How to get the data submitted by PHP get method

Release: 2023-03-11 10:16:02
3977 people have browsed it

In PHP, you can use the "$_GET" global variable to obtain the form data submitted using the GET method in the form form. The data structure of the "$_GET" global variable is an associative array. The key of the array is the value of the form element name, and the value of the array is the value of the corresponding form.

How to get the data submitted by PHP get method

The operating environment of this tutorial: windows7 system, PHP7.1 version, DELL G3 computer

$_GET global variable is used to receive the form form For form data submitted using the GET method, the GET method is the default method for the method attribute in the form form. Form data submitted using the GET method is appended to the URL and sent to the server as part of the URL.

During the development process of the program, since the data submitted by the GET method is attached to the URL and sent, information of the type "Parameters passed by the URL user" will be displayed in the address bar of the URL, as follows: Representation:

http://url?name1=value1&name2=value2 ...
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Among them, url is the form response address (such as //, name1 and name2 are the names of the form elements, and value1 and value2 are the values ​​of the form elements. The URL and form elements are separated by "?", and multiple form elements are separated by "&". The format of each form element is "name=value", fixed.

Since different browsers have different restrictions on the length of the URL, when using the GET method to submit data, you must pay attention to the size of the data. If the length of the data exceeds the browser limit, the data will be truncated, resulting in data loss. The URL length restrictions of mainstream browsers are as shown in the following table:

BrowserMaximum length (number of characters)
Internet Explorer2083
Firefox 65536

$_GET The data structure of the global variable is an associative array. The key of the array is the value of the form element name, and the value of the array is the value of the corresponding form. $_GET can not only obtain form data, but also all parameters in the URL can be obtained using $_GET.

Another thing to note is: when using $_POST or $_GET to obtain form data in PHP, it is case-sensitive, so you should be careful not to ignore the case of letters during the development process.

[Example] Use the $_GET global variable to obtain the data transmitted in the form.


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