Do not check in the database
Do not check in the database
function makeCode($t) { $time = $t.mt_rand(10,99); // 要是觉得不够可以加上线程ID等。 $ce = $time[9]; $xy = array(); $xy[0] = array('A','F','D','X','G','H','K','U','P','Y','W','P'); $xy[1] = array('R','G','H','P','X','D','Y','U','K','F','S','Z'); // ... 不重复的序列即可 $xy[9] = array('S','K','T','U','E','Q','V','G','R','X','C','J'); $rb = ''; for ($i = 12;$i--;) { $rb .= $xy[$ce][$time[$i]]; } return $rb; } makecode(time())
For absolutely unique
please use UUID
For example, if you are using a linux system
<code>echo file_get_contents('/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid'); // 输出: 6c509fc7-328b-4d82-9af8-60c44e7b84b4</code>
After you get a unique string like the one above, you can do whatever you want with it, such as cutting off the length you need.
There are many ways to generate UUID in PHP. The above is just a simple use. I also recommend a class library link
If it is a general recommendation code, it does not need to be complicated unless you have a lot of users. If it is an ordinary company, I think this is enough
<code>echo substr(md5(uniqid(mt_rand(1000, 9999), true)), 20); // 输出:1c7a6db616de </code>
<code>echo bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16)); // 输出: 5a8a80e06ffe44fd0a6931707a26f0cc</code>
Similarly, you can also intercept it freely
Just add a verification code