */ timerFunc = function () { setTimeout(nextTickHandler, 0); }; } return function queueNextTick (cb, ctx) { // nextTick方法真正导出的方法 var _resolve; callbacks.push(function () { // 添加到执行队列中 并加入异常处理 if (cb) { try {; } catch (e) { handleError(e, ctx, 'nextTick'); } } else if (_resolve) { _resolve(ctx); } }); //判断在当前事件循环中是否为第一次加入,若是第一次加入则置标识为true并执行timerFunc函数用以挂载执行队列到Promise // 这个标识在执行队列中的任务将要执行时便置为false并创建执行队列的副本去运行执行队列中的任务,参见nextTickHandler函数的实现 // 在当前事件循环中置标识true并挂载,然后再次调用nextTick方法时只是将任务加入到执行队列中,直到挂载的异步任务触发,便置标识为false然后执行任务,再次调用nextTick方法时就是同样的执行方式然后不断如此往复 if (!pending) { pending = true; timerFunc(); } if (!cb && typeof Promise !== 'undefined') { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { _resolve = resolve; }) } } })();
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首先对有数据更新的updateMsg按钮触发的方法进行debug,断点设置在Vue.js715行,版本为2.4.2,在查看调用栈以及传入的参数时可以观察到第一次执行$nextTick方法的其实是由于数据更新而调用的nextTick(flushSchedulerQueue);语句,也就是说在执行this.msg = "Update";的时候就已经触发了第一次的$nextTick方法,此时在$nextTick方法中的任务队列会首先将flushSchedulerQueue方法加入队列并挂载$nextTick方法的执行队列到Promise对象上,然后才是自行自定义的Promise.resolve().then(() => console.log(2))语句的挂载,当执行微任务队列中的任务时,首先会执行第一个挂载到Promise的任务,此时这个任务是运行执行队列,这个队列中有两个方法,首先会运行flushSchedulerQueue方法去触发组件的DOM渲染操作,然后再执行console.log(3),然后执行第二个微队列的任务也就是() => console.log(2),此时微任务队列清空,然后再去宏任务队列执行console.log(1)


简单来说就是谁先挂载Promise对象的问题,在调用$nextTick方法时就会将其闭包内部维护的执行队列挂载到Promise对象,在数据更新时Vue内部首先就会执行$nextTick方法,之后便将执行队列挂载到了Promise对象上,其实在明白JsEvent Loop模型后,将数据更新也看做一个$nextTick方法的调用,并且明白$nextTick方法会一次性执行所有推入的回调,就可以明白其执行顺序的问题了,下面是一个关于$nextTick方法的最小化的DEMO

var nextTick = (function(){ var pending = false; const callback = []; var p = Promise.resolve(); var handler = function(){ pending = true; callback.forEach(fn => fn()); } var timerFunc = function(){ p.then(handler); } return function queueNextTick(fn){ callback.push(() => fn()); if(!pending){ pending = true; timerFunc(); } } })(); (function(){ nextTick(() => console.log("触发DOM渲染队列的方法")); // 注释 / 取消注释 来查看效果 setTimeout(() => console.log(1)) Promise.resolve().then(() => console.log(2)) nextTick(() => { console.log(3) }) })();
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