Thank you in advance for your encouragement and support. This is the second article. It is also the core thing of this blog system. After writing this blog, I will put it on my blog site. There is also a resume of mine here.
Without further ado, the core concept in the previous article is give action do something!
In this article, I will use code to explain what this concept means. First, look at my post.class.php. This file is our data layer processing class.
Let me briefly introduce this model class. It inherits a database base class to perform common operations such as crud. Each time it is initialized, a database object $db will be initialized. We use this object to operate our data.
There are two important methods for data operations: storePostFormValues() and storeDiaryFormValues(). These two methods are the beginning of the data flow.
There are two other interesting methods, addChildNumber( ) and reduceChildNumber( ), which are responsible for a black-box operation when inserting or deleting documents. Because my document can be classified into multiple categories, one issue I need to consider when operating the document is that there is a field in the category table that records the number of documents under this category. So the values of these numbers need to be changed dynamically.
Next, with the post.php controller, we can start the process of our data (my controller is not yet a class, so the API document cannot be generated. Because this is not a real MVC architecture.) So before MVC, this is also It will be more conducive to understand what MVC is, and how you can apply it and write your own MVC.
The following situations are all assumptions:
$action = "Give me a girlfriend from the sky!"; Let's pass in this controller and see what happens.
require_once( "config/config.php" );
session_start( );
$action = isset( $_GET['action'] ) ? $_GET['action'] : "";
$username = isset( $_SESSION['username'] ) ? $_SESSION['username'] : "";
if( !$username )
header("Location: index.php?action=login");
Here we have an important flow control statement switch, which means switch; so when the above $action = "Give me a girlfriend from the sky!"; when switch is passed in, there are only two possibilities, one is On, one is off. There is a bit of a pun here, and some students may see it. hey-hey!
Closer to home: look at how our switch turns these $actions on and off. It’s obvious that I won’t get a girlfriend from the sky, because there is no such switch in the controller, so I can only talk about the code.
switch( $action )
case "newPost" :
newPost( );
case "delete" :
delete( ) ;
case "updatePost":
updatePost( );
case "IsDraft":
listDraft( );
case "logout" :
Logout( );
case "isPost":
listPost( );
case "diffentCategoryPost":
diffentCategoryPost( );
case "unCategory":
unCategory( );
listPost( );
Each switch should define a default switch, so that when we don't have a girlfriend, we can ensure that we still have gay friends.
How to pass in action?
Let’s look at such a URL, which is the navigation of our background framework. Post.php?action=isPost This is a standard action. Each of our URLs is actually composed of these actions. You can also add other parameters to it. in our url, so that we can GET (get the values of these variables) in the methods defined in the controller, and then we can have more control.
Okay, when this url reaches our controller, we receive the judgment and then turn on an isPost switch so that we can call the following methods. Think about turning on and off lights and computers. Switches are what we often do. .
Here we just changed the place.
OK. Let’s look at the following method for this switch.
function listPost( )
$results = array( );
$results['pageTitle'] = "Post List" ;
$results['path'] = "Essay";
// set the message
If ( isset( $_GET['error'] ) )
If ( $_GET['error'] == "InsertedFailed" ) $results['errorMessage'] = "Failed to add document";
If ( $_GET['error'] == "postDeleteFailed" ) $results['errorMessage'] = "Document deletion failed";
If ( isset( $_GET['status'] ) )
If ( $_GET['status'] == "changesSaved" ) $results['statusMessage'] = "The document is saved!";
If ( $_GET['status'] == "Deleted" ) $results['statusMessage'] = "The document has been deleted!";
If ( $_GET['status'] == "Inserted" ) $results['statusMessage'] = "You added a new document!";
If ( $_GET['status'] == "SaveToDraft" ) $results['statusMessage'] = "The document was saved to the draft box!";
// Browse documents by category
$db = MySQL::getInstance( );
$pagination = new Pagination;
$cat = new Category;
$results['categories'] = $cat->getCategoryList("post");
$pagination->countSQL = "select * from post where type = 'post' " ;
$db->Query( $pagination->countSQL );
$pagination->totalRecords = $db->RowCount( );
$records = $db->HasRecords( $pagination->rebuiltSQL( ) );
if( $records )
$results['posts'] = $db->QueryArray( $pagination->rebuiltSQL( ) );
require_once(TEMPLATE_PATH . "/post/post_list.php");
require_once(TEMPLATE_PATH . "/post/post_list.php");
我们定义了一个数组,$results = array( ); 这个数组的作用明显,它将保存我们从 model 中获取的任何数据,也可以保存从url上 GET 的特殊参数。然后将在我们下面require_once(*****) 包含的模版中显示出来, 路径定义在了 path 变量中。
error , 表示操作出现错误,任何人都在所难免,包括电脑,谁都会犯错,关键是去承认,电脑做的很好,他们勇于承认错误。
status; 表示状态,就是成功的操作。
$pagination = new Pagination;
这个类是我们的分页类,我们传入一个 总的数量给它,然后它自己会算出总页数,每跳转一个页面,相当于刷新了一次,所以大家的做法就是,在构造器里 GET(获取)url上的page 的值,
让我们知道是当前那一页了。同时我们重新生成了查询的语句,后面加上一条限制的语句,类似 limit $start(起始的id), $offset(长度); 原理就是从这个id起,往后给我10 条记录;
我的设定就是 10 条,你也可以更灵活。
$cat = new Category;
这个类后面会详细说,也是非常重要的分类model。这里我们就是简单获取 这个类型下的所有分类,显示在侧边栏,我已经完成了。有图有真相!
