Super detailed tutorial on how to build a blog with Hexo + GitHub Pages

Release: 2017-06-24 14:07:30
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Preface: The blogger is currently a junior and a Web front-end enthusiast. The advantage of blogging is not writing for the sake of writing, but a process of recording thoughts. Don’t think about what it can bring you, but what you gain from it.

I happened to be free recently, so I set up a blog by referring to various tutorials on the Internet. Now record the complete process of building a blog with Hexo + GitHub Pages:

Personal blog address:

About process:
1. Build Node.js environment
2. Build a Git environment
3. GitHub registration and configuration
4. Install and configure Hexo
5. Associate Hexo with GitHub Pages
6. GitHub Pages address resolution to personal domain name
7 . Common operations of Hexo
8. Conclusion

Building a Node.js environment

Why should we build a Node.js environment? - Because the Hexo blog system is written based on Node.js

Node.js is a JavaScript running environment based on the Chrome V8 engine, which can interpret and run JS code in a non-browser environment.

On the Node.js official website: Download the installation package v6.10.3 LTS

Just keep the default settings, click Next, and the installation will be over soon.

Then open the command prompt and enter node -v, npm -v. If the version number appears, it means the Node.js environment is configured successfully and the first step is completed! ! !

Build a Git environment

Why should we build a Git environment? - Because local web pages and articles need to be submitted to GitHub.

Git is a free, open source distributed version control system for agile and efficient handling of any project, small or large.

On Git official website: Download the installation packageGit-2.13.0-64-bit.exe

Right-click on the desktop and openGit Bush Here, enter git --version, if the version number appears, the Git environment configuration is successful, and the second step is completed! ! !

GitHub registration and configuration

GitHub is a code hosting platform. Because it only supports Git as the only version library format for hosting, it is named GitHub.

Github registration:

Super detailed tutorial on how to build a blog with Hexo + GitHub Pages

##Create warehouse: Repository name Use your own user name, warehouse name rules:

Note: yourname must be your username.

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Visit If you can access it normally, then Github configuration is complete.

The relevant environment configuration for setting up the Hexo blog has been completed. Let’s start to explain the related operations of Hexo

Installation and configuration of Hexo

Hexo is a fast, concise and efficient blog The framework uses Markdown (or other rendering engines) to parse articles and generate static web pages with beautiful themes in a few seconds.

Strongly recommend that you spend 20 minutes reading Hexo’s official documentation:

Use npm to install Hexo: Enter

npm install hexo-cli -g
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in the command line and you will see the picture below. You may see a

WARN, but don’t worry, this is not Will affect your normal use.

Check the version of Hexo

hexo version
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Installing Hexo After completion, please execute the following command to initialize Hexo, user name Change it to yours and Hexo will create the required files in the specified folder.

hexo init


npm install
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After the creation is completed, the directory of the specified folder is as follows:

├── .deploy         #需要部署的文件
├── node_modules    #Hexo插件
├── public          #生成的静态网页文件
├── scaffolds       #模板
├── source          #博客正文和其他源文件,404、favicon、CNAME 都应该放在这里
| ├── _drafts       #草稿
| └── _posts        #文章
├── themes          #主题
├── _config.yml     #全局配置文件
└── package.json    #npm 依赖等
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Run the local Hexo service

hexo server
hexo s
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Your website will be at http:/ Start under /localhost:4000. If http://localhost:4000 can be accessed normally, it means that the Hexo local blog has been set up. It is only local and cannot be seen by others. Next, we are going to deploy to Github.

Note 1: When executing hexo server, it prompts that the command cannot be found

Solution: The server is separated after Hexo 3.0 Now, you need to install the server. The installation command is as follows:

sudo npm install hexo-server
npm install hexo -server --save
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Associate Hexo with GitHub Pages

How do we connect the local git project with the remote github? Use SSH keys

Generate SSH keys

Enter your own email address

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
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添加 SSH Key 到 GitHub

打开 C:\Users\bxm09\.ssh\,此文件里面内容为刚才生成的密钥,准确的复制这个文件的内容,粘贴到  的 new SSH key



ssh -T
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The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?


