简介:这又是一款非常棒的纯CSS3按钮动画,这款CSS3按钮的特点是具有3D立体的视觉效果,而且按钮具有弹性,点击按钮的时候很有质感。尤其是在背景的衬托下,按钮更显晶莹剔透,立体感更加强烈。这款按钮的另一个特点是完全用CSS3实现动画效果,并且原理也简单,仅仅是利用了CSS3对checkbox的重新渲染。HTML代码: ...
简介:这又是一款非常棒的纯CSS3按钮动画,这款CSS3按钮的特点是具有3D立体的视觉效果,而且按钮具有弹性,点击按钮的时候很有质感。尤其是在背景的衬托下,按钮更显晶莹剔透,立体感更加强烈。这款按钮的另一个特点是完全用CSS3实现动画效果,并且原理也简单,仅仅是利用了CSS3对checkbox的重新渲染。 在线演示源码下载 HTML代码:
简介:相关文章:Photoshop简单绘制卡通水晶小脚印古人喜玉,并将其作为君子品德的象征,有“言念君子,温其如玉”之说。今天脚本之家就带领大家打造一块晶莹剔透的宝玉。先看一下效果: 使用工具:Photoshop CS3 注:文中所使用快捷方式,均在英文输入
简介:来源:PS联盟 作者:Sener本教程主要是把水泡的晶莹剔透的效果应用到心形图形里面。制作的难度不大,不过需要非常细致,水泡的光感制作需要一定的耐心,完全要用画笔画出来。最终效果 1、新建一个500 * 500像素的文件,背景填充颜色:#721A5B,然后新建一个图层,命名为
Introduction: This tutorial introduces how to make a simple Apple icon. Making icons is not as complicated as realistic styles. We only need to roughly mark the highlights and shadows of the apple, and then use gradient colors to handle the transition.
7. Photoshop to create a crystal clear water drop
##Introduction: This is a basic photoshop tutorial, which mainly introduces how to use photoshop’s layer style to create a crystal clear water drop.
8. Photoshop to create beautiful water drops on green leaves
Photoshop to create an exquisite reflective crystal ball
##Introduction: Although the crystal effect is not complicated, it is not easy to grasp. Especially the characterization of dark parts and highlights needs to be well coordinated so that the crystal clear effect can be portrayed
Photoshop is used to design and produce realistic crystal clear raindrops. EffectIntroduction: This PS tutorial learns how to use photoshop to create a simple water drop effect on green leaves. Mainly used the Liquify tool and layer styles.
The above is the detailed content of 10 recommended articles about Jingying. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!