这样 我们的 $results 数组中就储存了我们页面所需的所有数据。 好的,来看看我们的模版,是怎么输出的。
View Code
13 14 Arist's Blog 15 16 17 Hinging there, everything will be fine. 18 19 |
23 24 |
26 33 36 |
40 45 46 分类 47 48 49
50 51 52 53 54 if( isset( $results['categories'] ) && ! empty( $results['categories'] ) ){ 55 foreach( $results['categories'] as $category ){ 56 echo 57 58 EOB; 59 } 60 } 61 ?> 62 63 64 |
66 67 68 69 70 if( isset( $results['statusMessage'] )){echo $results['statusMessage'];} 71 if( isset( $results['errorMessage'] )){echo $results['errorMessage'];} 72 ?> 73 74 75 76 文章(主要用于转载,发布原创博文要通过“随笔”) 77 78 79 80 if( isset( $results['posts'] )){ 81 echo 82
126 if( isset( $pagination) ){$pagination->createLinks( ) ;} 127 } else { 128 echo "当前无内容!"; 129 } 130 131 ?> 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 |
154 155 © Arist 156 157 158 159 |
We call storePostFormValues( ) and storeDiaryFormValues( ) in the post model; remember, this method puts all the form contents into an array. After doing basic type checking,
This is already half the battle. Below is insert***(). This is the benefit of mysql's universal database operation class, which can help you handle various forms and types. Of course, if you have more detailed requirements, you can inherit it and extend it
its method, or a new method. There is still one step to complete here, addChildNumber(). When you select a category for your document, you also add 1 to the count_child_number in the corresponding category table.
If the user chooses to put the document into the draft box, just insert a document record with type = PostDraft.
First look at this command post.php?action=updatePost&postID=132
To update, you must first obtain the data of this document, postID, which is also obtained by the GET method. This way we can initialize the value in the form. isset() plays a key role here, doesn't it?
The following parts are similar, storePostFormValues(), storeDiaryFormValues(); and then you call post model update***().
Look at the code:
View Code
function updatePost( )
$results['action'] = "updatePost";
$results['pageTitle'] = "Edit post";
$post = new Post;
$cat = new Category;
$results['categories'] = $cat->getCategoryList("post");
If( isset( $_POST['saveChanged'] ))
// do update
$post->storePostFormValues( $_POST );
$post->updatePost( );
header("Location: post.php?action=isPost&status=changesSaved") ;
} else if( isset( $_POST['cancel'] ) )
header("Location: post.php?action=isPost&status=Cancel");
// get the post
$postID = isset( $_GET['postID'] ) ? $_GET['postID'] : " ";
$results['post'] = $post->getPostByID( $postID );
require_once(TEMPLATE_PATH . "/post/post_edit.php");
That's it almost here, we have implemented almost all the basic operations.
A few notes: some of these actions are navigation, some are generated, and most of them are fixed. Use it yourself. The next article talks about classification! Also, after this blog is written, it will be posted on a website
If you want to learn from the source code, I will provide it for download. Thank you for spending so long listening to my chatter. For those who see this sentence, I wish you a happy 6.1 yesterday, hehe.