php(as the current mainstream development language)The development team announced the release of php(as the current mainstream development language) version 4.4.0. This is a focused A bugfixed release, with no new features added to it. It mainly solves a serious memory crash problem caused by php(as the current mainstream development language) related references. If there is a reference error, php(as the current mainstream development language) will create a memory corruption event and can be accessed arbitrarily. The modification of the middle digit of the version number is mainly because this bug fix involves changes to the internal API functions of php(as the current mainstream development language).
A separate release statement is here. Mainly including from php(as the current mainstream development language) 4.3.11 to php(as the current mainstream development language) 4.4.0. For details, please refer to php(as the current mainstream development language) 4 Changelog.