The logic components of the second generation computers mainly use "transistors". The second generation of computers is a transistor computer. The host uses semiconductor devices such as transistors, uses drums and disks as auxiliary storage, uses algorithmic languages (high-level languages) for programming, and operating systems begin to appear.
The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows 7 system, Dell G3 computer.
The logic components of second-generation computers mainly use "transistors".
The second generation of electronic computers uses electronic computers made of transistors. The survival period of the second generation of foreign electronic computers is approximately 1957-1964. Its software began to use process-oriented programming languages, such as fortran, algol, etc. China's first transistor computer was built in 1967, with an operating speed of 50,000 operations per second.
Features of the second generation computer:
1. Using transistors
Transistors can not only realize the functions of electron tubes, but also have small size, light weight, long life and high efficiency. , less heat, low power consumption and other advantages.
2. The emergence of high-level language central processing units
The second generation of computer language is still a "machine-oriented" language, but it is destined to become a bridge for the evolution of machine language to higher-level languages.
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