Provide two methods to export excel
1 The simplest way to export excel
header('Content-Type: application/'); //Set the file type You can also change' to xml (export xml file)
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="Cloud platform user report.xls"'); //Set the name of the exported excel
header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
echo iconv("utf-8", "gbk", "Time t error code t number of occurrences t error code meaning n"); // t is a tab character n is a newline character
foreach ($arr as $key=>$val){ //$arr is the data to be exported
echo iconv("utf-8","gbk",date("Y-m-d",$val["time"])."t".$val["error_code"]."t".$val[ "num"]."t".$val["code_mean"]."n");
2. Use phpexcel to export excel
Go to the Internet to download the phpexcel compressed package and put phpexcel.php and the phpexcel compressed package into your project
require_once ('PHPExcel.php'); //Reference these two files
require_once ('PHPExcel/Writer/Excel2007.php');
//Export excel
$objExcel = new PHPExcel();
$objProps = $objExcel->getProperties();
$objProps->setCreator("Zeal Li");
$objProps->setLastModifiedBy("Zeal Li");
$objProps->setTitle("Office XLS Test Document");
$objProps->setSubject("Office XLS Test Document, Demo");
$objProps->setDescription("Test document, generated by PHPExcel.");
$objProps->setKeywords("office excel PHPExcel");
$objProps = $objExcel->getProperties();
$objProps->setCreator("Zeal Li");
$objProps->setLastModifiedBy("Zeal Li");
$objProps->setTitle("Office XLS Test Document");
$objProps->setSubject("Office XLS Test Document, Demo");
$objProps->setDescription("Test document, generated by PHPExcel.");
$objProps->setKeywords("office excel PHPExcel");
//Set the current sheet index for subsequent content operations.
//Generally, display calls are only needed when using multiple sheets.
//By default, PHPExcel will automatically create the first sheet and set SheetIndex=0
$objActSheet = $objExcel->getActiveSheet();
//Online games
//Set the name of the current active sheet
$objActSheet->setTitle('Online Games');
$objActSheet->setCellValue('A1','Game Name'); //The first row of data in the first sheet in the generated excel
$objActSheet->setCellValue('B1','Specific domain name');
$objActSheet->setCellValue('C1','Server Description');
$objActSheet->setCellValue('D1','Line Attribute');
$objActSheet->setCellValue('E1','Submitted server IP');
$objActSheet->setCellValue('F1','corresponding to optimized routing entry');
$objActSheet->setCellValue('G1','Keyword Optimization');
$objActSheet->setCellValue('H1','Optimize Line');
$objActSheet->setCellValue('I1','Optimization status');
foreach($result_webgame as $k1=>$v1){ //Traverse the data read from the database
//Website category
//Add a new worksheet
$reource_ready=$objExcel->getSheet(1)->setTitle('Website Class');
$reource_ready->setCellValue('A1','Website Name');
$reource_ready->setCellValue('B1','Specific domain name');
$resource_ready->setCellValue('C1','Line Attribute');
$resource_ready->setCellValue('D1','IP network segment');
$resource_ready->setCellValue('E1','Optimized line');
$resource_ready->setCellValue('F1','Optimization status');
foreach($result_website as $k1=>$v2){
//By analogy, you can export excel containing multiple sheets // provides two methods to export excel 1. The simplest export excel header (Content-Type: application/ excel); //Setting the file type can also change to xml (export xml file)...