Hi aierui! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
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现在你已经可以通过 SSH 链接到 GitHub 了,还有一些个人信息需要完善的。
Git 会根据用户的名字和邮箱来记录提交。GitHub 也是用这些信息来做权限的处理,输入下面的代码进行个人信息的设置,把名称和邮箱替换成你自己的。

git config --global "bxm0927"
git config --global ""
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配置 Deployment



# Deployment
## Docs:
  type: git
  branch: master
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本地文件提交到 GitHub Pages

// 删除旧的 public 文件
hexo clean

// 生成新的 public 文件
hexo generate
hexo g

// 开始部署
hexo deploye
hexo d
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在浏览器中输入 (用户名改成你的)看到了 Hexo 与 GitHub Pages 已经成功关联了,哇哇哇哇哇哇,开心死你了,不要忘了回来给我点赞哟 ~


npm install hexo-deployer-git --save
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注意2:如果在执行 hexo d 后,出现 error deployer not found:github 的错误(如下),则是因为没有设置好 public key 所致,重新详细设置即可。

Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

注意3:怎么避免 .md 文件被解析?

Hexo原理就是hexo在执行hexo generate时会在本地先把博客生成的一套静态站点放到public文件夹中,在执行hexo deploy时将其复制到.deploy文件夹中。Github的版本库通常建议同时附上README.md说明文件,但是hexo默认情况下会把所有md文件解析成html文件,所以即使你在线生成了 README. md,它也会在你下一次部署时被删去。怎么解决呢?

在执行hexo deploy前把在本地写好的README.md文件复制到.deploy文件夹中,再去执行hexo deploy。

GitHub Pages 地址解析到个人域名

Github Pages 是面向用户、组织和项目开放的公共静态页面搭建托管服 务,站点可以被免费托管在 Github 上,你可以选择使用 Github Pages 默 认提供的域名 或者自定义域名来发布站点。



在 GitHub 仓库的根目录下建立一个 CNAME 的文本文件(注意:没有扩展名),文件里面只能输入一个你的域名,不能加http://
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注意:CNAME 一定是在你 Github 项目的 master 根目录下


  1. 记录类型选择CNAME

  2. 主机记录填www

  3. 解析线路选择默认

  4. 记录值填

  5. TTL值为10分钟

  6. 再添加一个解析,记录类型A

  7. 主机记录填www

  8. 解析线路选择默认

  9. 记录值填你GitHub 的ip地址(在cmd中ping:)

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点击保存,等 1 分钟,访问下你自己的域名,一切就ok了。

域名绑定成功,域名解析成功,因此你在浏览中输入,或 就可以访问到博客了,输入 会重定向到。过程:www 的方式,会先解析成,然后根据 CNAME 再变成 www

注意:CNAME文件在下次 hexo deploy的时候就消失了,需要重新创建,这样就很繁琐

方法一:每次 hexo d 之后,就去 GitHub 仓库根目录新建 CNAME文件

方法二:在 hexo g 之后, hexo d 之前,把CNAME文件复制到 “\public" 目录下面,里面写入你要绑定的域名。

方法三(推荐):将需要上传至github的内容放在source文件夹,例如CNAME、favicon.ico、Super detailed tutorial on how to build a blog with Hexo + GitHub Pagess等,这样在 hexo d 之后就不会被删除了。


$ npm install hexo-generator-cname --save
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- hexo-generator-cname
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注意1:每次生成的 CNAME 都是 怎么解决?

