This time I will bring you knowledge points about vue interviews. Friends who need it can pay attention to learn it. Let's follow the editor to take a look.
[Related recommendations: vue interview questions (2020)]
1.vue introduction
vue is a build user The framework of the interface. It is a lightweight mvv framework. Like Angular, it is the so-called two-way data binding, data-driven and component-based front-end development. It implements responsive data binding and combined view components through a simple API, which is easy to use and compact.
2. Install the vue-devtools plug-in to facilitate debugging vue in chrome. Configure whether vue-devtools is allowed to check the code to facilitate debugging. The production environment is set to false, vue.config.devtools = false;
vue.config.productionTip=false;Prevents starting production messages.
3. Commonly used instructions.
#v-model Two-way data binding, generally used for form elements.
v-for To perform loop operations on arrays or objects, use v-for instead of v-repeat
v-on is used to bind Set time, usage: v-on: time = 'function'
v-show/v-if is used to show or hide elements, v-show is implemented through display, v- if is created after each deletion
4. Events and attributes
v-on:click = "Abbreviation@click=""
$event event object, which includes event-related information, such as event source, time type, offset, etc.
Event bubbling, The native js method relies on event objects, while the vue method does not rely on event objects. @click.stop prevents events from bubbling;
Keyboard events: @keydown.13 or keydown. enter
Event modifier .stop Call event.stopPropagation();
##v-bind is used for attribute binding, usage v-bind :Attribute="" Example v-bind:src="" Abbreviation: src=""
5. Template
##vue.js Using HTML-based template syntax, the data template that binds dom to the vue instance is {{}} used to bind data and display it on the page
two-way binding v- model
Single binding {{}} may cause flickering problems, you can also use v-text v-html
Other instructions v -once data is bound once, v-pre does not mutate, and is displayed directly as it is
6. Filter
is used to filter model data. Processing and filtering of data pairs before display
Syntax: {{data | filter (parameter) |filter (parameter)}}
Built-in filters will be deleted after 2.0. If you use them, you can use third-party libraries such as lodash data-fns, date formatting, accounting.js, currency formatting and customization
7. Send ajax request
Vue itself does not support sending ajax requests. You need to use plug-ins such as vue-resource axios to implement it. It is recommended to use axios axios is a promise-based http request client, used to send requests Basic usage: Note: When axios sends data by default, the data format is request payload, which is not the form data format used by our bed, so the parameters must be passed as key-value objects , which cannot be Pass parameters in the form of json Method of passing parameters: Splice the key-value pairs yourself, use transformrequst to convert the request data before sending the request, or use the qs module to convert axios does not support cross-domain requests, you can use vue-resource to send cross-domain requests. Send a request across domains: this.$http.get(url,[options]); this.$,[options]); 8.vue life cycle The process from creation to destruction of a vue instance becomes life cycle 9. Calculated properties Computed properties are also used to store data. They have these two characteristics: the data can be logically processed and the data in the calculated properties can be monitored. 10.vue instance properties and methods Properties vm.$el vm.$data vm.$options vm.$refs Method vm.$mount() vm.$destroy vm.$nextTick(callback) vm.$set(object,key,vlaue) vm.$delete(object,key) vm. $watch(data,callback) 11, custom directive custom global directive vue.directive (directive id, definition object) 12. Transition (animation) vue provides a variety of different ways to apply the process when inserting updates or a dom. The essence is still using css animation, Basic usage: Use the transition component and place the element to be animated in the modified component Use it together with the third-party animation library animater.css 13. Component Components are one of the most powerful functions of vue. Components can wildly interact with html elements, encapsulate and reuse code, and components are custom element objects. To define the component method, a> first create a component constructor, and then use the component constructor to create the component. b>Create directly To reference the template, the component content is referenced in the template. The data in the component data;function is different from the data stored in the vue instance componect :is="" Component, multiple components use the same hanging point, dynamic switching, keep-alive cache component, avoid re-creation, efficiency comparison High Usage method Data transfer: parent-child component, in A component defines another component inside it, which is called a parent-child component. 子组件只能在付组件中使用,默认情况下,子组件不能访问付组件数据。每个组件的作用域是独立的。 组件间数据的通信:在调用组件时,绑定想要获取的付组件的数据,在子组件内部,使用props选项来生命获取 的数据,接收来自付组件的数据。例子:props:['msg'] props可以是数组,也可以是对象props:{} 允许配置高级设计比如类型判断 数据的校验,设置默认值 props:{messge:String,age:Number,name:{type:String,rquired:true,default:19,validator:function(){}}},对象做数组的默认值, 对象必须使用函数返回。 组件中的数据有三种形式:data props computed 付组件访问子组件数据方式: a.在子组件中使用vm.$emit(事件名,数据) 出发一个自定义事件,事件名自定义 b.付组件在使用子组件的地方监听子组件出发事件,并在付组件中定义方法,用来获取数据 单项数据流: props是单项绑定的,当付组件的属性变化时,将传导给子组件,但是不会反过来,而且不允许子组件直接 修改付组件中的数据 解决方案: a.如果子组件享把他作为局部数据来使用,可以将数据存入另一个变量在操作 b.如果子组件想修改数据并同步付组件,使用.sync 2.3开始支持,或者将付组件数据包装成udixiang, 然后在子组件中修改对象的属性。 非父子组件间通信: 可以通过一个空的vue实例来作为中央事件总线,用他来出发事件或监控事件 var Event = new Vue(); 空对象 Event.$emit(事件名,数据); 发送数据 Event.$on(事件名,data=>{}) 监听接收数据 slot内容分发: 用来获取组件中的元内容,就是组件标签中的内容; 获得指定标签内容可以给标签定义 slot="s1" 获取 14.vue-router 路由 使用vue.js 开发spa 单页面应用,根绝不同url地址,显示不同内容,但实现在统一页面红,称单页面应用。 bower info vue-router cnpm install vue-router -S 知识点:axios.get(url[,options]); 传参方式,url或者params传参,data,[options]);
<transition enter-active-class="animated fadeInLeft" leave-active-class="animated fadeOutRight">
<p v-show="flag">显示内容</p>
<p id="itany">
<!-- 使用router-link组件来定义导航,to属性指定链接url -->
<router-link to="/home">主页</router-link>
<router-link to="/news">新闻</router-link>
<!-- router-view用来显示路由内容 -->
var Home={
var News={
const routes=[
{path:'*',redirect:'/home'} //重定向
const router=new VueRouter({
routes, //简写,相当于routes:routes
// mode:'history', //更改模式
linkActiveClass:'active' //更新活动链接的class类名
new Vue({
router //注入路由