In JavaScript, a reference data type is a data structure used to organize data and functionality together; it is also often called a class. Values of reference types are objects stored in memory (both in stack memory and heap memory); values of reference types are accessed by reference.
The operating environment of this tutorial: windows7 system, javascript version 1.8.5, Dell G3 computer.
Data type refers to the type of value that can be stored and manipulated in the program. Each programming language has its supported data types. Different data types are used to store different data, such as text and numerical values. , images, etc.
Data types in JavaScript can be divided into two types:
Basic data types (value types): String, Number, Boolean (Boolean), Null, Undefined, Symbol;
Reference data types: Object, Array, Function.
In ECMAScript, a reference type is a A data structure used to organize data and functionality together (it is also often called a class).
The value of the reference type is an object stored in memory (saved in both stack memory and heap memory). JavaScript does not allow direct access to locations in memory, so when you operate on an object, you are actually operating on a reference to the object rather than the actual object. Values of reference types are accessed by reference.
There are two ways to create an Object instance. The first is to use the new operator followed by the Object constructor, for example;
var person = new Object(); = "Nicholas"; person.age = 29;
The other way is to use object literal notation. For example:
var person = { name : "Nicholas", age ; 29 }
Note: When defining an object through an object literal, the Object constructor is not actually called.
There are two basic ways to create an array. The first is to use the Array constructor, for example:
var colors = new Array();
The second basic way is to use the array literal representation. An array literal is represented by a pair of square brackets containing array items. Multiple array items are separated by commas, for example:
var colors = ["red","blue","green"];
instanceof operation The operator assumes that there is only one global execution environment. In order to solve this problem, ECMAScript 5 added the Array.isArray() method. The purpose of this method is to ultimately determine whether a value is an array, regardless of the global execution context in which it was created.
Calling the toString() method of an array will return a comma-separated string;
Calling toLocaleString() is the same as toString(), but the string corresponds to the region of the execution environment;
Calling valueOf() What is returned is still an array.
ECMAScript also provides an unshift() method for arrays. As the name suggests, unshift() does the opposite of shift(): it adds any number of items to the front of an array and returns the length of the new array.
By default, the sort() method sorts the array items in ascending order - that is, the smallest value is at the front and the largest value is at the end. To implement sorting, the sort() method uses the toString() conversion method of each array item and then compares the resulting strings to determine how to sort. This sorting method is not optimal in many cases, so the sort() method can receive a comparison function as a parameter to specify which value comes before which value.
The return value of the reverse() and sort() methods is the sorted array
every():对数组中的每一项运行给定函数,如果该函数对每一项都返回 true,则返回 true。
filter():对数组中的每一项运行给定函数,返回该函数会返回 true 的项组成的数组。
some():对数组中的每一项运行给定函数,如果该函数对任一项返回 true,则返回 true。
ECMAScript 5 还新增了两个归并数组的方法:reduce()和 reduceRight()。这两个方法都会迭代数组的所有项,然后构建一个最终返回的值。
使用 reduce()和reduceRight()方法可以执行求数组中所有值之和的操作,比如:
var values = [1,2,3,4,5];
var sum = values.reduce(function(prev, cur, index, array){
return prev + cur;
alert(sum); //15
var now = new Date();
在调用Date构造函数而不传递参数的情况下,新创建的对象自动获得当前日期和时间。 为了可以接受表示日期的字符串参数,ECMAScript提供了两个方法:Date.parse()和Date.UTC()。
function sum (sum1,sum2) { return sum1 + sum2; }
var sum = function(sum1,sum2) { return sum1 +sum2 ; };
这两个方法的用途都是在特定的作用域中调用函数,实际上等于设置函数体内this对象的值。作用实例:1.传递参数 2.扩充函数赖以运行的作用域
new运算符的作用是创建一个对象实例。这个对象可以是用户自定义的,也可以是带构造函数的一些系统自带的对象。如果 new 表达式之后的构造函数返回的不是JavaScript内置的引用对象(Object,String等)new会创建一个匿名对象并返回;如果是内置引用对象或者原始类型就会覆盖匿名对象。(无 return 时其实为 return 原始类型 undefined)
Object 是 JavaScript 中一个重要的对象,其它对象都是基于它的,包括你创建的函数。
确定一个值是哪种基本类型可以使用 typeof操作符,而确定一个值是哪种引用类型可以使用instanceof操作符。
ECMAScript 的Function实际上就是一个功能完整的对象。而function这个关键字是用来创建所有对象的构造函数或者使用关键字来定义普通函数的类和对象,var a=new function(){}实际上是用构造函数的方法创建了一个匿名对象的实例,而并不是系统内置对象Function的实例。所以a instanceof Function返回false,typeof返回"object"。
function a (){ } //undefined typeof a //"function"
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