php(as the current mainstream development language)History of language development
In 1994, Rasmus Lerdorf first designed php(as the current mainstream development language) Programming language.
In June 1995, Rasmus Lerdorf released php( As the current mainstream development language) 1.0 Statement. In April 1996, Rasmus Lerdorf released php
( As the current mainstream development language)Second Edition Statement. Compared with php(as the current mainstream development language) 1 simple tag replacement code, the second version of php(as the current mainstream development language) contains more complex code that can handle A parser for embedded tag languages. In 1997, Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans of Tel Aviv volunteered to rewrite the underlying parsing engine, and many others also voluntarily joined php (as the current mainstream development language) Since then, php
(as the current mainstream development language)has become a real open source project. In June 1998, php(as the current mainstream development language).net released the php
(as the current mainstream development language)3.0 statement. After its release, the number of users really started to skyrocket. On May 22, 2000, php (as the current mainstream development language) 4.0 was released. The development of this version was driven by developers who wanted to make some fundamental changes to the architecture of PHP
(as the current mainstream development language). These changes included the hierarchical abstraction between the language and the web server. ization, and added a thread safety mechanism and a more advanced two-stage parsing and execution tag parsing system. This new parser is still written by Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans, and is named Zend Engine. On July 13, 2004, php (as the current mainstream development language) 5.0 was released. This version uses Zend Engine II as the engine, and adds new features such as php
(as the current mainstream development language)Data Objects (PDO). On July 13, 2004, php (as the current mainstream development language) 5.0 was released. This version uses Zend Engine II as the engine and adds new features such as php
(As the current mainstream development language)Data Objects (PDO).