修改 _config.yml

root: /
permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/
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Hexo 的常用操作


hexo new "文章标题"

D:\GitHub\Hexo\test>hexo new "文章标题"
INFO  Created: D:\GitHub\Hexo\test\source\_posts\文章标题.md
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在本地博客文件夹 source\_posts 文件夹下看到我们新建的 markdown 文件。

当然,我们也可以手动添加Markdown文件在source->_deploy文件夹下,其效果同样可以媲美hexo new


hexo clean

hexo g

hexo d
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hexo clean

hexo d -g
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hexo new page folder
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tags: [a, b, c]
  - a
  - b
  - c
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如果在博客文章列表中,不想全文显示,可以增加 <!-- more -->, 后面的内容就不会显示在列表。

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Hexo主题非常,推荐使用 Next 为主题,请阅读 Next 的官方文档(  ),5 分钟快速安装。

再提示一点,大家可以hexo主题修改一步就hexo s看下变化,初次接触对参数不清楚。只有hexo s后在可以在本地浏览到效果,Ctrl+C 停止服务器。


添加 sitemap 和 feed 插件

切换到你本地的 hexo 目 CIA ,在命令行窗口,输入以下命令

npm install hexo-generator-feed -save
npm install hexo-generator-sitemap -save
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修改 _config.yml,增加以下内容

# Extensions
- hexo-generator-feed
- hexo-generator-sitemap
#Feed Atom
  type: atom
  path: atom.xml
  limit: 20
  path: sitemap.xml
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hexo d -g
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配完之后,就可以访问 和 ,发现这两个文件已经成功生成了。

添加 404 页面

GitHub Pages 自定义404页面非常容易,直接在根目录下创建自己的404.html就可以。但是自定义404页面仅对绑定顶级域名的项目才起作用,GitHub默认分配的二级域名是不起作用的,使用hexo server在本机调试也是不起作用的。


推荐使用腾讯公益404  :

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  1. A电脑备份博客内容到github

配置.gitignore文件。进入博客目录文件夹下,找到此文件,用sublime text 打开,在最后增加两行内容/.deploy_git和/public

  1. 初始化仓库。

在博客根目录下,在git bash下依次执行git init和git remote add origin 为远程仓库地址。

  1. 同步到远程仓库。


git add . #添加目录下所有文件

git commit -m "更新说明" #提交并添加更新说明

git push -u origin master #推送更新到远程仓库
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  1. B电脑拉下远程仓库文件


git init

git remote add origin <server>

git fetch --all

git reset --hard origin/master</server>
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  1. 发布博客后同步


git add .

#可以用git master 查看更改内容

git commit -m "更新信息"

git push -u origin master  #以后每次提交可以直接git push
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每次想写博客时,先执行:git pull进行同步更新。发布完文章后同样按照上面的 发布博客后同步 同步到远程仓库。


在 md 文件中写中文内容,发布出来后为乱码,原因是 md 的编码不对,将 md 文件另存为UTF-8编码的文件即可解决问题。


There are many systems for building websites, such as:
- Hexo + GitHub Pages
- Jekyll + GitHub Pages
- WordPress + Server + Domain Name
- DeDeCMS + Server + Domain name
- …

Using Hexo + GitHub Pages to build a website has advantages and disadvantages:
- GitHub Pages does not support database management, so you can only create a blog with static pages, not like other blogs (Like WordPress) Manage your blog content through a database.
- However, GitHub Pages does not require the purchase of a server. It is free of server fees and can also perform load balancing. GitHub Pages has 300M free space.
- Is it really necessary to use a database for a personal blog? the answer is negative. The blog should be static, and comments can be recorded using the third-party NetEase Cloud post. Static blogs are more conducive to search engine spider crawling, and the lightweight feeling is really good.
- With Hexo you can easily write articles in Markdown, which is perfect for my taste. Markdown is really a language developed specifically for programmers. Now I feel like I don’t want to write anything without Markdown. What a rich text editor, what word, it’s too troublesome! And the styles are so ugly! The efficiency is too low!

Recommend several useful online Markdown editors:
- Job Tribe:
- Mark Flying Elephant:

Recommended picture bed:
- Minimalist picture bed + chrome plug-in + Qiniu Space, Qiniu Cloud Storage provides 10G of free space, and 10G of monthly traffic. It is the best way to store external link pictures on your personal blog. Qiniu Cloud Storage also has Various graphics processing functions, thumbnails, and video storage speeds are also impressive.

The above is the detailed content of Super detailed tutorial on how to build a blog with Hexo + GitHub Pages. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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