Supports text watermarks and picture watermarks. Supports random or fixed position of watermark (nine-square grid). Watermark transparency setting (both picture and text watermarks are supported). Set the font, color, and size of text watermark. The background of picture watermark is transparent.
- /**
- * Add watermark class, support transparency setting of text and picture watermarks, and transparent background of watermark pictures.
- * Date: 2011-09-27
- * Author:
- * Usage:
- * $obj = new WaterMask($imgFileName); //Instantiate the object
- * $obj->$waterType = 1 ; //Type: 0 is text watermark, 1 is picture watermark
- * $obj->$transparent = 45; //Watermark transparency
- * $obj->$waterStr = ''; // Watermark text
- * $obj->$fontSize = 16; //Text font size
- * $obj->$fontColor = array(255,0255); //Watermark text color (RGB)
- * $obj-> ;$fontFile = = 'AHGBold.ttf'; //Font file
- * $obj->output(); //The output watermark image file overwrites the input image file
- */
- class WaterMask{
- public $waterType = 1; //Watermark type: 0 is text watermark, 1 is picture watermark
- public $pos = 0; //Watermark position
- public $transparent = 45; //Watermark transparency
- public $waterStr = ''; //Watermark text
- public $fontSize = 16; //Text font size
- public $fontColor = array(255,0,255); // Watermark text color (RGB)
- public $fontFile = 'AHGBold.ttf'; //Font file
- public $waterImg = 'logo.png'; //Watermark image
- private $srcImg = ''; //Need to add Watermarked picture
- private $im = ''; //Picture handle
- private $water_im = ''; //Watermarked picture handle
- private $srcImg_info = ''; //Picture information
- private $waterImg_info = ''; // Watermark image information
- private $str_w = ''; //Watermark text width
- private $str_h = ''; //Watermark text height
- private $x = ''; //Watermark X coordinate
- private $y = ''; //Watermark y coordinate
- function __construct($img) { //Destructor
- $this->srcImg = file_exists($img) ? $img : die('"'.$img.'" The source file is not exist! ');
- }
- private function imginfo() { //Get information about the image that needs to be watermarked and load the image.
- $this->srcImg_info = getimagesize($this->srcImg);
- switch ($this->srcImg_info[2]) {
- case 3:
- $this->im = imagecreatefrompng($this-> ;srcImg);
- break 1;
- case 2:
- $this->im = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->srcImg);
- break 1;
- case 1:
- $this->im = imagecreatefromgif($this ->srcImg);
- break 1;
- default:
- die('The original image ('.$this->srcImg.') is in the wrong format, only supports PNG, JPEG, and GIF.');
- }
- }
- private function waterimginfo() { //Get the information of the watermark image and load the image.
- $this->waterImg_info = getimagesize($this->waterImg);
- switch ($this->waterImg_info[2]) {
- case 3:
- $this->water_im = imagecreatefrompng($this-> ;waterImg);
- break 1;
- case 2:
- $this->water_im = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->waterImg);
- break 1;
- case 1:
- $this->water_im = imagecreatefromgif($this ->waterImg);
- break 1;
- default:
- die('The watermark image ('.$this->srcImg.') is in the wrong format and only supports PNG, JPEG, and GIF.');
- }
- }
- private function waterpos() { //水印位置算法
- switch ($this->pos) {
- case 0: //随机位置
- $this->x = rand(0,$this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0]);
- $this->y = rand(0,$this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1]);
- break 1;
- case 1: //上左
- $this->x = 0;
- $this->y = 0;
- break 1;
- case 2: //上中
- $this->x = ($this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0])/2;
- $this->y = 0;
- break 1;
- case 3: //上右
- $this->x = $this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0];
- $this->y = 0;
- break 1;
- case 4: //中左
- $this->x = 0;
- $this->y = ($this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1])/2;
- break 1;
- case 5: //中中
- $this->x = ($this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0])/2;
- $this->y = ($this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1])/2;
- break 1;
- case 6: //中右
- $this->x = $this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0];
- $this->y = ($this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1])/2;
- break 1;
- case 7: //下左
- $this->x = 0;
- $this->y = $this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1];
- break 1;
- case 8: //下中
- $this->x = ($this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0])/2;
- $this->y = $this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1];
- break 1;
- default: //下右
- $this->x = $this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0];
- $this->y = $this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1];
- break 1;
- }
- }
- private function waterimg() {
- if ($this->srcImg_info[0] <= $this->waterImg_info[0] || $this->srcImg_info[1] <= $this->waterImg_info[1]){
- die('水印比原图大!');
- }
- $this->waterpos();
- $cut = imagecreatetruecolor($this->waterImg_info[0],$this->waterImg_info[1]);
- imagecopy($cut,$this->im,0,0,$this->x,$this->y,$this->waterImg_info[0],$this->waterImg_info[1]);
- $pct = $this->transparent;
- imagecopy($cut,$this->water_im,0,0,0,0,$this->waterImg_info[0],$this->waterImg_info[1]);
- imagecopymerge($this->im,$cut,$this->x,$this->y,0,0,$this->waterImg_info[0],$this->waterImg_info[1],$pct);
- }
- private function waterstr() {
- $rect = imagettfbbox($this->fontSize,0,$this->fontFile,$this->waterStr);
- $w = abs($rect[2]-$rect[6]);
- $h = abs($rect[3]-$rect[7]);
- $fontHeight = $this->fontSize;
- $this->water_im = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
- imagealphablending($this->water_im,false);
- imagesavealpha($this->water_im,true);
- $white_alpha = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->water_im,255,255,255,127);
- imagefill($this->water_im,0,0,$white_alpha);
- $color = imagecolorallocate($this->water_im,$this->fontColor[0],$this->fontColor[1],$this->fontColor[2]);
- imagettftext($this->water_im,$this->fontSize,0,0,$this->fontSize,$color,$this->fontFile,$this->waterStr);
- $this->waterImg_info = array(0=>$w,1=>$h);
- $this->waterimg();
- }
- function output() {
- $this->imginfo();
- if ($this->waterType == 0) {
- $this->waterstr();
- }else {
- $this->waterimginfo();
- $this->waterimg();
- }
- switch ($this->srcImg_info[2]) {
- case 3:
- imagepng($this->im,$this->srcImg);
- break 1;
- case 2:
- imagejpeg($this->im,$this->srcImg);
- break 1;
- case 1:
- imagegif($this->im,$this->srcImg);
- break 1;
- default:
- die('添加水印失败!');
- break;
- }
- imagedestroy($this->im);
- imagedestroy($this->water_im);
- }
- }
- ?>