This article mainly introduces the attributes, methods and events of the HTML5 Video tag. This article explains
I wrote a video player based on html5 video some time ago. I didn’t understand it from the beginning. , and then be able to write a basically complete custom player. In this process, I gained a comprehensive understanding of the attributes, methods, and events of the video tag. The categories are listed below.
##Copy code
The code is as follows :src :视频的属性 poster:视频封面,没有播放时显示的图片 preload:预加载 autoplay:自动播放 loop:循环播放 controls:浏览器自带的控制条 width:视频宽度 height:视频高度
html Code
Copy code
The code is as follows:<video id="media" src="" controls width="400px" heigt="400px"></video> //audio和video都可以通过JS获取对象,JS通过id获取video和audio的对象
Get video object
Copy code
The code is as follows:Media = document.getElementById("media");
Media methods and properties:
HTMLVideoElement and HTMLAudioElement are both inherited from HTMLMediaElementCopy code
The code is as follows:Media.error; //null:正常 Media.error.code; //1.用户终止 2.网络错误 3.解码错误 4.URL无效 <strong>//网络状态</strong> - Media.currentSrc; //返回当前资源的URL - Media.src = value; //返回或设置当前资源的URL - Media.canPlayType(type); //是否能播放某种格式的资源 - Media.networkState; //0.此元素未初始化 1.正常但没有使用网络 2.正在下载数据 3.没有找到资源 - Media.load(); //重新加载src指定的资源 - Media.buffered; //返回已缓冲区域,TimeRanges - Media.preload; //none:不预载 metadata:预载资源信息 auto:</p> <p><strong>//准备状态</strong> - Media.readyState;//1:HAVE_NOTHING 2:HAVE_METADATA 3.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA 4.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA 5.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA - Media.seeking; //是否正在seeking</p> <p><strong>//回放状态</strong></p> <p>Media.currentTime = value; //当前播放的位置,赋值可改变位置 Media.startTime; //一般为0,如果为流媒体或者不从0开始的资源,则不为0 Media.duration; //当前资源长度 流返回无限 Media.paused; //是否暂停 Media.defaultPlaybackRate = value;//默认的回放速度,可以设置 Media.playbackRate = value;//当前播放速度,设置后马上改变 Media.played; //返回已经播放的区域,TimeRanges,关于此对象见下文 Media.seekable; //返回可以seek的区域 TimeRanges Media.ended; //是否结束 Media.autoPlay; //是否自动播放 Media.loop; //是否循环播放; //播放 Media.pause(); //暂停 <strong>//视频控制</strong></p> <p>Media.controls;//是否有默认控制条 Media.volume = value; //音量 Media.muted = value; //静音 TimeRanges(区域)对象 TimeRanges.length; //区域段数 TimeRanges.start(index) //第index段区域的开始位置 TimeRanges.end(index) //第index段区域的结束位置 <strong>//相关事件</strong></p> <p> var eventTester = function(e){ Media.addEventListener(e,function(){ console.log((new Date()).getTime(),e) },false); } eventTester("loadstart"); //客户端开始请求数据 eventTester("progress"); //客户端正在请求数据 eventTester("suspend"); //延迟下载 eventTester("abort"); //客户端主动终止下载(不是因为错误引起) eventTester("loadstart"); //客户端开始请求数据 eventTester("progress"); //客户端正在请求数据 eventTester("suspend"); //延迟下载 eventTester("abort"); //客户端主动终止下载(不是因为错误引起), eventTester("error"); //请求数据时遇到错误 eventTester("stalled"); //网速失速 eventTester("play"); //play()和autoplay开始播放时触发 eventTester("pause"); //pause()触发 eventTester("loadedmetadata"); //成功获取资源长度 eventTester("loadeddata"); // eventTester("waiting"); //等待数据,并非错误 eventTester("playing"); //开始回放 eventTester("canplay"); //可以播放,但中途可能因为加载而暂停 eventTester("canplaythrough"); //可以播放,歌曲全部加载完毕 eventTester("seeking"); //寻找中 eventTester("seeked"); //寻找完毕 eventTester("timeupdate"); //播放时间改变 eventTester("ended"); //播放结束 eventTester("ratechange"); //播放速率改变 eventTester("durationchange"); //资源长度改变 eventTester("volumechange"); //音量改变
##Related recommendations:
HTML5 video Introduction to the use of video tagsThe above is the detailed content of A summary of the properties, methods and events of the HTML5 Video tag. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!