Web programming language. The reason why Html can show various effects is the function of the browser.
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a text that describes what a web page looks like and what content it contains. How to view the description content (HTML) of the web page: If you use IE browser, right-click on the web page and select "View Source File"
B/S (Browser/ Server): Browser-Server, the client only needs one Browser
C/S (Client/Server): The client must install the corresponding software. For example: QQ, MSN, FoxMail
2. The most basic HTML structure
是HTML5声明, 必须是 HTML 文档的第一行,位于 标签之前。是指示 web 浏览器关于页面使用哪个 HTML 版本进行编写的指令。-->网页标题